《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 20


Mario explained what the Underwhere was to Marx and Seam. Marx quickly turned around. "So, why did Dimentio go in there if he worked so hard to get out?" Seam shrugged and looked at the door. "I don't know, but Jevil went inside after him. They won't get stuck there, will they? Technically they're both criminals, so what if they arrested or something?? I can't loose Jevil already.." Mario shook his head. "I don't know, but I have to know why Dimentio went in there. I feel like the Underwhere is the last place he'd want to be." Marx just shrugged. "He seemed very upset when the man in green was...killed."

Mario looked down. "You don't think he went there to be with Luigi, do you? I mean, he called himself his friend, but I don't think they're actually close. That seems very unlike him." Marx's eyes went wide. "No! What if he wants to stay there?? What if he's throwing his life away?"

Marx lowered himself to the ground. "He can't do that! I know I was mad at him, but it can't just end like that!"

Marx looked down. "I don't want Dimentio to stay down there." Seam looked at the door. "Jevil will bring him back."

He tried having hope, but a part of him was worried. What if Jevil didn't come back? He just got Jevil back, he couldn't lose him already.

Mario started crying again. "Luigi's stuck in there anyway. It doesn't matter. None of this would have happened if I just was here to protect him sooner. I could have taken him on my adventure with me like he asked, but I didn't and it ended up with him getting hurt."

Marx looked down and smirked. "Wow. You sound like a real jerk. Why didn't you take him with you?" Mario glared over at him. "Because I didn't want to put him in DANGER!!" Marx chuckled. "Wow. Well that sure worked out well for you, didn't it."

Dimentio winced in pain. Even though it barely hurt, it was unexpected. He held his hand to his chest and turned around.

Jevil was sprinting straight for him. "DIMMY, DON'T!"


Dimentio's eyes went wide, "Jevil?"

Jevil tackled him to the ground. "Don't do it, Dimmy. Please. Let me find another way to save the man in green."

Jevil hugged Dimentio tightly. His voice was lower, like how it use to be. "Dimentio, I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to be locked up. Please."

Dimentio shook his head. "Jevil, get off of me!" Jevil squeezed tighter. "No!"

"I shouldn't even be alive. I didn't deserve that second chance. Please, just let me do this. Let me bring him back."

Jevil looked over at Luigi, who was lying on the ground.

"Dimmy, I didn't want to kill him. Please. I don't want you to have to be locked away, alone, for all eternity because of what I did."

Queen Jades watched as the two jesters argued. Her heart hurt. She could tell Dimentio had really changed. The fact that he had come down here after he won his freedom, just to give it to Luigi, was proof.

Jevil continued wrestling Dimentio, when he looked up at Queen Jades. "Please Miss. Take me instead! Dimentio deserves to live. I'm the one who took the Man in Green's life. I deserve to pay for it!" Dimentio covered Jevil's mouth. "No! Jevil, you don't belong down here. I do."

Queen Jades stepped forward. "Silence!"

Dimentio and Jevil both froze, and slowly looked up at her. Queen Jades sighed. "Jevil, it was? Dimentio's right. You don't belong here. You aren't from this world. And you..." She looked down at Dimentio, then over at Luigi. Dimentio's eyes began to water again.

"Please, just let him go back. He deserves it more than anyone." Dimentio softly cried.

Queen Jades smiled. "I know what you're feeling, Dimentio." He met her eyes. "W-what?"

Queen Jades nodded. "I would do anything to get Luvbi, my daughter back. Only I can't. It's the one thing I can't do. I can't ever see my loved one again.... but you."

She looked down at Luigi and smiled. It warmed her heart, seeing Dimentio like this. "I can help you." She looked around. "I don't like breaking the rules, and everything must come for a price. But, Luigi wanted you to have a second chance, and I know he wouldn't want you to throw it away so quickly."


Jevil looked up. "What are you saying?? Do you mean Dimmy can stay??"

Queen Jades slowly nodded. Dimentio had a confused expression on his masked face. "B-but, how can you tell I've changed??" Queen Jades smiled. "I can see. There's love in your heart now. It was there earlier, but now you've accepted it."

She took a deep breath. "But, to bring him back, it'll cost you." Dimentio stepped towards her. "Anything. I'll give you anything!"

"I need your magic."

Dimentio quickly responded, without hesitation, "Deal!" This shocked both queen Jades and Jevil. "What? You responded so fast. Did you even hear me?" She asked. Dimentio nodded. "I'll give you my magic. Just bring him back."

Jevil grabbed Dimentio's arm. "But Dimmy, your magic is such a large part of your life. You can't just-" "I don't care. It doesn't matter. I just want him back."

Queen Jades smiled. "I gotta say, this is very noble of you. You have really grown, Dimentio. I can't help but be proud." She waved her hand. Dimentio could feel the magic drain from his body.

But it didn't make him feel weaker. For some reason, he felt stronger.

Stronger, and a little tired. With his Magic also went a large portion of his energy. But still, stronger.

The wound in Luigi's stomach started closing up. Jevil's eyes went wide as he quickly crawled over. "Dimmy, Dimmy look!" Dimentio turned his head and looked over. "L-Luigi?"

He got up and ran over. "Luigi?? Luigi??"

Luigi began to slowly breath. Dimentio's eyes welled up. He turned and looked back at Jades. "Why are you doing this? Why are you being so kind to me? After everything I've done??"

She just smiled. "Heroes are always rewarded for their good behavior. It's easy for them to be good. Villains, are always punished. It's easy for them to be bad. But, when a villain becomes a hero, now that's a difficult thing to do. Dimentio, I never took pleasure in locking you up. I don't like seeing people behind bars. I believe that villains are just misguided souls, and once they find their way, they no longer deserve that punishment."

Dimentio looked at his hands. "B-But I'm not a hero. I've done nothing heroic."

Queen Jades pointed at Luigi. "You came back down here, and offered to give him your life. If that's not heroic, I don't know what is."

She stepped towards him. "Please, Dimentio. Accept this gift. Not all of us get the chance to be reunited with our loved ones."

Luigi coughed and slowly opened his eyes. He saw Jevil leaning over him.

Jevil's eyes went wide. "Dimmy! Dimmy! He's awake!"

Dimentio looked into Queen Jades eyes. "I...I don't know what to say.....Thank you." He ran up and hugged her. "Thank you."

She was a little shocked by the hug. Again, it seemed out of character for him. And, it was highly inappropriate, but she decided to roll with it. She slowly hugged back, then let go. "Okay, now go see him!"

Dimentio nodded, then turned around and ran over to Luigi and Jevil.

"Luigi! You're alive!" Dimentio slid down onto his knees and embraced Luigi in a hug. Luigi had a shocked look on his face. "Dimentio? Jevil???"

Jevil looked down at Luigi. "You're alive! Dimentio! Dimentio, he's alive! Do you see?" Dimentio chuckled. "Yes, Jevil. I see."

Dimentio squeezed Luigi tighter. Luigi moved his hand to his own stomach. The wound was gone. "D-Dimentio? What happened? I thought-" Dimentio smirked. "Come on. You didn't think I was gonna let my best friend die, did you?"

Jevil smiled, when he saw someone standing on the other side of the room. His expression shifted to slightly confused. "Uhh, Dimmy, who's that?"

Dimentio ignored Jevil and continued hugging Luigi. Luigi smiled.

Mr. L! We're okay! Isn't this great?


Mr. L?


Luigi's expression shifted from happy to worried. Dimentio saw this. "Luigi? What's wrong?"

Luigi held his head. "It's Mr. L.....I think he's gone."

Jevil grabbed Dimentio's poncho. "Dimmy, look."

Dimentio followed Jevil's gaze. There was someone standing about 20 feet away. Dimentio's eyes went wide. "It can't be."

Dimentio stood up, and slowly approached the person.

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