《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Twenty


Srishti glared hard at Sahil as she pushed him away rudely though not harshly because she had to take care of herself as well. Sahil stumbled back and glanced at her with his steely eyes.

"How dare you Mr. Malhotra! Do you think all of this is a joke? Does the world revolve only around you? You think it works according to your commands and wishes?" She lashed out angrily, her eyes held the fury as she eyed him with hatred.

"Get this thing in your twisted mind, Mr. Malhotra, people do have feelings, they have their own wishes and they won't work according to your wishes. I refuse to marry you now and every time you ask me." She took a deep breath in the end as she announced her decision.

"Enough. If I don't say anything doesn't mean I'll go on listening to your rambles. Neither do I hold any interest in you romantically nor do I intend to fulfill any marriage duties if we get married. I asked you to marry me only for the sake of my child and his/her future. I wouldn't want him to grow up and be deprived of ─" He stopped abruptly realising what he was saying and giving a quick glance to her, dashed out of there.

Srishti stood there perplexed at his sudden exit. She couldn't fathom what was going on his mind and why was he suddenly so keen on marrying her when he did not believe in relationships and marriage.

But she realised one thing which she had predicted even earlier that he was going to be a great father. He was already worried for the unborn child and although he didn't show it openly, it was reflected in his actions.

Exhausted she sat on the bed and found her eyes drooping involuntarily, so she laid down and dozed off, shutting everything else out.


Sahil marched inside his study and closed his eyes shut to compose himself. He couldn't believe he was going to say something infront of Srishti that he's never shared with anyone except Aditya.

He knew that the way he put forth his proposal to marry her, was too abrupt and shocking for her and that her mood swings added up to her anger unleashing but it was the only way he knew to say what he wanted. All that sweet words and cajoling was never his cup of tea.

He had come up with this decision to marry her after his conversation with Aditya last night. After thinking hard and long he realised he couldn't be that cruel to his unborn child. His child had every right to get both the parents love and he was sure after the baby's exposure to the world, people were going to talk nonsense and all sorts of infuriating things.


Handling the media would be a problem because he couldn't keep his child in dark for forever. He/She would have to face the world one day or the other.

Taking out his phone he called Rohit immediately.

"Rohit, I need you to do one work right now. Terminate the contract between Srishti and I. I want it gone, no trace of it." He ordered without a second thought and Rohit could only blink his eyes, dumbfounded.

"But sir you need to inform the other party about this termination and give a termination clause. What clause should I mention?" Rohit asked without asking any whys.

"I'll inform her about it and the clause; I'm marrying her which totally makes the contract void as she won't be able to leave." Sahil informed and Rohit agreed before hanging up.

Now he had to tell Srishti about it and somehow convince her for marriage. Sighing he left for his room to have a chat with her yet again.

But he was greeted with the same scene yet again as he saw Srishti sleeping on his bed. He gazed at her for a few seconds before sitting beside her.

He stared at her protruding belly for a long time, debating in his mind as whether he could place his hand on her belly or not. After almost fifteen minutes he shook his head and was about to get up when something soft touched his hand.

He looked at her hand and then at her face. She was awake and staring at him and he did the same. He felt his hand moving and the next second it was on her stomach.

"I told you, you can talk with your child whenever you want." She whispered with a small smile but he didn't smile back and looked back at her belly.

He slightly caressed it and for the first time he felt his eyes softening. His eyes lingered there for a few moments before he took his hand away and she sighed. She tried to sit up and he was quick in lending her support.

"Srishti, I was serious about the marriage thing." He started after she sat up and this time Srishti didn't protest or give away any kind of reaction.

"Also, I'm terminating the contract." At this, her head snapped up and she stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and something else that he couldn't identify.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in marrying me, Mr. Malhotra?" Srishti asked seemingly curious and frustrated at his decision.


"Look, like I told you before, I don't believe in marriage and I still don't but if it is the only way to keep the baby away from all the angst and name calling them I'm ready for it." He was straight forward in telling what he thought and seeing her blank expression he continued, "And if you still want to leave then you're free to do that, I'll marry someone else who is willing." Her eyes narrowed at his sentence because no way in hell she would tolerate her child calling someone else as his/her mother.

"I need some time, Mr. Malhotra." She declared curtly and he nodded stiffly.


Zevah entered 'Singhania enterprises' with a nervous look on her face. She didn't know what was wrong with her to apply for such a job where she wasn't even qualified.

And to top it, it was Aditya she was talking about who had agreed to appoint her even after knowing she was nowhere near qualified for the post. Her boss.

Biting her lips nervously she made her way to his cabin and took a deep breath before knocking. He permitted her and she entered inside not looking his way at all.

"Ah, Ms. Zevah. Welcome to the Singhania enterprises." Aditya said with a smirk on his face which she didn't notice because she never looked his way.

"Why did you appoint me?" She frowned finally looking at him and he raised his eyebrows amused.

"Aren't you happy? You had voluntarily applied for it, if I'm not wrong." He said leaning back and she glared at him.

"I did but didn't you see that my qualifications nowhere match with this post? Then why? Why did you do it?" She demanded furiously and he stood up, strolling towards her.

"First of all, this is your workplace and I'm your boss so don't talk to me in that tone. And secondly, I'm not answerable to you as to why I chose you for this post. It is my decision and if you're not ready for it then leave now because once you sign the agreement with this company, you won't be able to resign atleast for six months. Take it or leave it." For the first time ever Zevah felt intimidated by him as she stared at him speechless.

She gulped and played with the corner of her dupatta which was noticed by Aditya. He stared at her nervous stance and thought that he went overboard but still kept quiet.

"I'm leaving." She said timidly and turned to leave which caused him to panic.

"Wait." She stopped but did not turn around and waited for him to speak.

"If you wanted to leave then why did you apply for this job in the first place?" He questioned and she stayed quiet not knowing what to answer.

"I was looking for a job but didn't knew that I could get this one. I had no hopes of getting a positive response from here but ─" She stopped and Aditya felt that something was off.

"You are qualified for this job, Zevah." Aditya announced after a few minutes of silence and she turned with a confused face.

"If it makes you feel any better then let me tell you that Hiba, my previous secretary was also not qualified for the post and still I appointed her because I knew she deserved it. Likewise I feel you deserve this post too." He declared and her face softened.

"Don't think too much Zevah, because I'm not doing a favour on you just because I know you as Srishti's friend. This is work and I'm all about professionalism here." A small smile broke out on Zevah's face but she quickly hid it and stood straight.

"I accept this job sir." She said with a nod and Aditya grinned.

"All the formalities will be completed by Hiba. Please find her outside because she will be updating you about everything that you'll be handling after her." Aditya said in a professional tone although he was jumping inside.

"Yes sir." She nodded and left his cabin after which Aditya threw his hands in the air celebrating his victory.

He definitely wasn't going to bring his personal feelings at work but even seeing her everyday infront of his eyes was enough for him.

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