《The Protected One》O n L o c k


My legs felt as if they were going to give out from under me, and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

Despite these feelings, I kissed him back.

One of his hands finds a way to my hip to pull me closer, while the other cups my cheek.

I tangle my hand in his hair as our lips move together in sync.

After what feels like forever but no time at all, he pulls away.

We just stand there gazing into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry. I should've asked your permission to kiss you." He says after a while.

I let out a small laugh.

"It's okay."

He sighs and takes a seat on my bed.

I follow his actions and sit besides him.

He again, let's out another sigh and buries his head in his hands.

"Ben? What's going on."

"It's nothing Im just stressed that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it? I ask him.

He shakes his head no.

"The whole reason I came here was to forget about it." He explains.

"Okay, that's fine." I nod my head in understanding.

"Do you maybe want to leave? I suggest.

He again shakes his head no.

"I'm fine here. As long as I'm with you." He says.


It was the annoying sound of Marco's voice that woke me up early the next morning.

"Xander wants us all downstairs. And go wake your sister up." He says.

I roll my eyes.

"You could go wake her up yourself." I tell him.

"Ew, no way." He says, walking away.

I sigh and lazily get out of bed to go to Sophia Alice's room.

There she was, on her phone.

"Xander needs us all downstairs." I tell her.

She just gets out of bed effortlessly and if she's been up for hours.

I chuckled to myself.

She probably has.

As we make our way down the stairs, everyone was already there.

This must be serious if everyone is already downstairs.

We take a seat next to each other as Xander begins to speak.

"So as you all know, Spring break is coming up in 2 weeks. Every year for the past 2 years we take our annual spring break trip. Time to reveal this year's destination."


A huge smile makes its way to my face.

With everything going on, I've forgotten about our annual spring break trip.

Every year during spring break we go somewhere outside of Florida and we are all allowed one friend.

The very first time we went to Hawaii, last year we went to a ski lodge, and I was very excited to find out what this year's destination would be.

I just hoped we wouldn't be staying here in Florida.

"So we are going to Las Vegas to Spanish Gardens spa and resort." Tomas says.

Sophia Alice and I look at each other and in unison we scream.

Spanish Gardens was the definition of a luxury.

2 weeks in pure luxury would could ever go wrong?

"Oh my god, yes! She starts jumping up and down.

"So when you ladies are ready, we can go to the mall and shop for a few things." Tomas smiles at us.

"Yes I can't wait! I beam.

"Vegas, nice! The chicks in Vegas are hot! Felix and Marco smile at each other.

I roll my eyes.

I already knew Felix is going to make the most of his trip to Vegas.

"Small problem," Marco speaks up.

Everyone looks at him.

"Thanks to miss. Sophia Alice here, I don't know if I can bring my guest. Chris." He complains.

I roll my eyes again.

He's so childish.

"We can talk about that later."Xander says to him.

"If you can't invite Chris why don't you invite Benjamin? I ask I realize that this will be our first trip without Ben as they decided to break off their friendship this year.

Everyone's eyes shoot to me.

"Jesus Frankie how many times do we have to tell you that we don't hang with Benjamin Aruba anymore? Felix asks saying his name like it was poison on his tongue.

"Sorry I forgot." I say acting forgetful.

They all turn their attention back to Xander.

Although I feel a pair of eyes still on me.

I glance around untill my eyes land on a pair of familiar ones that were watching me just the other day.


"Now that that is out of the way, you guys can start getting ready so we can go the mall." Xander says walking off to his office.


Sophia Alice and I walk back upstairs together and I follow her into her room.

She immediately goes for her closet, but doesn't say anything.

It seems like the excitement was still there, but barley.

I knew exactly why.

Seeing her face like that made me angry. I don't think I can go on this trip if the energy is going to be like how it was these past weeks.

I chuckled to myself as I thought of a "2 thing" plan to make this trip lets say..better.

You've gotta knock out the hardest first.

That's why I made my way to Marco's room.

I pushed the door open, and saw him lying on his bed.

I sat at the edge of the bed and pushed his feet down.

"We've gotta talk." I tell him.

He gets a more serious look on his face.

"Everything okay? He asks.

"No." I tell him.

"What's the problem? He asks.

"You." I answer.

A look if confusion spreads across his face.

"Me? He asks.

I nod my head.

"I'm sorry but I can't sit here and watch as you, and Felix treat Sophia Alice like shit." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes.

"So this is what this is about."

"Yes and I'm dead serious Marco. Despite us all being siblings, you and Soph were in the same womb Marco. You're treating her like a random girlfriend that you found out what cheating on you. Yes I know she broke some rules and it hurts that she was with your best friend but has Chris ever hurt her? Never. Chris absolutely spoils Sophia Alice. He adores her, and cherishes her. Sophia Alice is the happiest she's ever been. Why would you want to take that from her? I ask.

"Frankie, I don't want to take that from her. She's dating my best friend." He explains.

"I know. But better it's Chris then some random right? I ask.

He just looks down.

"Look I know you're hurt, and that your upset. I also know that you could careless about the rules and that it's more of Felix's thing. That's why I think Sophia Alice's relationship with Chris should stay between us 4."

"I don't know Frankie." He seems to be debating.

"Marco. She's your sister and you haven't talked to her since you found out. I know that's killing you as much as it's killing her." I tell him.

"Do the right thing." I mention.

Finally he nods.

"Okay. Fine. I'll go talk to her soon." He finally agreed.

I smile.

"Thank you." I tell him as I make my way out of his room.

As I'm out of sight, I smile to myself.

Thing one is done. Now time for thing two.

I went to my room and opened up safari.

I save a picture of Las Vegas, opened Instagram, and posted a countdown on my story.

I hope this works.

I put my phone down, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I put on a romper with my sandals and picked up my phone.

After the third ring he answers.


"Claude Daniels. There's a spring break location! I beam to him.

"So where are we headed this time, Frankiestien? He asks.

"What happens in Vegas..." I trail off.

"No way." I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Yes way! We're going to the mall to pick out a few things for the trip. Get ready you're coming with us."

"Okay call me when you get here."

"Alright bye, love you! I tell him.

"Love you way more." He answers.

I hang up the phone and start to out my lip gloss and phone in my purse.

"Who were you talking to? Xander asks.

"Claude. He's coming to the mall with us." I tell him.

"That's good. I'm really glad that you two are talking again." He says.

"Me too." I smile.

"I'm also really proud of you Frankie." He starts.

I turn my attention fully towards him.

"You're growing into a very mature and responsible young lady. Both you and Sophia Alice. Keep it up." He says walking away.

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