《The Protected One》t a l k s


"Bitch get up! I hear a voice say.

I groan in annoyance to see Sophia Alice standing at my door.

"You know my nap was bomb before you decided to rudely wake me up." I say.

"I'm sorry to ruin your nap but you said you were suspicious of Ben right? Well, I know where he's gonna be tonight! She beams.

"Are you serious? How's you find that out? I question.

"Through Chris. Who found out through Joshua, who found out through rumors." She simply replies, showing me her phone screen.

I squint my eyes to read the phone. My eyes then widen in surprise.

"There's no way." I dismiss her.

"Well there is one way to find out." She says.

I sigh in annoyance.

"Fine. We'll go. What time is the fight."

"In an hour, so get ready." She rushes me.

I groan and toss my covers off my body.

I went into my bathroom and splashed my face with some water and patted my face dry.

I reapplied my mascara and lip gloss, and sprayed on perfume.

I didn't really find it necessary to change my outfit, I doubt a fight would call for cocktail dresses.

Sophia Alice knocks on my door, and peaks her head in.

"Chris is picking us up. I don't think it'll be safe for us to go by ourselves." She says.

"Yeah okay, that's a good call." I reassure her.

"So are you ready? She asks.

"Yeah. I'm ready." I say.

"So what's our excuse? I ask.

"Food." We day I'm unison.


"Well this place doesn't look sketchy at all." Chris says when arrive.

"Did you know about this? I ask him.

"Your brothers tend to keep me out of their drama with Ben. To this day, I still don't know what happened between them." He answers truthfully.


Great. I couldn't get anything out of Chris.

We get out the car and as we get closer to the building we can hear music coming from inside the building.

The noise intensifies as we entered through the grey door.

The place was packed with people. Especially with middle aged men.

"Stay close," Chris said grabbing both of our hands and leading us through the crowd.

I wish I would have brought Claude with me.

We find seats close not too far from the ring, but close enough.

"Do anyone of you guys see Ben? I ask.

They both shake their heads.

Some time goes by and I almost think that our timing was off.

That was until the referee began introducing people.

The worst of my suspicions were confirmed when surely enough Ben was introduced.

I couldn't believe that Benjamin was fighting.

I also couldn't believe that he kept it from me.

The match began, and surely enough it was nasty and bloody.

Ben's opponent was big and beefy.

I was more surprised at Ben's strength. I didn't know he could fight like this.

Despite Ben's opponent being big, he was slow and that gave Ben the upper hand.

Thanks to this, Ben won.

Ben was awarded the winner and the crowd erupted into cheers.

I didn't want to stay any longer. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions and get on with my day.

"I wanna go home." I tell them.

"Frankie are you sure? Sophia Alice asks.

I nod my head.

I didn't want to stay any longer.

I wanted to leave, but yet I couldn't get up nor could I take my eyes off of Ben.

It wasn't long before his eyes met mine, and his expression turned from surprised to angry.


Chris, Sophia Alice and I stood outside as we waiting for Ben to leave the arena or gym. Whatever it was.


On his way out, he stopped to say hi to a few people before he approached us.

He did his "bro" hand shake with Chris before saying hi to Sophia Alice.

"I can drop her off at home." He offers Chris.

"If that's okay with Frankie? Chris turns to ask my approval.

I nod my head.

"Yeah it's cool." I tell him.

I wave goodbye to them as we walk towards the direction of Benjamin's car.

I get into the passenger seat as he puts his gym bag in the backseat.

He gets into the drivers seat and puts the keys into ignition as we drive off.

He sighs before he speaks.

"What are you doing here, Frankie? He asks.

"I think I should be asking you that question, Benjamin." I say.

He sighs deeply.

"I'll tell you when the times right."

I scoff.

"Seriously? That's all you have to say? Why didn't you tell me?

"It's not safe for you to come or be around here, Frankie. I don't want you near this environment." He says.

"Well what do you expect me to do when you won't tell me the truth? I ask.

"I just need you to trust me on this one." He says.

I sigh.

"Why are you even doing this, Ben? You could get seriously hurt." I tell him.

"I can handle myself Frankie. I know what I'm doing."

"I wish you would have told me instead of lying to me." I shrug.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't want you involved in any of this." He says.

"I don't think that's your decision to make. I can come here if I want. I'll even start fighting if I want to."

"The hell you will Frankie. I won't let that happen." He exclaims.

"Oh so it's okay for you to start fighting and hide it from me but if I do the same thing you'd flip out? I ask.

"Damn right I would. You think I'm fighting cause I want to? It's much more than that." He says.

"Then tell me what else is there to it." I push.

He shakes his head.

"I can't. Not right now." He says.

I roll my eyes.

"Unbelievable." I whisper.

"I'm sorry Frankie. I just can't tell you right now." He says lowly.

"No, I'm sorry that you don't trust me or this relationship enough to be honest." I tell him.

He looks hurt by my words.

"Of course I trust you and this relationship. It's just not the right time." He stresses.

"You're keeping things from me Benjamin. That's all there is to it." I tell him.

"Have you once even considered that's its something hard for me to talk about? He asks.

"That's why I'm here for you Ben! So we can talk. So I can help you! I exclaim.

We turn into my drive away as he sighs.

"I'm sorry Frankie. I can't." He says.

I shake my head.

"Thanks for the ride." I simply say.

With that I get out of his car and walk into the house.

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