《The Protected One》S k i n s


I felt the rays of the sun peaking in through the blinds.

I sleepily turned my body to the side to see Sophia Alice not in her bed.

I sat up and scanned the room but she wasn't in view.

I slowly removed the covers off of my body, and checked the bathroom, which was empty.

I sighed in relief when I noticed a note on the counter with her hand writing on it.

Went to get my nails and feet done. Bye. Sophia.

I rolled my eyes and crumbled up the note.

Very classy of her.

I went back to my bed to got my phone and checked the time.

My eyes enlarged in shock when I read it was already 1:15pm.

No way I slept that long.

I was more surprised nobody came to wake me up or at least check up on me.

Then I remembered that everyone was out doing their own thing with each other.

I sighed and sat on the bed.

Soph and I were suppose to get our nails and feet done together, but doesn't look like that's happening anymore.

If she cancelled our plans then I'd simply make some plans of my own.

I picked up my phone and went to text Ben.

I think I'll take you up on that offer from yesterday :)!

Less than 2 minutes later he texted me back.

I'll meet you in the lobby in about 25 minutes. Can't wait.

I smiled as I put my phone down and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and did my skin care.

I was then faced with the challenge of picking an outfit to wear.

I obviously had to dress to fit the occasion.

My eyes scanned the variety of tshirts and pants that I could wear and after about 10 slow minutes, I finally decided on an outfit.

I changed into the outfit and I texted Ben to let him know I was on the way.

My face beamed in excitement as I grabbed the room key, and a few other items.

Off to my day with Ben I go.


"Slower, Ben! I pant.

Even after this he doesn't slow down.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ben! I call his name.

"Come on Frankie are you that out of shape? We've only been climbing for 20 minutes! He chuckles.

"When are we going to reach the top? I ask putting my hands on my knees.

"I can see the cliff from here. Literally just 30 more seconds."

"You better not be lying to me." I continue walking after him.

"I promise I'm not," he chuckles lowly.

"Okay," I sigh as i take his word for it.

Surely after what felt like 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds, we reached the cliff.

He stood there are looked back at me.

"Uh oh, what's wrong? I ask.

"Look down." He simply says.

I walk to the edge of the cliff, but not to close and peak down.

My stomach dropped as I saw that it wasn't just any ordinary cliff,

But a waterfall.

"Oh my God, Ben you didn't! I cry in panic.

I then around in time to see him basically beet red as he's dying with laughter.

"I can't believe you! I cry as I playfully shoved him.

"I'm sorry but I had to." He laughed.

"Now we're going to have to jump in order to get down." I say.

"Yeah duh why do you think I told you to wear your swim suit under? He chuckled.


I palm my forehead.

"I can't believe this." I sigh.

He lets out another laugh.

"Oh come on Frankie, it'll be fun! He tries to encourage me.

I began to think about it.

I couldn't dare call myself an adrenaline junkie if I backed out of this one.

Plus nobody was here so if I made a fool out of myself, it wouldn't be as embarrassing.

Jumping off a waterfall cliff in Vegas?

That just sounds amazing.

I sigh.

"Fine, I'll do it." I finally cave in.

"That's my girl," Ben smiles as he begins to remove his shirt.

A blush makes its way onto my face.

Ben had a nicely toned stomach and a tan going on for him.

His hair was in a messy middle part, and as usual, his blue eyes were stealing my attention.

I almost drooled at the sight.

I then began to remove my sports shorts, and sleeveless tee shirt.

"You can turn around now." I tell Ben who at some point, had turned around when I started to change.

"Alright Karol, you ready for this? He asks excitedly.

"No, but I can tell you are." I smile.

"Oh come on, this is deadass going to be so much fun," he casually takes a seat as if we aren't on a cliff right now.

"Can we go together? I ask.

"If that's what you want, okay." He nods his head.

"Oh my gosh I wish Claude was here." I cry.

"Where even is he? Ben asks.

"His flight isn't getting here until later tonight." I tell him.

"Oh okay."

"Alright. I'm ready." I tell him.

He stands up and makes his way to me, and holds me hand.

If my heart didn't burst before, it sure will now.

"On 3? He asks.

"No, 5." I say.

He laughs but agrees anyways.

"Okay. 1, 2, 3..."

5 never came becuase this asshole pulled us down after 3.

A scream left my mouth as soon as I felt us free falling.

Soon I felt smack in the water.

That kinda hurted me though.

As soon as we got out of the water, all i could hear was Ben laughing.

"You asshole! I playfully shoved him.

"I had to! He smiles.

"No you just wanted to." I laugh.

"I know." He smirks.

I playfully roll my eyes.

We don't say anything just look at each other while in a comfortable silence.

You know that moment when when opportunity is knocking at your door, but you don't know if you should answer it or not?

Yeah, well that is what's happening to me right now.

I have an opportunity.

Should I take it is the question.

Then I remembered where I was. What I was doing. And with who.

This opportunity doesn't come twice.

I wrap my hands around Ben's neck and I start to wrap my leg around his waist.

As if instinct, Ben lifts the other one to wrap around the other side.

I then lean in, and my lips were met with the familiar feeling of his lips.

Butterfly's were in my stomach.

This kiss wasn't like the one we shared before.

His kiss was more eager, yet passionate.

It made me melt inside.

Our lips moved together in perfect sync.

His lips detached from mine, and he began to kiss my neck.

If I wasn't weak before then I definitely am now.

Soon he found my sweet spot and began kissing there, and a small moan escaped my mouth.

This seemed to fuel him a bit as I could hear him whisper a "fuck."


His lips move back to my lips and we began kissing each other again, and I feel his tongue slip in.

I tangle my hands in his hair, and he still has a grip on my lower back and hip.

Then, an idea pops into my mind.

I slowly pull away, and look at Ben, and whisper in his ear.

"Whoa Frankie are you sure? He asks.

I don't answer his question, but simply back up a bit and start to unclip my swim suit top.

I've never skinny dipped before, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

His eyes widen and he turns around to give me my privacy, as I expected.

I toss my swimsuit top and bottoms to the ground and say a done as he turns around.

"You're actually doing this," he says while chuckling.

"Yeah, and now it's your turn," I smirk.

"Okay," he says while reaching down, and a couple seconds later he tosses his swim shorts to the ground as well.

My arms find their way around his neck, and our lips meet again.

His tongue begins to explore my mouth, and little moans can be heard coming from the both of us.

"Frankie?! A voice yells.

I immediately pull away from Ben and my heart DROPS.

I know that voice from anywhere.

I slightly turn around and my thoughts are confirmed when I see Felix and Marco looking at us angrily.

"Felix? I ask.

His face is beet red as he takes a few angry steps forward.

"Frankie what the fuck are you doing?! He asks.

"I-I- I stutter over my words as I look at Felix, Chris and Marco and back at Ben whose face is pink in embarrassment.

"Get the fuck outta the water, Frankie, now! He tells me.

"Uhm I can't." I whisper.

"Frankie get out of the water now or so help me God." He rages.

"I can't, I'm naked." I say the last part lowly.

Felix covers his face with his hands and sighs.

Marco tosses me my swimsuit pieces and whispers an "un fucking believable" in the process.

I scramble to put my swimsuit back on as the boys are threatening Ben.

Chris just watches.

"You have a lot of fucking nerve to be near Frankie after we told you to stay away from her." Felix tells him.

They told him to stay away from me?

I swim closer to shore and lift myself out.

As soon as I'm on my own two feet, Felix forcefully grabs my hand and pulls me.

Marco picks up my stuff behind me, and Im unable to even look at Ben before we reached the car.

Felix harshly opens the door and I get in, and Marco tosses my stuff in as well.

The car starts and he speeds off.

The car is dead silent and nobody says anything.

"Guys im-"

"Save it." Felix says before I can say anything.

"What were you even thinking doing that with Ben, Frankie? Felix scoffs.

"We didn't do anything." I reassured him.

He just scoffs and shakes his head.

"I should've kept a better tab on you and Sophia Alice." I hear him tell himself.

"I'm supposed to be next in line. I'm almost done with high school. With everything that I've screwed up this year, plus this, Xander, Dylan, and Tomas won't even think about it." He speaks angrily.

For the first time in what seemed like ever, I saw Felix point out his flaws.

He let out a loud sigh and as we turned into the resort.

As they were getting out of the car, I stopped them.

"Are you guys going to tell Xander? I ask lowly.

They both stop and look at each other.

After a moment of silence, Felix speaks.

"We won't tell Xander. But you better fucking stay away from Benjamin. We mean that shit Frankie."

After me not saying anything Felix agressively grabbed my face to look at him.

"Do you hear me, Frankie?"

"Yes, I hear you." I tell him lowly.

He lets go of my face, and we began walking inside the resort.

"Shit! Marco curses.

"What's wrong? Felix asks.

"I have 8 Miss calls from Tomas 2 from Dylan and one from Xander.

Felix reaches in his pockets and checks his phone.

"3 Miss calls from Xander." He sighs.

This makes me check my phone, and I myself have 2 missed calls from Xander, and 1 from Dylan and Tomas each.

Somethings obviously wrong.

We get in the elevator and we anxiously turn out of the Elevator into the suite Xander, Dylan and Tomas were staying in.

The first person I notice is Claude.

I gasp.

"Claude! I scream and run into his arms where he embraces me.

"I thought you weren't getting here until later tonight." I pull away and smile.

"Your brothers and I wanted to surprise you." He smiled his face full of freckles off.

I laugh.

"Well I'm glad youre here."

"Yeah I know. You guys took a long time to get back home, we got kinda worried." He says.

"Yeah everythings okay, just got stuck in traffic a bit." I lie.

"Oh okay." He nods.

"So who is going to show me around this place? Claude asks.

"Well when Sophia Alice finishes changing, we're all going to play mini golf." Tomas says.

"Cool, I'll join." He says.

"Uhm anyone want to tell my why my little sister is walking around in only a bikini? Xander asks.

Marco and Felix look at each other.

"She was swimming when we found her." Marco speaks up.

Xander nods his head.

"Please get changed Frankie." Xander tells me softly.

"Okay, right." I say.

"Claude, can you walk me back to my room? I ask.

"Of course," he says and we make our way to the elevator.

Not even a millisecond after the elevator doors close he's already asking questions.

"Alright Frankie where were you really at?

I turned to him with a shocked expression.

"How'd you know? I laugh.

He gave me a sly smirk.

"Come on Frankie. I know you."

I began filling him in on what happened, and by the time we made it to my room he was all filled in.

Claude let out a sigh.

"Frankie you know I usually support on anything you do. But jeez what the hell was that? He asks.

"I don't know where that spark of confidence came from. I just did it." I shrug my shoulders.

He doesn't say anything but just nods his head.

Sophia Alice comes out of the bathroom and smiles when she sees Claude.

"Claude! You're here."

"Yes, I am." He smiles at her.

"That's good, are you checked in with the boys yet?

He nods his head.

"That's good." She then looks at me and gives me a small smile.

I return her smile and look for an outfit.

I pick out a white tank top and a jean skirt with my sandals.

I come out of the bathroom and Claude is waiting patiently on the bed.

"You ready? I ask.

"Let's go."


"I would have totally won that last round of it wasn't for your lucky shot." Sophia Alice said.

"I won out of pure skill, and talent." I brag.

"Yeah right you cheated like half the time." Claude adds.

"You can't cheat in mini golf, you guys are just sore losers." I tell them.

We were all currently sat at the long dinner table in the restaurant.

It was just like the other days dinner except that this one was peaceful, and we were all having a nice conversation together.

Everyone had their meals in front of them and it was going well.

"I'm ready for dessert! Chris says.

"You haven't even finished your food yet." Sophia Alice tells him.

"I know, I'm just really excited." He smiles at her brightly.

She looks at him and returns the smile.

They were both so obviously in love with each other Nobody could deny it.

Even the way they looked at each other told everyone all they needed to know.

I turned my attention back to my food and put a forkful of food in my mouth.

"Umm Frankie? I hear Xanders voice call.

"Hhm? I ask.

He sets his fork down slowly and quietly before speaking.

"What's that on your neck? He asks.

Everyone stops what they're doing to look at me.

I pick up my phone to see what he was talking about and right there was a red hickey.

I chuckle nervously.

"Tell me that's not what I think it is." He says.

I remain silent due to the fact that I don't know what to say.

"Who gave it to you? He asks.

"I-I- "

"Who gave it to you? He asks again but more harshly.

"I gave it to her." Claude speaks up.

Everyone now shifts their attention to Claude.

"No way! Sophia Alice laughs.

I look over to Tomas and he's trying to hide his laugh by covering his mouth a bit.

Dylan rolls his eyes and looks annoyed as usual.

Marco,Chris and Felix are chuckling to each other obviously.

"Oh." Xander is obviously shocked.

"I didn't know you two were..."

"We're not! I speak up.

Xander himself is obviously amused by the whole situation now.

"Okay. Well, alright then." Xander struggles to find something to say.

I couldn't help but be embarrassed about this whole thing.

Great now everyone thinks that there's something going on between me and Claude.

Way to make a great dinner, awkward.


Q o t d : Who di you guys ship Frankie with? Ben or Claude or even Chris?

When I originally started this story I was strict on not having Claude and Frankie end up together. But maybe that could change. Let me know who you guys ship her with ;)

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