《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》6


"Why the fuck did I agree to this?" Yoongi muttered under his breath before knocking on the door to Namjoon's room. After that scene in the Commons, he was sure the boy would be mad and would out him. But nobody said anything and instead gave him weird looks.

The door opened, showing Namjoon in a loose shirt that consisted of his houses' colors and gray shorts. His hair was styled a little, too, showing his forehead a little bit. He leaned onto the door frame, raising an eyebrow.

"You gonna behave?"

"I'm not a little kid," Yoongi said, rolling his eyes, "of course I'm gonna behave."

Namjoon tsked, shaking his head. "Then why'd you flash the middle finger towards me?"

"Your ass was gonna talk to me in front of the whole school! I wasn't about to do that. Pardon me, but unlike you, I don't like attention being drawn to me. This is why I don't talk to anyone. I don't want to get involved!"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at the boy, who continued to rant.

"I keep my true appearance hidden because that'll bring drama and attention! I don't want that! I don't wanna be popular nor be involved with things, but now that you are threatening to reveal my true self, I'm obligated to bring that attention to myself, aren't I? You only care about what this'll bring you!"

Namjoon snapped. He grabbed the boys arm and yanked him inside. He slammed the door shut and pinned the boy onto the door. He searched his face for any trace of fear, but instead there was hatred and a hint of sadness.

"Of course I only care about what'll bring me! Did you not hear me clearly yesterday? I don't care if you get caught. I have a reputation to uphold, and I won't let some petty speech of yours change me!"


"Petty speech? That was far from a speech and instead me opening up to you. Now, are we going to get this started, or should I leave?" Yoongi asked, raising his voice a little. He was angered. Namjoon gave him one last look before pushing off him. He pulled out his chair and sat down, opening his notebook.

Yoongi flattened his shirt, sparing a glance at Namjoon before looking out the window. It was a clear night, and so the stars shone brightly. Yoongi smiled, walking over to get a better view. The moon was halfway through its phase and the stars around it shone brightly.

Namjoon looked up from his notepad, looking at the other boy in the room. He observed how the boy slowly had a smile grow on his face as he looked outside. Namjoon felt that ball of anger and rage inside of him evaporate, and he felt at ease. The boy's presence was enough for him. He didn't like him or anything, but the fact someone would challenge him and stand up for themselves fascinated him.

Kim Namjoon, a student from a family who had a long line of evilness and doing horrible things. Nobody dared to speak up to him nor try to fight him. Now that somebody exhibited those actions, he was happier. Attracted, you could say.

Yoongi felt Namjoon's gaze piercing his back, so he turned around. The smile from his face vanished. "Are we gonna start? What do you need me to do?"

Namjoon looked away. "Yea, strip off your shirt."

Yoongi stopped before nodding. He had to do this. He agreed. He slipped off his white and green shirt revealing his stomach and back. Namjoon tensed before standing up and walking over. He took Yoongi's waist, to which the smaller boy tensed and hastily pulled away. Yoongi's eyes widened when he realized what he done.


"Sorry... I'm not used to that, do you need me to turn around or something?" Yoongi began to ramble, leaning onto the wall a little bit. Namjoon laughed a little bit.

"Sensitive to touch, eh? What if I need to touch you for these tests?"

"Namjoon, please what do you need me to do?" Yoongi asked, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"Oh calm down. Ugh, turn around and sit on the ground," Namjoon said. Yoongi nodded hurriedly, turning around and sitting on his knees. Namjoon smiled a little bit before kneeling down too, examining the growing wings. He took his hand, hesitant.

"This may hurt, I don't know, just be warned," Namjoon said. He placed his hand down on the scarred area, feeling the pin feathers and the dead skin. Yoongi winced. He had been so focused on other things that he hadn't even noticed the pain. Namjoon pulled away before standing up and grabbing his notepad and a tape measure. He measured the width and length of the wings at the moment. There didn't seem to be any bones for the wing structure at the moment.

"Alright, I'm gonna pull out a feather. Don't yell, cause I don't wanna get caught." Namjoon grabbed a tube which he'd put the feather into. Yoongi knew this was going to hurt. Namjoon looked at the boy, trying to sense if he was nervous or scared, and he was. He was barely shaking. Namjoon became hesitant, but he didn't care. He needed this.

He took one of the feathers pins with his thumb and index finger. Slowly, he wedged it out. Yoongi felt a scream rise up his throat, but he kept it in. Instead, he hit the floor in pain. Tears streamed down his eyes. It seemed as if the pain went on forever.

It didn't, though. The feather was pulled out, followed by a string of what seemed to be black blood. Namjoon's eyes widened, and he took the tube, collecting the blood and feather before closing the tube and taking a towel, cleaning up the rest of mess. Yoongi was on the floor, though the feather wasn't there anymore, he still felt bad.

He shook quickly, eyes closed and tears falling down onto the floor. He didn't want to go through that pain again. He curled into a fetus position.

"Hey, Yoongi, you're free to go now..." Namjoon said, standing up and placing down the tube on his desk. He looked back towards the cowering boy on the floor, watching him shake. Small sobs were heard, and Namjoon felt his heart move.

"Do you need something? Water? Milk? I can sneak to the kitchen. I've done it multiple times," Namjoon said, boasting a little. No response. Namjoon looked away before making the decision to get some milk from the kitchen. He grabbed his sweater and key, quickly leaving the dorm and to the kitchen. Yoongi stayed there, not even comprehending what had just happened.


When Namjoon came back after fifteen minutes, he had a cup of warm milk in his hands. He unlocked his dorm door and placed down the cup and looked at Yoongi, who had seem to fallen asleep. Small sniffles and snores were emitted, too. Namjoon stared at him before opening his closet and taking out an extra pillow and blanket.

"Perhaps you can stay for tonight. I'll just be over here, studying the info I'll get from the feather and blood." Namjoon lifted Yoongi's head and placed it on the pillow, he followed that action with spreading the blanket over the boy. He then headed to his desk and began to observe and study the feather.

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