《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Twenty-One


A week passed and Srishti still hadn't given her answer to Sahil while he waited patiently. He had not bugged her after their conversation for marriage and true to his words had accompanied her to the doctor for the regular checkup.

It surprised Srishti and somewhat irritated her as well. She wasn't used to this side of him and it was all she way more confusing.

Her relation with Aditya was now a little better than before. They were not avoiding each other atleast and that was the first step.

About the marriage, the more she thought about it the more she found his reasonings logical. For their own benefits and egos, they couldn't ruin the life of their child who had absolutely no mistake in this.

Yes, she would be ready to do anything for her child, to provide her/him a secured future but what about her? What about her wishes? Didn't she have a right to find a person who loved her, valued her? What was she going to do in this fake, loveless marriage?

All her life until now she lived for her children at the orphanage and now she had to do the same. She was only living for others and not for herself. She had to kill her desires, her wishes in order to give them a better tomorrow and she will have to continue doing that now for her own kid.

What was her life? Was it even her own?

She had hence decided that she was going to visit the orphanage today to have some change in her life and also to distract herself. She only hoped that she could talk to Zevah about it and come up with a solution.


Rohit had too much on his hands, he was too busy to even have his breakfast, lunch or dinner peacefully. He had to work on the termination of the contract, then there was handling of the media, Reva Khurrana was a big nuisance as well, add to that the daily affairs of the company.

It was almost as if he had no life of his own. He lived only for the company. Though he never complained because he had no idea it was going to be this tough while signing up to work with Sahil Malhotra but sometimes he felt like leaving it all and going far away to live his life without any work pressure.

The intercom buzzed and Rohit was called in by his boss. Sahil had come to work for this one day because of an emergency. He took a deep breath and moved towards his cabin.

"Yes sir." He reported to Sahil who was busy looking at something in his laptop.

"Rohit, have you terminated the contract?" Sahil asked without looking at him and he never even wasted his time by looking at him and waiting for his reply.


"I'm on it sir." Rohit replied and waited for the next question to be thrown at him.

"What about the media?" Rohit smiled to himself knowing this was going to be the next question.

"I've handled them so far but Reva Khurrana has sent an invite to her party that is held tomorrow." This was something he was hesitating to inform because even after denying the invitation, she was adamant on getting a 'yes' from him.

"I even denied it but she threatened me instead saying she'll make me lose my job." Sahil looked at Rohit and seeing the coldness in his eyes, Rohit knew no one could snatch his job except the devil himself.

"Tear it or throw it, I don't care but that name shouldn't be heard in this company again." Sahil ordered and Rohit nodded at once following his instructions.

"And if she creates another problem then all you have to do is call for a press conference. Rest I'll make sure she never shows up infront if me ever again." Rohit shuddered at his tone and felt pity for Reva but she kinda deserved it too.

"You may leave."

Soon after Rohit left, Sahil was back to thinking about Srishti. He had waited for her answer patiently because he knew at the end it was going to be positive. That wasn't a problem.

What was more important was announcing about their marriage to the media. He wasn't going to conduct a grand wedding to invite all his business associates, infact it was going to be private with only Aditya, Srishti's friend and Mrs. Khanna, that is, if only she wanted to be a part of it.

The media and the world will come to know about it when he will inform them and that was it. He also knew that if they would come to know about Srishti's condition, they will come up with a story that he was marrying her because she was pregnant or that she was trapping him for his money pretending to be pregnant.

He had weighed all the possibilities and it was only sensible to not reveal her identity as of now. For that he had to make sure that there is no evidence like photographs of their marriage and that the marriage would take place at a more private place with higher security.

Sighing he concentrated back on his work because those matters could be dealt with back at his mansion.


Srishti reached the orphanage along with Greta but was disappointed when she found out that Zevah wasn't around. Upon asking she was informed that she had recently found a job which made her suspicious.

"Srishti, when are you going to come back and live with us like old times?" She looked beside her and found Neil looking at her with his innocent eyes.


"I don't know baby. I miss you all too." She pouted but Neil was already scrunching up his face and Srishti thought that he felt bad.

"I'm not a baby, Tina is." He argued and pointed at Tina who was busy coloring. She heard him and looked up, frowning at him.

"I don't like you, Neil." She stuck out her tongue and went back to coloring. Neil glared at her or tried to glare at her but she was unaffected.

"I don't like you too." He said loudly and looked away in anger crossing his little arms. Srishti looked at the duo with amusement.

"Neil, Tina what was that?" She asked after a moment and both of them peeked at each other before being back to ignoring the other. Srishti shook her head and chuckled to herself.

"Okay so now, that the two of you are fighting, I might as well give all the hugs and kisses to Neha, Vaibhav, Prashant, Urvi─" She deliberately slowed down when she found the two of them looking at her in horror.

"Noooo! We are not fighting."

"I want the hugs and kisses too."

Both yelled at the same time and Srishti grinned before opening her arms for them. Neil rather hugged her softly as he was sitting beside her but as Tina ran to them, Srishti felt worried about her baby.

"Stupid don't run. You will hurt the baby." Neil called out to Tina who was ready to crash into Srishti. Tina slowed down and stared at her belly mysteriously.

Srishti was surprised at how mature Neil was acting and she didn't even knew how he had come to know about this. Tina was rather still inspecting her belly and as she came forward and touch it lightly with her tiny hand, she looked up at Srishti.

"You have a baby in here?" Her question and the innocence on her face made Srishti go all 'aww' on her.

"Yes she does. Or else how do you think her belly has grown so big?" Neil slightly hit her forehead to which Tina glared at him and hit him back on his arm but it didn't affect him at all.

"Okay, no hitting each other. And Neil how do you know about this?" She turned to look at him and he smiled rather sheepishly.

"I asked Zevah the other day after I saw your big belly." He informed and she smiled. Tina stretched out her arms towards Srishti asking her to pick her up but Neil gestured her to not do that.

"Srishti, I want to hug you too, pleaseeee." She whined and Neil shook his head as he stood up and picked Tina in his arms. She flapped her arms and legs not wanting to be picked up by him but he ignored it and placed her beside Srishti.

"Tina, stop irritating Neil. He's only helping you." Srishti said sternly but Tina just frowned more and clung to her.

"He annoys me more. He calls me smally, shorty, and teases me every time. He's bad." She complained and Srishti looked at Neil only to find him staring at Tina with a sad smile.

"Neil?" She called out and his attention immediately went on her.

"I'll play with Vaibhav." Saying so he dashed out of there and Tina snuggled more into Srishti while she thought of the matter.

Something was definitely up with Neil and he wasn't sharing it with anyone.


Zevah was happy with her decision of working with Aditya because he had nowhere made her feel uncomfortable or low at any time. Sure it was only her fourth day at his company but she never felt left out.

"Zevah, come in." She heard his voice through the intercom and stood up to go inside.

"Yes sir?" She looked at him as he flipped through some papers. She never thought she would see him in this version, being all serious and professional because he was always joking around when not working.

"Ms. Zevah?" She was brought out of her trance when Aditya called her a little loudly.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you sir." She apologised and a frustrated look appeared on his face.

"Please stop day dreaming, Ms. Zevah. I won't be repeating the same things for you twice." He said rather harshly and she looked down because she knew it was her fault.

"I'm sorry sir." She said in a low voice and Aditya sighed closing his eyes. It had been a rough morning for him. He had woken up with a headache and even now it seemed to worsen than diminishing.

He massaged his temples and Zevah noticed it but kept quiet. She realised he must be having a headache so she immediately went out and got him the medicine she always kept in her bag.

"If you don't mind sir, please take this medicine. You'll feel better." She kept the tablet on his desk and stepped back. Aditya looked at the medicine and then at Zevah.

"I'll leave you alone for now sir. I hope you feel better soon." With that she left his cabin before he could say anything else.

Sighing, the first thing he did was take the medicine given by her and then relaxed in his chair. He now had to think of how he was going to apologise to her.

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