《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 21



The person looked down at his hands. He was wearing his normal clothes. A black jumpsuit with two golden buttons, a green bandana, black mask, and his classic hat with the backwards L. His face was identical to Luigi's. He looked up at Dimentio, then stepped back.


He didn't know what to think. Was he happy to be free, or afraid of that freedom. He looked over at Luigi. Was he his own person now? How'd that even happen? And why? No, this was bad. This meant he couldn't just hide in the back of Luigi's mind anymore. He couldn't hide anymore.

Dimentio looked at Queen Jades. "W-what is this?" She smiled. "I am allowing you all to return to the surface, including him, if he chooses."

Dimentio took another step forward and held his hand out. This couldn't be real. "L...I...." He looked at L's eyes.

A beautiful shade of deep blue. They were the same eyes as Luigi's, yet they felt different. They weren't as soft or innocent. They looked stronger, more powerful..... and they had a hint of melancholy in them. That was new. Dimentio knew that he was the reasoning behind the hint of sadness.

Dimentio brought his hands to his masked face. He stopped even trying to control his emotions. He started sobbing into them.

"L, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for everything-"

Mr. L watched as actual tears fell down Dimentio's mask.

Mr. L looked down to the side and clenched his fists. He pushed all the feelings away. "I thought I would never see you again. I wanted to never see you again."

Dimentio continued sobbing into his hands. "L, I'm sorry. I don't expect forgiveness. I don't deserve forgiveness."

Mr. L squeezed his eyes shut. "....It hurt. It still hurts." Mr. L opened his eyes and looked at Dimentio. He let out a small laugh.

"But, every time I look into those mismatched eyes, I still can't find it in me to hate you."

Dimentio looked up from his hands. Mr. L continued, "I hate that about myself. I'm such an idiot. I can't hate you, no matter how hard I try. Even though I know it'll just end up hurting more."

He squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't want it to hurt anymore. I want to stay here. Where it's safe."

Dimentio's eyes went wide. "What? L, no!" He couldn't allow this. He was fine if L was mad at him. Heck, it would be fine if L hated him for the rest of his life, but he could not let L stay down here. "L, please. I know I don't deserve you. Just come back. That would be enough."


Jevil helped Luigi up. Luigi then looked over at Dimentio and Mr. L. "I-I can't believe it. He's his own person, and he want to throw it away??" Jevil shook his head. "No. I refuse." He quickly ran over and tackled L to the ground. "Listen here, other Man in Green! Dimmy here didn't come all the way down here only to leave you behind. He loves you so much that he was willing to exchange his life for yours! He gave up his magic for you! So just return to the surface so you can get married and live happily ever after!"

Dimentio quickly ran over and pried Jevil off of L. "Jevil! What the heck?? Get off of him!!"

Mr. L's eyes went wide as Dimentio pried this random crazy man off of him. "Uhh, who is this? And what?" Dimentio quickly pushed Jevil aside. "No one! He's no one! And he didn't say anything." Jevil teleported himself behind Mr. L. "I'm the one who killed you!" He said almost to happily. This caused L to jump back. "W-what? You're the one who killed us?" Mr. L looked over at Luigi. Luigi nodded.

"Okay, wow. So now I've been killed by a Jester two times. That's great." Jevil beamed, not detecting the sarcasm. "If you think that's great, we could get Marx to kill you! That way you could be killed by THREE jesters!" Mr. L had a confused look on his face. "What? No- you know what, never mind. What did you say?"

Dimentio covered Jevil's mouth. "Nothing! He said nothing!"

".....Dim...can you float for me?" Dimentio looked down. "Uhh...."

Luigi's eyes went wide. "Oh no...Dimentio, don't tell me you...."

Mr. L looked into Dimentio's eyes. "Your magic....Dimentio, you need your magic. Why would you do that?"

Dimentio looked down, before smiling. "I don't need my magic. I just need you alive. So please, L. Just come back. You don't have to talk to me. You don't even have to look at me. Just please come back."

Dimentio still had his hand over Jevil's mouth. "May I speak now?" Jevil asked, his voice muffled by Dimentio's hand. Dimentio slowly let go. Jevil took a breath, before speaking. "Dimmy here has already lost everything. So just quit being stubborn and return to life."

Mr. L looked down. Everyone waited in silence for a moment before he spoke again.


Dimentio's eyes went wide. "Really! Oh, thank you L! Thank you!" Mr. L shook his head. "Don't make me regret it."


The four of them now started back. Dimentio looked back at Queen Jades one last time.

Now, it may have been his eyes playing tricks on him, but he could swear he saw a single tear falling down her face.

She watched as the four left. She just broke a lot of rules. She knew she'd probably get in trouble with Grambi for letting this happen, but she stood by her choice. We can't all get a second chance to be with the ones we love.

Luigi looked back at Dimentio. His steps were faltering a little. "Hey, Dimentio. Come here!" Luigi called. Dimentio slowly walked over, when Luigi lifted him onto his back. "Your jelly legs must be tired from all this walking." Dimentio was shocked for a second, before he smiled. "Thanks Luigi."

Jevil started giggling. "Dimmy, why is the Man in Green carrying you?" Luigi giggled. "Because. It's my obligation as his best friend! Although, now that Mr. L's back, I think the responsibility should technically fall back to him." Mr. L ignored all of them. He walked about six feet behind the group, avoiding all social interaction. Luigi just shrugged. "But, I'm good with carrying him!"

Dimentio smiled and hugged Luigi as he was being carried. He rested his head on Luigi's shoulder. "Thank you. You're the best best friend anyone could ever ask for," Luigi smiled as Dimentio closed his eyes. Jevil cocked his head to the side. "Dimmy? Are you okay?" Dimentio nodded. "Yes. Just...tired."

Luigi smiled and looked forward. He could feel Dimentio's breathing slow as he relaxed and fell asleep on Luigi's back. Mr. L couldn't help but smile at this adorable scene. But he quickly covered it up.

Jevil smiled. "Awwww, Dimmy's so sleepy!" Luigi smiled and nodded. "Now shh, let him sleep. He's probably tired because his magic is no longer there."

Marx, Mario, and Seam waited. Marx was getting impatient. "Ugh! When is he gonna get back??" Marx asked Seam. Seam shrugged.

Marx waited about 20 seconds before asking again.

Then again.

And again.

Seam waited there calmly watching the door. Waiting for it to open again. He got up and almost went in on three different occasions, but always decided against it since he had no idea where anything was in this world. There was no way he could find Jevil, and he was way to exhausted to try to teleport again. The best thing to do was to wait here and hope for Jevil to return.

Mario was basically a sobbing mess the whole time. He was lying down on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest, praying for this to be a dream.

Finally, the door slowly opened. Jevil came running out. Seam quickly stood up. "Jevil! You've returned!"

Oh thank goodness. He was okay.

Jevil beamed. "Seam! Seam!" He quickly ran over and hugged his friend. "I told you I'd fix everything!" Seam smiled. Marx warped over. "JEVIL! Finally! You're back!"

Luigi walked through next, Dimentio sleeping on his back. Marx's eyes went wide. "I-I thought, didn't you die?" Marx's eyes shifted over to Dimentio. He froze.


Marx floated near. "He's-he's not....is he....dead?"

Luigi was about to smile and shake his head when Marx turned around and started rambling. "No no no! He can't be dead!" "What? No, Marx-" "He thinks I hate him. I have to tell him that I don't. He was my first friend. My first best friend. He can't be gone! He was the first person who understood me. Even if he was a manipulative jerk. I-I don't want him gone! How could I let this happen??"

"MARX! He's not dead!"

Mario jerked his head up. He knew that voice. "Luigi??"

Marx blinked tears away. "H-he's not?" Luigi smiled and shook his head. "No. He's just sleepy." Marx let out a sigh of relief. "Oh.... good. Good." Jevil jumped around and hugged Marx. "Aww, I knew you still cared about Dimmy!"

Mario picked himself up. "Luigi??" He quickly looked around, then spotted him and ran to his brother. "LUIGI! YOU'RE HERE!" Luigi's eyes went wide as his brother charged towards him. "M-Mario?"

Mario skid to a stop in front of Luigi. "Y-you're really here!"

Luigi cocked his head to the side. "H-how did you get here Mario? Did Dimentio teleport you back?" Mario shook his head. "No. The other Jester's weird friend did!" Luigi looked over at Seam. "O-oh! So you're Seam?" Seam nodded. "I am Seam." Jevil ran over and grabbed Seam's arm. "He is Seam! Seam, meet the Man in Green and Dimmy!" Seam slowly waved. "Uh, greetings."

Mario looked at Dimentio sleeping peacefully on Luigi's back. "I see you're still carrying him around." Luigi nodded. "Yep! Oh, Mario, you should have been there! He saved me! He gave up his magic so I could live!" Mario's eyes went wide. "Wait, really? DIMENTIO did that?" Luigi nodded. "Yep!"

Mario looked behind Luigi. "Umm, and who is that?"

Mr. L stood in the doorway. He began to feel nervous. "....yeah, this was a bad idea."

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