《The Protected One》S p a n i s h G a r d e n s


Now I could totally get used to this.

Drinking a smoothie in a hot tub in Vegas with my siblings, was definitely it.

"Now this, is luxury." Marco smiles as he sips his drink.

"Definitely the best drink I've ever had at a resort." Chris smiles.

"Yep." I agree with him.

"I can't wait for dinner tonight. I wonder what we are having." Sophia Alice smiles.

I laugh.

"Ugh same. Dinner is going to be so good! I exclaim.

"Is that all you girls think about? Food? Felix asks.

"You haven't stopped talking about hooking up with Vegas girls since the flight. You're one to talk." I remind him.

"That, my dear Frankie is something actually worth talking about." He smiles brightly.

I roll my eyes.

"You're literally disgusting." I tell him.

"Can't argue with you there," he laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"So what's everyone doing tomorrow? Chris asks.

"Well Frankie and I are going to the spa to get a massage and mani pedi's." Sophia Alice says.

"As you queens should." Marco sassed.

"Aww." We smiled at him.

"What about you guys, what are you doing tomorrow?

"Frankie, honey, it's not what am I going to be doing, it's more of who I am going to be doing." Felix smiles proudly.

"Eww! All four of us say at the same time.

"Seriously can you go one conversation without mentioning that type of stuff? Chris asks.

"I could but I simply just don't want to! Felix chuckles.

"May God guide you." I tell him.

"Amen," Sophia Alice, Chris, and Marco say in unison.

We all laugh and take sips of our drinks.

"What are you and Chris going to be doing? I ask Marco.

"We are going mini golfing, then we are going to see if we can hike somewhere." Chris answers.

"Oh that's cool. A bit boring but-"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! Felix interrupts.

"What? What's going on? I ask.

"What the hell is Benjamin Aruba doing here? He asks angrily.

My heart drops.

I look around, and sure enough there he was.

He had on a muscle tee, with shorts and sun glasses.

His brown hair was tossed in a messy way on top of his head, but he still looked absolutely perfect.

His muscles flexed as he lifted them to his forehead to block the hot vegas sun.

"Frankie! Stop checking him out! Felix says splashing me with water.

"What? I'm not checking him out! I defend.

"Yes you were. Now cut it out! He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever," I mutter and look in the other direction.

Although my eyes couldn't help but wander back to Ben.


The feeling of jealousy fills my heart when I see that he's here with another girl, and his dad.

Although that could be sister.

Still, she was gorgeous enough to make me jealous.

"Great is he stalking us now? Marco squints his eyes at them.

"Seems like it. I swear if I see this kid on my own time, he's dead." Felix threatens.

"Guys just forget about him. We're on vacation, we shouldn't let him ruin it." Sophia Alice steps in.

Thank God for Soph.

The boys don't say anything as they turn their attention back to us.

I sit there quietly and move my straw around in my drink.

He got my hint.

He got my hint and he was actually here, with us.

I couldn't help the small smirk that made it's way to my face.

"I think that we should all meet at dinner. When we are done with our activities with each other or by ourselves, we should just have dinner together, just in case we don't get the opportunity to hang out during the day." Sophia Alice proposes.

"That's a good idea." Felix shrugs.

"Yeah not bad." I agree.

"Weird coming from you. I thought you would have used this trip to get far away from us." Marco laughs.

"I don't know, I just think it's a good idea." She says with a small hint of sadness.

I wanted to ask her why she looked so sad.

I decided not to be becuase part of me as well couldn't shake the feeling that something awful was bound to happen.


"Are you all finished? Tomas asks through the door of our suite.

"Yes, all ready! I smile as I open the door fully.

For dinner I decided on a creme dress with an open back, and white sandals.

"You look amazing, Frankie! Tomas smiles brightly at me.

"Thank you, Tomas." I smile at him.

"Now your elder sister. Is she finished our did I come 2 hours too early? He jokes.

"I'm actually ready." She says putting her phone in her bag.

"Wow you look like you're going to a business meeting and not dinner." I tell her.

"Sorry Frankie but I dress to impress no matter where I go."

"Others can't relate." She says in a tone, and gives me the side eye.

I squint my eyes at her.

"I didn't say it in a bad way so why are you snapping at me like that? I ask.

"I didn't snap at you. I responded to your statement." She rolls her eyes, and slides a piece of gum in her mouth.

"Too bad gum can only take care of that stank mouth, wish you had something for that stank attitude though." I tell her and leave the room.


I walk past to see Tomas with a wide eye expression, and in the hallway the boys were already there, looking awkward.

We wait there for about two minutes before someone finally decided to come out of the suite.

We made our way into the elevator, and to say the least, the ride is hella awkward.

"Ha, she said you had a stank mouth." Felix laughs breaking the silence.

Dylan gives him a smack on the back of the head to shut him up.

The doors open up, and we all get out and the door to the restaurant is right head of us.

Marco and Tomas are the first ones to open the door, and everyone else trails behind.

"You okay? A voice asks.

"I'm fine. I just don't know what her problem is." I say.

"Don't think about it too much. She's probably just upset." Xander says.

"Yeah but still she shouldn't take it out on me." I tell him.

"You're right, just take it easy, and stop stressing your face. You look like a brownie." He says.

I laugh.

"A brownie? Really?"

"Yes." He laughs nodding his head.

"Plus we're on vacation, you should be enjoying." Dylan tunes in.

I didn't even realize he was walking with us with how quiet he was being.

"Yeah. You guys are right." I say.

"When are we never? Xander says.

"Well.." I start off.

"Don't actually answer that." He raises his eyebrow at me.

I just laugh in response.

When we stop walking I realize we already at the table for the eight of us.

I take a seat in the middle of Xander and Dylan, and Marco was at the end. Across from us was Chris with Felix and Sophia Alice to his sides, and Tomas at the end.

"So what's everyone getting? Marco speaks up.

"The waiter just literally put the menus down, how are we already suppose to know smart guy? Sophia Alice asks.

"He was just asking. He's allowed to ask." Tomas says.

She just rolls her eyes.

I wonder what this girls problem is.

After scanning the menu for a bit, I decide that I was going to get the Four Cheese gnocchi.

Everyone else either got a steak, some type of pasta, or a foreign dish that I didn't know.

The food arrived and we were all eating our food with light chatter.

That was until someone decided to speak up.

"Jesus Marco can you move your long ass feet! She exclaims.

"What is your problem? Marco asks with an eyebrow raised.

"My problem is the fact that you can't keep your damn legs in one place! She says throwing the napkin in Marco's face.

A gasp come from Chris, Tomas, and my mouth.

"Sophia Alice that's enough! Xander finally speaks.

Everyone turns their attention towards him, and even a few people from other tables turn their attention towards ours.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this in public?

She just shakes her head and scoffs.

"I think you've had enough for the night, go back to your room." Xander says.

"So you're kicking me out of dinner now? She smiles humorlessly.

"Sophia Alice I'm not fucking playing with you, go! Xander dismisses her.

"Fine, I hope you all enjoy stuffing your faces with this bullshit." She says as she leaves the table dramatically.

We, along with a few other people watch her leave the restaurant.

Wow, that's was wild.

"Now who the hell let her wear that crop top that shows her stomach like that? Felix asks.

"She has a jacket on over it, it's fine." Marco says in a low tone.

"Shouldn't someone..." Chris speaks up.

"Just let her cool off." Marco says.

"Chicks be bonkers." Felix says shaking his head.

Everyone then continued to eat their food, and soon after conversation started again.

"So right as I was about to get to the best part..." Felix's story was interrupted by s ding on my phone.

I pulled out my phone to see it was a text from Ben.

Hey. It read.

I smiled and texted him back.

Hi Ben. It's good to know that you got my hint.

How could I not? It was clear as day :)

Well I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad as well. Where are you?

At dinner with my siblings, it's a bit boring now tho.

Would you rather hang with me?

My heart skipped a beat.

Depends, where are you?

Meet me at the hot tub.

Ok I'll try.

See you then, Karol.

I put my phone down and slid it back into my pocket.

"Guys I'm a bit tired do you guys mind if I go up? I ask.

"What about dessert you don't want any? Chris asks.

"Can you guys keep some for me?" I ask.

"Sure no problem." Chris smiles.

I give a smile back.

"Thank you. Goodnight everyone." I say getting up.

They all return my goodbyes, and I exit the restaurant.

Instead of going up like I was suppose to, I went left to the door in which was leading to the pools, and the hot tub.

Sure enough, there he was, shirtless and waiting for me,

Ben Aruba.

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