《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 19


Seam's eyes lit up. "That's Jevil up there!" Mario looked up. "I bet Luigi and Dimentio are up there too. Hurry, let's go. Can you teleport us up there as well, or do we need to take the elevator?" Seam was a little tired. "I think it best we take the elevator. I haven't used so much magic in a long long time." Mario nodded, and the two ran for the elevator.

Jevil started sobbing harder. "I KILLED HIM, I KILLED HIM, I KILLED HIM!"

A few laughs started mixing in with his sobs.


Marx tried comforting him. "No. No, no no no, Jevil. You're not. You didn't mean to. It's not your fault." Jevil started laughing hysterically. He picked up his Devilsknife and looked at the blood dripping off the tip. "I'M A MURDERER! A MURDERER!" Jevil turned to Marx. "RUN AWAY, MARX. RUN AWAY BEFORE I KILL YOU TOO. UEE HEE HEE!"

Marx's eyes softened. "Jevil, now calm down. You're not going-" Jevil swung his Devilsknife down, nearly hitting Marx. "I SAID. RUN."

Marx floated backwards. "Jevil?" Jevil's eye began to twitch. "TELL EVERYONE TO GET OUT. DON'T LET ME HURT ANYONE."

Just then, an elevator door opened from behind them. Marx looked over. Jevil followed Marx's gaze and turned around.

Seam and Mario stepped out of the elevator. Seam stopped in his tracks. There he was. He was really here. Seam's good eye was filled with hope. They could go home! They could be together again!

Jevil froze. What? Seam? But how? And why??

He looked at his old friend. Oh, how his appearance had changed. He looked much older, and much more worn out. He was covered in rips and scars. "Jevil..." Seam started.

Mario looked around and interrupted. "Wait....where's Luigi?"

Jevil was snapped out of his mini trance and slowly broke into more hysterical laughter. "LUIGI? THE MAN IN GREEN? I KILLED HIM. I KILLED HIM!"

Mario could see the blood dripping off Jevil's Devilsknife. His eyes went wide. "Y-you what?" Jevil continued laughing. "I KILLED HIM. I KILLED HIM!! BECAUSE I'M A MURDERER!"

Mario looked down at his own hands. "L-Luigi's gone?"

Seam ignored what was going on around him. He couldn't take his eyes off the laughing Jester in front of him. He took a few steps forward. "Jevil..."

Jevil swung his Devilsknife. It hit the rooftop, leaving a large crack. "BACK OFF, SEAM. I DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU!"

Marx teleported himself in front of Jevil. "Now, now, Jevil. Please. Let's just calm down. You didn't mean it." Jevil's left eye began twitching rapidly. "UEE HEE HEE, MARX. MOVE, OR I'LL KILL YOU TOO! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

Mario felt his eyes well up. This couldn't be real. Luigi couldn't really be gone. He took a step back before collapsing to his knees, breaking out in sobs.

Seam stepped even closer. Jevil stepped back, his eyes filled with guilt, shock, and fear. "SEAM, STEP BACK. WHY ARE YOU HERE??"


Seam calmly stepped even closer to Jevil. "Jevil....I've come to join you in your freedom. I'm sorry it took me so long."

Jevil's eyes softened. He lowered his voice. "Seam. Please go...I'm going to hurt you."

Jevil's lip began to quiver. He was truly terrified.

Seam stepped closer, causing Jevil to freak out and swing his Devilsknife. Marx immediately warped over, grabbed Seam, and warped them both to the side so Seam wouldn't get hit.

Jevil had an insane, crazy look in his eyes. "PLEASE, GO." Marx turned around and looked at Jevil. "No! Jevil, I came all this way to back you up. I'm not leaving you here to deal with this alone!" Jevil shook his head. "MARX, PLEASE TAKE SEAM SOMEWHERE SAFE. I DON'T WANT TO KILL EITHER OF YOU!"

Seam shook his head. "Jevil...." Jevil turned so his back was facing them. "SEAM, GO HOME."

"Only if you come with me! Jevil, I came all this way, and I am not going back without you. I am not wasting any more time waiting for nothing. I know what's important now."

Jevil closed his eyes and lowered his head. "I'm scared, Seam."

He then turned and looked over at Mario, who was still sobbing. Jevil's eyes softened.

Dimentio walked all the way to Queen Jades' castle, Luigi in his arms.

Earlier, when he was walking out of the Underwhere, we walked alongside Luigi. Now, he walked alone. It felt almost unbearable. Luigi wasn't talking to him, Luigi wasn't giggling at his stumbling, nothing.

Tears fell off his mask, as memories filled his head. Memories of Luigi carrying him. Memories of Luigi giggling at his trouble walking. Luigi's goofy smile. His oversized heart.

Memories of L. His strong personality. His robots. His laugh. His confidence. His deep blue eyes. His smile....

Dimentio looked down at Luigi's face. He started crying harder.

Even if he did what he was planning on doing, he'd never see that smile again. L didn't smile often, but when he did, it was really a wonder. Such a beautiful smile. It would light up the whole room. It had the power to weaken Dimentio in a way he never knew he could be weakened. Dimentio watched as a tear fell off his mask and onto Luigi's cheek. "I'm sorry. To both of you....but I'm going to fix it."

Why? A voice asked Dimentio. He looked around, until realizing that it was his own voice. The part of him that didn't want to do this. The part of him that betrayed Count Bleck. The part of him that blew up Mr. L. I mean, you got your life back. You got what you wanted. Why are you doing this?

Dimentio sighed. "Because....I can't rob the world of his smile."

Another reason why Dimentio felt like he needed to get rid of him back then. Back when he blew L up. He knew if he spent any more time with Mr. L, he wouldn't be able to go through with his plan. But things were different now.


"Don't worry, L. It'll be okay."

Once he got there, he cleared his throat, getting the Queen's attention.

She turned around. "What? Dimentio? What are you doing here? Luigi gave you your life back. I was hoping that meant I wouldn't have to deal with you for at least another few years."

Dimentio still had tears in his eyes. He blinked them away and tried composing himself.

"Queen Jades, I am offering you the deal of a lifetime. Give Luigi the second chance you gave me. Take my life and give it to him."

Queen Jades had a confused expression on her face. "Umm, what? What are you trying to pull...." Dimentio smiled.

"It's a simple trade, really. The life of the psycho clown who almost ended all worlds for the life of a simple plumber."

Queen Jades looked slightly suspicious of Dimentio. "Oh, how very noble of you, but I can't just switch your lives for no reason. I only allowed you a second chance because Luigi needed your help up there. Because there was an actual problem being posed." Dimentio stepped forward, Luigi still in his arms. "Please. You should have no problem just switching our places. Things could just go back to the way they were before! If he never gave me that second chance, I'd still be down here and he'd still be up there. All I ask is that we switch places. I'm the one that belongs here. Not him."

Queen Jades looked down. It was a rather tempting deal.

Seam looked over at his old pal. He could tell Jevil felt guilty. "Jevil...it's not to late to fix this. Just come back home with me. We can be free. Together." Jevil shook his head. His voice lowered again. "Seam....I am broken way beyond repair."

Jevil looked down at his bloody Devilsknife again. "I'm....broken."

Seam stepped even closer. He grabbed Jevil's hand. "No, you're not."

Jevil started sobbing. He dropped the Devilsknife and brought his free hand to his face. Tears were streaming down. "Seam, I'm broken! Why am I like this. Why can't I be normal? Why couldn't I be like everyone else??"

Seam grabbed Jevil's other hand and looked into his friend's eyes. "Because you're not normal. You're special.... That's why I love you."

Jevil's eyes softened. "B-but you never came for me." Seam smiled. "What do you think I'm doing now?"

Jevil's eyes softened. He looked over at Marx, who was getting teary eyed. Jevil smiled a small, genuine smile, before frowning again. "But I killed Dimentio's friend. An now he's...."

Jevil's eyes went wide. "Wait, DIMENTIO!"

Jevil let go of Seam's hands and ran for the Dimensional Door Dimentio took Luigi through. Seam was slightly shocked. "J-Jevil?? What are you doing??" Jevil waved back. "You said so yourself! It's not to late to fix this!"

Marx flew forward. "No, Jevil, WAIT!" Jevil turned his head for a brief second. "Marx, please don't follow me! I can fix it! Make sure Seam is okay in case I don't come back! Please, it's all I'll ask of you ever again! Just do this one thing for me!"

The door shut, leaving Marx outside. "Jevil? Jevil, what do you mean by, 'In case I don't come back'?? Jevil??" Marx was conflicted. He wanted more than anything to go after Jevil. Both his closest friends had gone through that door....but Jevil specifically asked him not to.

And his voice. That was his old voice. It had been a long long time since he heard that voice.

Seam had his hands outstretched. He looked over at Marx, then down at the Devilsknife Jevil left behind. The knife was still bloody. "Jevil's knife...."

Jevil kept it all this time?

Marx floated closer. Jevil wanted him to stay with Seam, so that's what he was gonna do. "So, you're the magician?" Seam looked up, then nodded. "Yes. And I'm guessing you're one of the 'special someone's?'" Marx chuckled. "Is that what he called us? How cute!"

Seam sat down. "Yes. Jevil was always rather adorable...." Marx nodded. "Yes....but I'm cuter!" Seam smirked. "Maybe to some. Not to me."

Seam looked over at the door. "It's been so long since I've seen Jevil....where do you think he's going?"

Marx shrugged. "He followed Dimentio though that door. I have no idea what's over there. But something tells me it isn't good."

Mario stood up and rubbed his nose, tears in his eyes. "I know what's in there."

Jevil ran faster and faster! "Dimentio! Wait! Don't do it!" Looking around, Jevil could only assume what Dimentio was doing. He appeared to be in the Underwhere, which Dimentio briefly described in one of their many talks. "Dimmy! Come back!"

"Alright. I'm sold. You give him your life. He will be allowed to return to the surface. But you'll stay. Deal?" Jades told Dimentio. Dimentio looked down at Luigi.

"....Deal." Dimentio set Luigi down on the ground, and hugged him tight one last time, a single tear falling down his mask. He didn't want to admit it, but the thought of returning to his cell in the Underwhere terrified him.

But at this moment, that wasn't what terrified him most.

He was most terrified by the fact that even though he's doing this, he'll never be able to see L or Luigi again. He squeezed a little tighter. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

He let go of Luigi. There was a large wound in his stomach from where he had been impaled. Dimentio smiled, knowing that everything would be fixed in a few seconds.

He got up, and slowly walked towards Queen Jades and offered his hand. She took a breath. "Once you shake, there's no going back."

Dimentio nodded.

"I know."

Queen Jades laughed. "I gotta say, this seems very uncharacteristic of you. After all...you spent so long trying to escape. Now that you're finally free, you want to come back?" Dimentio shrugged and smiled. "What can I say. I guess some people surprise you."

Queen Jades nodded, and held out her hand. "Yes...I guess they do."

Just as their hands were about to shake, a small spade went flying at Dimentio's outstretched hand, knocking it aside.

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