《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》7


The next morning, Yoongi woke up to a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He didn't open his eyes, too afraid to wake up. He recalled the previous night, having that fight with Namjoon, getting a feather pulled out of his left wing. The rest of it is hazy.

Besides his wing in pain, his back hurt too. He wasn't in a mattress, and instead on a hard floor. He groaned, slowly opening his eyes, despite not wanting to wake up. He looked around, noticing this was not his room.

"Finally awake? Good, here, I had a friend of mine bring you clothes. He was skeptical, but I was able to lie to him about why you were here."


Yoongi's eyes shot open and found the owner of the voice, sitting backwards in his seat, looking at Yoongi.

"Were you watching me the whole time?"

"Does it matter? Hurry up, we have breakfast. You're sitting with me today so we can discuss the little findings I collected last night."

"But- the school-"

"Yoongi, I don't care. We won't have time to talk again until tonight."

Yoongi looked away. Only then did he notice he was still shirtless. He found a pile of his clothes sitting next to him, so he slid them on. He grabbed his key and wand, standing up. He needed a brush, because he knew his hair was a mess.

"Do you have a brush?"

Namjoon smirked, grabbing a brush off his desk and standing up to give it to him. Yoongi smiled a little, reaching out to take it. Right as he was about to grab it, Namjoon's hand shot up into the air. Yoongi groaned, trying to jump and grab the brush, but was too short.

Of course, this was expected of Namjoon. He was in Crowseen, after all. Namjoon put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, forcing him to stand down. He moved his hand down and brushed Yoongi's hair himself, humming quietly.




"...Never mind," Yoongi mumbled, looking away. Namjoon began to hum again before smiling to himself. He set the brush down and grabbed his wand, bag, and key, leaving the dorm. Yoongi followed. Considering how long they spoke, Yoongi maybe would have enough time to get to his dorm and grab his bag for class.

They walked around the halls before entering the Commons. Of course, it was weird to see the two "enemies" walking side by side. Yoongi was pulled away, to which Namjoon paused his step, looking at the scene in front of him in amusement.

"Yoongi! Why are you walking by him?!" Hoseok seethed, pointing towards Namjoon. Yoongi looked at his friends.

"Hobi, that project, remember? Listen, I need to go-"

"You're shutting your friends out for him?"

"Yoongi! Are you coming or not?" Namjoon called, smiling a little. Those in the Commons watched. Yoongi shook Hoseok's grasp off him, whispering a small goodbye and following after Namjoon. Namjoon smiled in satisfaction. Perhaps he could add on a side objective? Break Yoongi away from his friends?

They reached a secluded table, taking their plates of breakfast. Yoongi felt bad for leaving his friend, but it had to be done. Students stared at the pair in confusion.

"What are they doing together?"

"Some kind of project, Yoongi said. What project?"


Yoongi zoned the comments out, beginning to eat his food. He couldn't let anyone know that he slept in Namjoon's dorm that night either along with the tests they were conducting. The two were quiet for awhile.

"So, Yoongi, have you ever noticed your blood was black? Or like a real deep red?"

"No, I haven't..."

"Well, it is. The feathers are also black, and there doesn't seem to be any bone structure forming just yet. But when it does, I'll need to know," Namjoon said, turning his gaze towards Yoongi, "does anyone else know?"


"The nurse and headmaster," Yoongi whispered quietly.

"Makes sense. Listen, whenever you land yourself in the medical wing because of the structure coming in, call me," Namjoon said. He took a piece of paper out of his bag, writing down his number and sliding it to Yoongi. He accepted it, tucking it into his pocket.


"Research, obviously. I wanna study the bone marrow and other things," Namjoon said, "I'll have the equipment by then."

"Alright. Listen, I need to run back to my dorm. Is that all?"

"About it. See you tonight?"

"Most likely, bye," Yoongi said quietly. He waved a little before standing up and rushing out of the Commons. Namjoon watched him leave with a smile. He was a little pleased.

While Yoongi slept last night, he had taken pictures of him, just for future reference. He was so calm and precious, despite just being in pain. While Namjoon examined the blood sample, he noticed that he'd need modern-school lab equipment to see the DNA and other things.

He smiled to himself, feeling happy and satisfied from him what he had accomplished.


Yoongi sat in his dorm. It was a few minutes before dinner. He looked at himself in the mirror. His red eyes were brighter than normal. He'd need to request for stronger contacts tomorrow after class. He tried to see his wings, but was unsuccessful. He sighed, sliding his sweater back on and put his contacts back in.

He decided he wouldn't go to dinner. None of his friends nor classmates would be happy to see him, most likely. None of them even tried to speak to him earlier, either. He sighed, looking out the window. The sun was setting, illuminating the sky in purple, orange, and yellow.

Time passed, which seemed like minutes to Yoongi. He didn't do anything. Course, he had his phone or he could study, but he chose not to. He closed his eyes.

A knock sounded on his door. He opened his eyes and went to open it. Hoseok stood there, plate of food in his hand. Yoongi looked at him in confusion.

"Oh! Hey, Yoongi. You weren't at dinner, I thought you'd like something to eat. Sorry for my actions this morning, I should've known better."

"Hobi-ah, calm down. It's okay, I appreciate it. Thanks for dinner, too, do you wanna come inside?"

Hoseok smiled, nodding a little, handing the plate to Yoongi before shoving himself into the dorm. Yoongi laughed lightly, watching the boy jump onto the bed and sigh out in relief. Yoongi set the plate of food down on his desk and began to eat. Hoseok watched him with interest.

"Sorry for not speaking to you today earlier, I was still mad," Hoseok said. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Stop apologizing. Come on now, open up," Yoongi took a piece of his food and fed it to Hoseok. "This'll shut you up."

Hoseok's eyes went wide and he quickly chewed and swallowed before standing up and walking over, sitting on the desk. He raised his hand and slapped Yoongi. Yoongi was caught off-guard. He looked at Hoseok, who just then realized what he did.

"Yoongi, sorry sorry!" Hoseok apologized. Yoongi looked at him sternly. He set down his utensils and stood up, being eye level with Hoseok. He put both of his hands by the boy's head and leaned in.

"Why'd you do it?"

"Cause you wanted me to shut up," Hoseok whined.

"Yeah, I did, because I cherish silence. I can't bear hearing you apologize for something you never did, it hurts my heart," Yoongi whispered. Hoseok's cheeks bloomed red. He pushed Yoongi away and laughed nervously before smiling.

"I should go before curfew, bye, Yoongi, see you tomorrow!"

Hoseok rushed out the room, slamming the door on accident. Yoongi chuckled. He was happy that his friend wasn't mad at him anymore.

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