《The Protected One》C l o s e r


"Ben? I ask gazing into his eyes.

He hums a reply back and I take that as a signal to continue.

"What happened between you and your uncle? I ask.

I know it's not my place to ask but I couldn't help but be curious. At least once a day I see Ben with a stressed face, and when I ask why, he always answers with "my uncle and I don't really see eye to eye."

This is the second time this week Ben's been down because of his uncle.

I can tell it's taking a toll on him.

"He just puts me under a lot of pressure. It's hard to live up to his impossible expectations." He says.

I could tell that there was more to the story but I don't push it.

I snuggle into his arms more and we sit in a comfortable silence.

"I hope it gets better with you two. I hate seeing you upset." I tell him in a low voice.

"Don't worry. Its March so in a couple of months, I'll graduate, and i'll be free to do whatever I want." he sighs.

A sinking feeling makes its way to my chest. I've been so caught up in the honeymoon phase that I completely forgot that he's graduating in a couple of months.

Ben looks down at me.

"What's wrong Frankie? He asks.

"It's nothing. I just really hope it gets better with you two. I mean why does he have so much authority over you anyway?"

Ben visibly tenses.

"When my mom passed, he was the one who really helped me and my dad out. He took us in when we moved here, he really took us under his wing. Then his wife, my aunt died. He left me and my dad practically homeless, and now that we're comfortable, he claims that we need to pay him back for all that he did for us." he explains.

"I think he has something over my dad. Cause there is no way my dad would let him treat us like this if he didn't."

I frown my eyebrows.

"What could he possibly have over your dad? I ask

Ben shrugs.


"Thats what I need to find out. It has to be something big if my dad is just letting him act however he pleases."

"Do you honestly think your uncle is going to tell you just like that? I ask him.

He shakes his head.

"Of course not, but either way I tend to find out."

I look up at him.

"When do you plan on doing all of this? I ask.

"As soon as I get home."

"I don't know if this is a good idea Ben." I warn him.

If this is as serious as Ben is making it out to be or even worse, then Ben confronting his uncle isn't the best idea.

"It probably isn't, but it's all I can do for now." He shrugs.

I sigh and lay back down with my head on his lap.

"Promise you'll be mature about it." I tell her.

He doesn't respond.

"Benjamin I'm serious." I sigh.

"Fine,fine. I promise."

"Thank you." I smile.


•Ben's Pov

As I entered my house, I saw my dad on the couch watching the news.

"Benjamin, you're home. How was your day with Frankie? He asked.

My dad and I were exceptionally close. We've been through so much together. It's only right that I tell him about her.

At the mention of Frankie's name it's like all my problems fade away for the time being.

"It was amazing, dad. I enjoyed it." I smile taking a seat across from him on the couch.

He chuckles.

"I'm glad."

"Where's uncle Samuel? I ask.

At the mention of my uncle's name his smile fades.

"Where he's usually at." He simply says.

I get up from the couch and start to make my way upstairs when a hand stops me.

"Benjamin, not this again." He looks at me disapprovingly.

"Dad, I can't deal with him around anymore. I absolutely can't." I tell him.

"We'll figure something out I promise." My dad says lowly.

"There is no time. When he's around I feel like I can't breathe. He went after Frankie. What's stopped him from doing it again? I ask.

When he doesn't answer I continue upstairs into the computer room that he always looks himself in.


"Benjamin. Just who I was looking for." He gives me a mocking smile.

"I'm tired of the constant battles everyday. They need to stop." I say.

"I agree." He smiles.

"One thing we're gonna get clear. I'm not selling drugs. I'm not working for whatever illegal shit you have going on." I explain.

He rubs his beard.

"I thought so."

I frown my eyebrows in confusion.

"I really thought we could do this the easy way, Benjamin, but it seems like you like to make it hard for yourself."

"I've decided to sign you up for underground fighting. You win, we get the money, you loose, I don't think you want to find out." He laughs.

"What makes you think I'll actually do that? I'm not fighting." I roll my eyes.

"As I expected. But this time, you don't have a choice. If you refuse to fight, I'll be paying Frankie a little visit."

Oh my God.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep Frankie's name out of your mouth?! I snarl at him.

"You think finding her is hard? I've found her before I can sure as hell do it again. Those boys do a horrible job of protecting her. Especially that kid." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and head for the door.

"I put a tracking device on a certain place in your car."

My heart drops.

I whip my head around.

"What is it that you want? You could have anyone working for you. Why me and my dad? I question.

"Family over everything, right Ben? He smirks.

He ushers me out of the room as he comes out behind me, and I watch him go down the stairs and out of the house.

"Fuck! I yell.

I rush downstairs.

"I can't fucking do this dad! I can't do it!

"Benjamin calm down!

"I can't calm down. He's making me fight. And if I lose he'll hurt Frankie. Fuck! I can feel tears threatning to spill.

I can't let anything else happen to Frankie. I couldn't live with myself.

"What does he have against us? Why are you letting him treat us like this dad? I asked in an exhausted sigh.

A moment goes by where he doesn't say anything.

"Murder." He simply says.

"What? I ask squinting my eyes.

"He has evidence that could put me in prison for the rest of my life." He says.

"For whose murder?

"Your aunt, Ben."

"She was sick." I remind him.

He shakes his head.

"He killed her." He says lowly.



"Hey Frankie." A voice calls.

I turn around to see Joshua.

"Oh hey Josh what's up? I ask.

"Nothing really. I was just wondering if you've noticed anything off with Ben lately." He asks.

I stop and look at him.

"He's just been going through a bit of a rough time." I simply answer.

Joshua and Ben were childhood friends. They do everything together.

"Is that all? He skilled soccer practice for the past couple of times. Coach is pissed." He tells me.

"Don't worry he's coming to practice this afternoon. I'll also be there."

"Okay. That's good to know. I was just worried." He runs a shy hand through his hair.

I almost laugh at how shy he is. It's adorable.

You don't usually take Josh for the shy type. He's a good looking athletic dude. He's very humble.

"Where is he anyway? I ask.

"Giving some prospective students a tour." He shrugs his shoulders.

As if on cue, he emerges from the corner with a 3 boys and 2 girls who look like freshmen.

"Oh okay." I say.

"Yeah, I'll catch you later." Josh says.

"Okay." I wave to him as he walks off.

I wait a couple of minutes for Ben to finish talking with the group. When they're finally done, I make my way to Ben.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey." He pecks my lips.

I lightly slap his shoulder.

"Ben! I scold.

"Sorry, I forgot." He chuckles.

"It's okay." I giggled.

"I'll see you after lunch though, I have to get to class." Ben says.

I nod my head in understanding as he gives me a smile and walks away.

I smile as I open my locker. Things were finally starting to look up.


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