《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Nineteen


Aditya stumbled as he stepped inside the Malhotra mansion. He frowned and looked behind at the step that he just missed. Right then he smacked his head into the door which he never knew was there before.

"When was this door fixed here?" He cursed rubbing the part where it hurt and glared at the door before moving past it.

Walking into Sahil's room he found him sitting on his bed with his laptop. Glaring hard at him, he marched towards him and shut his laptop angrily.

"Why the fuck did you call me when all you wanted to do was work? And when the hell did you fix that door over there?" Aditya hissed and Sahil just raised his eyebrows.

"Are you drunk?" Sahil questioned purposely to irritate him and as expected Aditya narrowed his eyes at him.

"I would've killed you here, at this chance but I care about your unborn baby, so I'm sparing you." He said arrogantly and plopped on the bed beside him.

"Now spill!" Aditya ordered and Sahil rolled his eyes.

"Will I be a good father?" It was a straight, direct question and Aditya knew where this was coming from. He sat up straight and looked at Sahil with a serious expression.

"You will be the best father if you let yourself be." The answer was twisted and Aditya made no move to clarify himself until Sahil asked him.

"What does that mean?" He asked and Aditya sighed.

"Sahil, tell me one thing, are you doing all this to get your grandfather's property?" Sahil looked blank as he always does but this time Aditya could see him questioning himself.

"Of course I am." He answered and Aditya nodded because he'd never lie, atleast to him.

"Now are you going to ignore your child after you get the property?" There was something in his eyes, maybe a trace of vulnerability, longing or pain but Aditya saw it. Although he didn't comment because he never did as he understood his inner turmoil.

"You know I would never." His voice was a little strained but he covered it with his hard look.

"Are you sure, you'd never?" He pressed on the subject more and Sahil clenched his jaw as well as hands.

"Aditya!" He warned and Aditya raised his hand in surrender but his mood was successfully ruined. Sahil looked away trying to calm his anger.


"But what triggered this topic?" He asked looking at him curiously while Sahil remembered how Srishti had mumbled it in her sleepy state.

"Srishti." One word was enough to bring a small smile on Aditya's face. He somewhere felt that it must've been her but didn't mention it himself.

"Now that you've mentioned her, answer my one more question. Will you be able to give your child, both, father's and mother's love? I mean that is what you've stated in the contract right? For the mother to hand over the child to you and leave." This was the first time that they had been calmly discussing over this topic.

Aditya watched Sahil's face keenly and tried to gauge his expressions although he didn't show any.

"I don't know." A sigh left his lips because for the first time he didn't know the answer to the question. Aditya smiled secretly because he didn't straightaway made an excuse or arrogantly answered in positive.

"You need to think from all perspectives, Sahil. After the baby is born, you'll get the property, alright, that's good but what after that? What about the baby? You'll get busy with your business and Srishti will be gone, busy in her life but who will look after that kid? Please don't say a nanny because you and I both know that we can't trust anyone with a newborn in today's world." Sahil listened to Aditya's words carefully and he seemed right.

He had not yet thought about all this because all his focus was on having a kid. Never thought beyond that but it was time he did that.

"Why don't you marry Srishti?"

"I don't believe in marriages." He snapped immediately and Aditya sighed. This man was a tough nut to crack.

"Then what? Fine you can come up with a solution yourself. I'll go to sleep." Yawning he laid on the bed and after adjusting the quilt on him, went off to sleep.

While Sahil sat there lost in his thoughts, Aditya slept peacefully beside him, on his bed.


Srishti had been munching on her chocolate thinking about yesterday night. She vaguely remembered Sahil carrying her to her room and then how she stopped him saying he would be a wonderful father.

She was half asleep, agreed but whatever she said, she meant it.


The way he had behaved with her kids at 'Hope' was beyond anyone's imagination and somewhere she was proud of him. It was a new side of him which was revealed yesterday.

"Morning, Srishti." She just nodded lost in her thoughts but then jerked her head towards him in shock.

Eyes wide, she stared at Aditya who now sat on the couch opposite to hers with a cup of coffee in his hands. She blinked several times because he was in his night wear and his hair were messy as well as if he'd just woken up.

When did he start living here?

"Srishti." Startled she kept a hand on her belly as a reflex and looked behind at Sahil who had called her.

"When did he start living here?" She asked what was on her mind, pointing at Aditya who stopped drinking his coffee and looked at her confused.

"He didn't. I called him yesterday for some work." Sahil cleared and she muttered an 'oh' going back to eating her chocolate.

"I need to talk to you." He announced and she raised her eyebrows at him. Aditya looked between the two and then cleared his throat.

"Okay, I'll freshen up and leave for work from here only. Sahil, I'm using your room and you will bring me a new pair of clothes." He ordered and Sahil ignored his words looking into his phone.

"Hellooo? You called me for work so it's your responsibility now that I go to work looking fresh." Aditya hollered and Sahil gave him a look after which he turned serious and left while Srishti was confused in the end.

"Why did he leave suddenly?" She frowned and Sahil just stared at her.


"What is it, Mr. Malhotra? What do you want to talk about?" Srishti asked in an irritated tone as they had been in his room for fifteen minutes now but he hadn't said a word.

"Do you have any complications in your pregnancy?" She was taken aback by his sudden interest in her condition and just gaped at him blankly.

"Why the sudden interest?" She crossed her arms and demanded and he just eyed her movements.

"I'll be accompanying you the next time, you visit the doctor." He stated instead of answering her question and her anger flared.

"What the hell? Why are you suddenly so keen on behaving like a good husband? I have taken care of myself until now, Mr. Malhotra and will continue to do so. I don't need any of your help." She said sternly and he eyed her growing belly.

She followed his gaze and looked back at him. Her gaze softened. She realised he'd want to spend some time with this little one as well.

"You can talk to your child, Mr. Malhotra, I won't deny you but don't try to help me because I'm capable enough to handle myself." Her tone was soft yet stern and as he looked at her, he knew she won't accept his help.

"Marry me." She gasped loudly and stumbled a little which made him take two long strides towards her and hold her steady against him.


"Sir, it's my last day tomorrow and I'm feeling so sorry that I couldn't find a suitable secretary for you in this time." Hiba said disappointed with herself as she stood infront of her boss.

Aditya smiled fondly as he looked at the woman standing before him. She was smart, intelligent and very well managed in her work but then she was going to get married and was going to reside in London with her husband. It was unfortunate for both of them. But it had to be done.

"But there is one woman who is willing to fill the position although she doesn't have the qualifications." Hiba added hesitantly and Aditya frowned.

"Why are you telling me this when she doesn't match the qualifications?" He asked because it felt absurd to him.

"Uh sir, because she's the same woman who had come to meet you few days before." He tried to remember and then his eyes widened in realisation.

"Zevah?" He whispered to himself and slowly a smile crept on his face.

"Hiba, call her and tell her she's been appointed." He smirked and Hiba just smiled and shook her head before leaving from there.

"I look forward to work with you, Ms. Zevah." He whispered to himself as he leaned back on his seat and smiled looking at nowhere particular.

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