《The Protected One》b o y s


"You should get a new addition along with me." Sophia Alice smiles brightly.

I look at her suspiciously.

"What did you do? I ask her.

Ever since we got back from Vegas almost 4 weeks ago Sophia Alice has been talking non stop about getting a new addition.

I begged her to use protection, but she just waved me off for being silly.

"Just do it at the same time I do, I don't wanna do it alone." She sits down next to me.

"Umm I don't think Ben and I are at that stage yet." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and scoffs at me.

It was the truth though.

Although Ben and I had gotten undeniably closer, we weren't really there yet.

A few times we had lunch and breakfast together, and secret make out sessions and that's all.

We didn't have a title or anything like that.

Although I can't pretend that I didn't want us to have a title.

I've been able to connect with Ben on a level that I haven't with anyone else.

It was something that I glad I had.

"I'm not talking about that, Frankie! She said.

"Then what are you talking about? I asked, confused.

"We should get our nipples pierced! She smiles.

I took at her with a look of confusion.

"Are you serious? I ask.

"Of course I am! It'll look so hot!

"It'll also hurt like hell." I reminded her.

"I know that, but come on Frankie. It'll be super cool!" She begs.

"Even if I did agree to it, the 5 knuckleheads downstairs would never allow that."

"There are 3 places near us that don't require a guardian signature."

I think about it for a minute.

"You can get your nips pierced, I'm getting an industrial piercing." I tell her.

"Not what I imagined, but fine. Have it your way." She says.

She picks up her purse, and I grab mine and we go down stairs to out on our shoes.

"Where are you two going? Tomas asks, which draws the attention of Marco who is on his phone, and Felix who is playing video games besides him.

"We're going to get our ears pierced." I answered.

"Don't you two already have your ears pierced? Why do you two need more? Marco asks.

"It's cute." Sophia Alice simply says, opening the front door.

"Bye! I call out.

"Bye." They say in unison.



All I could feel was my ear throbbing with pain.

I didn't felt like cutting my ear off to get rid of the pain.

Meanwhile Sophia Alice was practically walking like an anime character showing off her boobs.

We get in the car and Sophia sits in the driver's seat.

"I just feel like flashing everyone I come across. My tits look gorgeous." She beams.

"Thottie." I tell her.

"I'm that bitch." She just smiles.

I laugh and sip my drink.

She backs out of the parking lot and we make our way home.

"So how are you and Ben?

"We're good." I nod my head.

"Do you want to be with him? She asks.

"Of course I want to be with him."

"What are you waiting for then? She asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I guess I'm just waiting for him to pop the question I guess." I say.

She only hums in response.

We drive for a while, and we turn at a red light.

I saying my eyes.

"Soph where are we going?

"You'll see." She only smiles.

Oh no.

"Alright you crazy bitch where are you taking me? I ask.

She laughs out loud and shakes her head.

"Oh my God just relax." She says.

I watch tensely as we make a few more turns ultimately leading us to a park.

I give her a confused look as I look around the empty park.

She bops her head to the left direction.

Well almost empty park.

There he was, Benjamin.

"Soph what is this? I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Go. He's waiting for you! She shoos me away.

I get out of the car and make my way to where Ben is.

I could barley get any words out as my eyes scanned over the scene.

There is a picnic set out.

There were sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, A bouquet of flowers, 2 canvases and paint brushes, drinks and my heart melted at the last one.

A picture frame that had a photo of Ben and I at the waterfall.

"Ben, oh my gosh." I blush.

"That's not all." He says.

He picks up the bouquet of flowers and hands them to me.

I then get to see the flowers in detail.

Theyre a beautiful lilac color.

There is a tag on it and I go to pick it up.

"I'll stop loving you when the last one dies."


I'm sorry what? My intuition asks.

I disregard that because of the word he uses.


"You love me? I question.

"I'm sorry if you think it's too fast and you don't have to say it back. But yes, I do. I want nothing more than to be with you Frankie. I just hope that you'd want to be with me, so I just wanted to ask you if..."

He starts mumbling and getting shy at the end.

I put my lips on his to reassure him.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Ben." I smile.

He smiles as well, and we move to go back in until two honks pull us apart.

"Sorry to disturb but we gotta go! Sophia Alice yells.

I roll my eyes, and he pressed his lips on mine.


Through the whole car ride I couldn't fight the smile that stayed on my face.

No matter how hard I tried I could only think of him .

Even we we arrived home, I was still on cloud nine.

When we entered the house, the boys were in the same spots as we left them.

"You're back! Marco calls.

"Yes we are," I sigh as I kick off my shoes.

"Lemme see your piercing." Marco says.

I make my way next to Marco and he stands as he checks out my piercing.

"That's dope Frankiestien." He says.

"Lemme see your ear piercing soph" Marco says.

"I didn't get my ears pierced." She says.

"I thought you went to get a piercing? His asks.

"I did." She shrugs.

"I wanna see."

"Well you can't." She says.

Felix slowly sits up.

"If it's a belly piercing then you can show us, it's not like we're gonna freak out over your stomach." He says

"Close but not there." She shrugs her shoulders.

Her and I glance at each other and laugh.

"Oh my God." Felix says in realization.

"You got your nipples pierced." He says the word like it's poison.

"Bingo." She answers nonchalantly.

The boys stare at each with blank faces.

"Wow. Okay." They shrug.

Wait a minute. Did I hear that right?

"Really? I ask.

They just nod their heads.

"So if I would have gotten a nipple piercing you guys wouldn't care." I ask.

Felix shrugs his shoulders.

"Your body." He responds.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

Maybe we are making some progress with these guys.

2 weeks ago Felix finally started talking to me after catching me with Ben.

That was followed by a threat that he'd kill the both of us if he ever saw us like that again.

Xander still hasn't found out so I guess he has kept it to himself.

"Well okay." I say.

Then we hear a camera click.

We all turn our gaze to Sophia Alice who was taking pictures....of her piercings.

"Oh hell no, that better stay in your camera roll." Felix says.

"Relax. It will." She rolls her eyes, and gets up from the couch.

"Where are you going? Marco asks following her.

"Omg are you tryna see my titties or what, stop following me!"

"No I'm trying to make sure Chris doesn't see them!


"I miss you." His raspy voice said.

I couldn't help but melt.

I just saw Ben a couple of hours ago, and I'd see tomorrow since it was Monday, it still felt like forever since I last saw him.

"I miss you too."

"Who do you miss Frankie? Felix asks barging into my room.

I quickly hang up the phone and look at him.

"Ugh Felix get out! Sierra I'll call you back, Felix had no idea what privacy is! I pretend to hang up again.

"What do you want Felix?"

He walks around my room.

"Just making sure you've got your priorities straight." He says.

"You don't have to watch over me." I roll my eyes.

"The hell I don't, Frankie. Do I have to remind you what happened in Vegas? He squints his eyes at me.

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." I remind him.

He glares at me, and I look away.

"Are you dumb Frankie this isn't a joke. You were fucking naked with a guy who we've told you over and over again is bad news. When I told you to stay away from him I meant that shit." He says.

He walks closer to me and grabs my face forcefully to look at him.

"So when I tell you that if I see you with him, near him, or speaking to him, it won't be good for any of us. I mean that. So you better do as you're told." He finally says letting me go.

I watch him as he leaves my room.

What a piece of work.

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