《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 18


Marx's eyes softened briefly, before he floated back up next to Jevil. "He's trying to make me feel bad. Manipulative jerk." Jevil smiled and put his hand on Marx's head. "OH, MARX, MARX! DON'T WORRY. WHEN THIS IS DONE, HE'LL SEE HOW MUCH WE'RE DOING FOR HIM, AND WE'LL ALL BE HAPPY! IT'LL BE FUN!" Marx rolled his eyes. "Yeah, IF I choose to stay. I honestly might just want to go home." Jevil smiled. "IT'S YOUR CHOICE. AND I'LL SUPPORT YOU WITH WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE!"

That's what Marx loved about Jevil. He gave him a choice. He wasn't selfish. Dimentio could never. Dimentio was incapable of actually caring for others.

Together, Marx and Jevil made a chaotic duo. They kept throwing things in all directions. It was getting harder for Luigi and Dimentio to dodge.


Luigi and Dimentio were standing back to back, still trying to avoid attacks. "How's your magic? Can you bring Mario back yet??" Luigi asked. Dimentio snapped his fingers and a random shroom shake appeared in his hands. "No. Doesn't look like it." "Why did you get a shroom shake??" "I DON'T KNOW! I TOLD YOU, MY MAGIC ISN'T WORKING. I WAS TRYING TO BRING YOUR BROTHER BACK!!"

Dimentio sighed and tossed the shroom shake to Luigi. "Here. I know L liked these." Luigi looked at it. "What am I supposed to do with this??" "I don't know, DRINK IT??" Luigi handed it back to Dimentio. "I don't need it." Dimentio threw it back again. "Well, consider it a gift. Just drink it like a normal person." Luigi looked around, before taking a step and throwing it at Marx. "Hey, Marx, drink this! It'll help raise your HP!" Dimentio grabbed Luigi's arm just after Luigi threw it. "Why did you do that?? You can't just throw a gift away!" Luigi shrugged. "His HP was lower because you hit him. He needed it more."

The shroom shake bounced off of Marx's head and fell to the ground. He barely even noticed it. Dimentio pointed this out. "See! He doesn't want it." Jevil however, noticed the shroom shake. He skipped over to it and drank it. He seemed to become more energized by it. Dimentio slapped the back of Luigi's head. Jevil's attacks became faster. "Great. Now look what you've done."

Luigi sighed. "....Well, if Seam isn't gonna come and talk Jevil out of this, I'm just gonna have to try again.

Luigi walked forward. "No, you idiot, what are you doing?? You can't get through to him!" Dimentio called. Luigi ignored him and yelled up at them both. "Hey, Jevil! Marx, I have something to say!"

Dimentio looked around. "Luigi.... not everyone can be talked out of things." Luigi ignored him again. "Marx, I know you're hurt and angry. But please, coming here and doing this is not the solution!" Marx looked at Jevil, then back at Luigi. "I don't care about any of this! I'm just here to back my real friend up!" Luigi shook his head. "Maybe, but backing Jevil up this was isn't the answer. Instead you should help him stop this madness! Talk to him!" Luigi turned to look at Jevil. "And you. I know you think you're doing this for Dimentio, but this isn't right. You both have to go home."


"Come on! My brother needs me! Jevil needs you! You have to get us there!" Mario told Seam. Seam just shrugged. "I haven't done magic since I was forced to lock up Jevil. I don't think I can even do anything anymore!"

Mario grabbed Seam's shoulders. "COME ON, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN!"

"I-I'm sorry. I just can't..." Seam argued. Mario pulled him closer so they were face to face. "Listen pal. We don't have time for this. Right now Luigi and Dimentio are fighting him, and I don't care how strong you think Jevil is. Dimentio is not someone you want to fight with. If you don't do this, your friend could die. You don't want that, do you??" Seam quickly shook his head. "No. No, I don't want that." Mario let him go. "Good. Now can you at least try?"

Seam slowly nodded. "Okay. Okay, I can try.

Marx warped himself behind Luigi. "Shut up. Your useless talking isn't going to work!" He was about to attack, when Dimentio ran up and tackled Marx to the ground. "Luigi, watch your back!" Marx tried squirming loose. Dimentio held on tighter. "I'll try to handle Marx!"

Marx warped himself out of Dimentio's grasp and then warped Dimentio to the side. Luigi turned back to Jevil. "Listen to me! You have to go home, Jevil!"

Jevil shook his head. "NO. I CAN'T GO BACK THERE." Luigi nodded. "Yes, you can. Please. Think of Seam. What would have Seam wanted??"

Jevil froze. "H-HOW....YOU DON'T KNOW ME. YOU DON'T KNOW SEAM. SEAM LEFT ME ALONE. HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!" Luigi took another step forward. "Please. You have to go home."


Dimentio picked himself up. Marx threw him about 50 feet away. He saw Marx warp next to Jevil. Luigi was still talking to them, trying to get through to them. "Luigi...you can't talk them out of this." He whispered to himself.

"Jevil, you don't belong here." Luigi said. Jevil's hand tightened around his Devilsknife.


"Please. Jevil, just-"


Jevil threw his devilsknife forward again. It flew through the air, Luigi's eyes went wide as it headed straight for him.

It was thrown to quickly. He couldn't move out of the way in time. He watched as the blade stabbed straight through his stomach.

Jevil's eyes went wide.

He didn't mean to do that.

Marx smiled. "Oh, look at that. He's been impaled."

Jevil looked at Marx with a terrified expression. Marx immediately stopped smiling. Jevil lowered his voice.

"Oh no...I stabbed Dimmy's man in green." Jevil lowered himself to the ground and stepped towards Luigi.

Luigi looked down. The Devilsknife was sticking right through his stomach. He collapsed onto his knees.

"No....I didn't mean...." Jevil started, eyes filled with guilt.

Marx looked at his friend. "....Jevil, don't worry. It's not like Dimentio's gonna care. He doesn't truly care about anyone."

Dimentio froze. Still standing about 50 feet away. Did he just see what he thinks he saw?

"No..." He immediately teleported himself over to Luigi, this time without trouble.

"L-Luigi?" Dimentio asked. He looked at the Devilsknife sticking out of him.

"....no....Jevil, what did you do?" Dimentio turned to face Jevil. "What. Did. You. Do."

Marx had a slightly shocked expression on his face. "Wait, don't tell me you actually care." Dimentio looked down, and snapped his fingers, setting off a small explosion near Marx. Marx moved aside so he didn't get hit, before shutting up.



Dimentio summoned a magic projectile, when Luigi placed his hand on his shoulder.


Dimentio turned back and looked into Luigi's eyes. The projectile disappeared.

Luigi smiled. "I-I've decided. I'm giving you your life back." Dimentio had a confused expression on his masked face. "W-what?" Luigi nodded, then coughed up a little blood.

"Heh, I don't think I have much more time to decided. Seeing you teleport over here to come to my aid, seeing you safe me from Marx's numerous times, seeing you fight your friends and stand by my side, I can't send you back to the Underwhere." Dimentio shook his head. "No, what do you mean. You have time. You're going to be fine!"

He knew that wasn't true.

Luigi slowly lied down so his back was resting on the ground. He winced as the ground pushed the weapon out of his stomach a little, the devilsknife still sticking out of his stomach. "Come on, we both know I won't."

Dimentio stood up and turned around. "Oh, no no no no. I didn't even get to, I couldn't even, I-" He turned back to Luigi and kneeled down. "Luigi, can you tell L something for me?"

Marx had a surprised expression. Dimentio looked generally upset, and he wasn't acting. "....you really do care...."

Luigi winced in pain, before speaking again."Y-yeah. Give me a second."

Hey, Mr. L?

Yes Luigi?

Uhh, so funny thing. We're kinda dying.

....I'm sorry, what??

Uhh, I sorta got impaled.


I'm sorry. Can you please switch places with me. Just for a minute.

Why?? Is the pain to much for you or something?

Well, yes. But no. I want Dimentio to see you one last time.

Luigi, I already told you. I don't want to see him.

Please Mr. L. Do you really never want to see him again? Please, at least say goodbye.

.....fine. But only for a minute.

Yes! Thank you!

Luigi and L quickly swapped places. But his appearance didn't change. Dimentio honestly thought he was still talking to Luigi.

"Can you just tell L that I'm sorry."

Mr. L looked up into Dimentio's eyes. He hasn't seen these eyes in so long. He almost forgot how he felt every time he looked into them. The last time he really saw Dimentio was when Dimentio trapped him in that execution box and blew him up.

L realized that Dimentio still thought he was talking to Luigi. He sighed and looked to the side.

"L wants to know why you did it." Dimentio's eyes softened. He knew what L was referring to. "I...I was getting to attached to him. It was essential to my plan."

"But, it still hurt. He was looking for comfort. He was happy to see you when you showed up, and then you just blew him up! You were his only friend. The only person he actually liked, and you took that and betrayed him."

Dimentio looked down. "I know...."

L sighed. "....I.....I wanted to hide in the back of his mind forever. To never let myself get attached to anyone ever again." Dimentio's eyes went wide. That wasn't Luigi talking. He looked into the man in green's deep blue eyes. "W-what? L??"

Mr. L looked down at the Devilsknife sticking out of Luigi's stomach. "...." Dimentio grabbed Mr. L's hands. "No, no. I can't loose both you and Luigi at the same time!" Mr. L looked back up at Dimentio. He stayed silent.

"L...L I-"

"Did you ever care about me" Mr. L interrupted. Dimentio frowned. "O-of course."

He sighed. "And you still did it...." Dimentio felt tears forming in his eyes. "L, please. Just stay. I'll find a way to make it up to you. Just stay."

Mr. L looked down at the Devilsknife. "...I...I'm going to switch back with Luigi." Dimentio looked into L's eyes, pain filling his own. "Wait, no. L, please. Don't."

"Goodbye Dim."

Luigi, I'm gonna switch us back.

Mr. L? You sound extra sad. Are you okay?

It doesn't matter.

Luigi found himself back in control. He winced in pain. It really hurt. He looked up at Dimentio. There were tears falling down his mask now. Luigi smiled.

"Dimentio. Don't cry for me. You'll be okay!"

Dimentio squeezed his eyes shut and leaned over Luigi. "No. No I won't."

Luigi continued smiling. "Shhh, yes. Yes you will."

Luigi let out a shaky breath. "O-okay, I'm giving you your life back now." Dimentio shook his head. "N-no. I don't deserve it. We can both go to the Underwhere. Together." Luigi sighed as his eyes softened.

"Dimentio, you are worthy of life."

Luigi smiled, then closed his eyes.

His body went limp.

"N-no. Luigi? L??"

Jevil watched, tears in his eyes. Marx, floated closer to Dimentio. "Oh...Dimentio...I'm so sorry."

Jevil looked at his hands, then over at the Devilsknife sticking out of Luigi. "D-DIMMY, I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO."

Dimentio closed his eyes and started sobbing, leaning over Luigi.

"He gave me a second chance. I didn't even deserve one, but he gave one to me."

Jevil collapsed onto his knees and started sobbing as well. "I KILLED HIM! I KILLED DIMMY'S MAN IN GREEN!"

Marx watched as his two friends sobbed. He noticed a tear was falling down his face as well. He quickly shook it away. He didn't want to cry.

Dimentio continued sobbing for a few minutes when an idea formed in his head. Before really stopping to think about it, Dimentio scooped Luigi up in his arms. He wasn't strong enough to carry Luigi on his own, so he used a little his magic to help him support the weight.

Dimentio started walking towards the elevator to the top of Flipside tower. He wanted to float, or teleport, but he decided to carry Luigi. He had no idea why, since using his magic would be so much easier.

Perhaps it was because it felt like it meant more. It would be easy to just use his magic, but if Luigi saw this, he'd probably be happy.

Marx watched Dimentio start walking, Luigi in his arms. Dead. "W-where are you going?" He asked. Dimentio looked down at Luigi. He slowly ripped the Devilsknife out of Luigi's stomach and threw it over to Jevil. The weapon landed at Jevil's feet. Jevil looked down at it. There was red blood on it.

Dimentio stayed silent, and stepped into the elevator. Jevil and Marx watched as the elevator doors shut behind him.

Marx warped them both to the top of the tower. "What's he doing?? Why's he going up here?" Marx asked. Jevil didn't respond, eyes looking glassy. Suddenly, Dimentio stepped out of the elevator and started walking towards one of the Dimensional Doors. He completely ignored Marx and Jevil, tears in his eyes.

Slowly, he opened to door to the Underwhere, and stepped inside, Luigi still in his arms.

"Goodbye Marx. Goodbye Jevil. I'm sorry....for everything."

"No no no, Dimentio does it differently" Mario explained to Seam. Seam sighed. "I don't care how this 'Dimentio' does it! This is how magicians here teleport!" Seam tried concentrating. "Now please, explain the place I need to get us to. I need to have a clear picture in my mind." Mario groaned. "It's called flipside. There's a big tower, a few shops, and a bunch of Dimensional doors at the top of the tower." Seam nodded and squeezed his eyes shut. "Okay. Okay."

He kept trying, but nothing would happen. "Ugh! It's no use! This isn't working!" Seam complained. Mario facepalmed. "You can't just give up. Maybe think of Jevil. Just try teleporting to Jevil, okay? Think of how bad you need to see him. Think of everything that's on the line." Seam shook his hands. "Okay, that's a lot of pressure, strange man I just met. Give me a minute."

......"Ugh, Hurry up! Jevil could be dead by now!" "I'm trying, I'm trying!"

Suddenly, Mario and Seam found themselves at the bottom of Flipside tower. Seam looked down at his hands. "I...I did it."

Mario frantically looked around. "we're back....YOU DID IT, WE'RE BACK!!" He started frantically looking around. "Luigi?? Luigi? Where are you??"

Seam looked around. It was so bright out here. He looked up at the top of the tower. It looked like two figures were standing there.


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