《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Eighteen


Srishti's excited mood had been successfully ruined. Courtesy ─Sahil Malhotra. And that was always confirmed. He will be the only one who can turn her mood from sweet to sour in less than a minute.

Currently, the four of them were travelling to where Srishti was earlier heading but with her grumpy mood. Greta and her sat in the passenger seat whereas Aditya sat beside Sahil who drove the car.

"Are you going to tell where you want to go or I have to keep driving aimlessly." Sahil's voice filled in the silence but all of them thought that the silence was better.

Srishti gave him a sharp look before she snapped at him, "Before this you never asked where I wanted to go."

Sahil's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he gave her a cold stare through the mirror and Srishti saw it but ignoring it looked out of the window.

"Srishti, where to?" It was Aditya this time who had turned around in his seat and asked her the question softly. Srishti looked at him and sighed.

"You know where Aditya." She said simply and Aditya frowned thinking what that meant. But then it clicked him.

"The orphanage." He said and grinned to himself which made Srishti smile as well. Sahil still sat stiff in his seat but said nothing seeing the exchange between the two.

Soon they were infront of her orphanage and Srishti felt the excitement building up inside her again as she pushed open the door and Aditya was immediately there to help her.

She looked at him and he gave a faint smile to her which she returned. He didn't extend his hand for support but was there if she stumbled or needed help.

Sahil stood a little away watching Aditya and Srishti while Greta observed him. After Srishti stood infront of her home, she smiled and looked at Greta who was smiling as well.

"It's Zevah's birthday." She revealed and Aditya felt his eyes widening at the information. Srishti bit her lip to control her laugh seeing his expressions.

Aditya cursed his fate for not knowing about her birthday and most importantly coming empty handed. He even glared at Srishti who was enjoying his state.

Srishti looked at the time and it was still eleven forty. Twenty minutes to go but the cake was still missing. She had asked for it to be delivered by eleven forty-five at her orphanage and thankfully she was there on time.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Aditya whisper yelled at Srishti who only giggled in response. Sahil was getting annoyed by just standing there.

"You never asked." Srishti shrugged and just then the delivery boy reached there with the cake. She thanked him and after paying him she handed the cake to Aditya who looked surprised.


Five minutes were left and all the lights were switched on inside the orphanage which caused a ruckus because Zevah had started shouting.

"What is going on over here? Why is everyone still awake?" She asked loudly while the kids only giggled and snickered among themselves making her more angry.

Aditya looked at Srishti who raised her eyebrows at him. He gestured her to open the door with her key and at exactly twelve they entered inside and the kids yelled,

"Happy Birthday Zevaahh!"

She froze for a minute before she noticed Srishti and Aditya standing with the cake in his hands. Srishti smiled and walked upto her dazed state.

"Happy birthday best friend." She wished her softly and hugged her which brought her back to her senses. She chuckled amidst the tears that gathered in her eyes and hugged Srishti back.

"When did you do this?" Zevah asked breaking the hug and Srishti grinned mischievously.

"That is for me to know and you to never find out." Zevah rolled her eyes and after that Greta came forward and wished her to which she smiled and thanked her.

Her eyes landed on Aditya who was already staring at her with a smile on his lips. He stepped ahead and placed the cake on the table and arranged the candles himself. After everything was done he dramatically bowed down infront of Zevah.

"Milady, please do the honours of blowing the candles and cutting the cake." Despite her attempts to maintain a stern face, a smile formed on her face.

Srishti giggled at Aditya's goofiness and Sahil's eyes found her laughing form. While everybody around him sang 'happy birthday' he chose to stare at Srishti's beaming face.

One gesture that he won't ever forget was her caressing her belly every two minutes and smiling down at it. She looked content in her own world.

"Aditya, who is he?" A kid questioned Aditya and Sahil's attention went towards them. He looked at Aditya amused because it seemed that he didn't come here for the first time.

"He's my friend." Aditya smiled and a tiny girl slapped her forehead grabbing everyone's attention.

"Uff why can't you big people bring all your friends all at once? First, Srishti brings Zevah then she brings Aditya and now this very tall person. Do you think we won't be able to remember you all if you come together?" She pouted angrily keeping her tiny hands on her hips.

Srishti chuckled but immediately shut up because she was glaring at her as well. Aditya, Zevah, Greta everyone was smiling but no one spoke anything.

Srishti glanced at Sahil and an inaudible gasp escaped her lips because there was a tiny but visible smile playing on his lips. Sahil Malhotra and smiling? Was she dreaming?


She pinched herself and hissed slightly rubbing that area. She realised she wasn't daydreaming and he had actually smiled because as she watched him now, the smile was gone just like a figment of her imagination.

"Why is everyone smiling?" The girl asked frowning looking around and just when Srishti was going to step ahead to explain her she found someone else taking the initiative.

Sahil crouched down on his knee and flicked her nose which made her giggle because it tickled. Others gaped at the scene including Aditya because this sight was new for him as well.

"I think you're very intelligent miss─" He trailed off and the girl forwarded her hand towards him.

"Tina," He looked at her tiny hand and gently shook it making her grin.

"Tina. I like your name." He complimented her making Srishti's eyes go wide. What was happening over here?

"I like you." Tina told him giving him her toothy smile which made him chuckle and Srishti surely felt like she would faint any moment now.

What had this tiny girl seen in him that she couldn't?


After everyone retired to their home, Sahil, Srishti and Greta returned to the mansion at around one. Srishti was already tired and slept in the car itself.

Greta looked at Srishti and proceeded to wake her up but Sahil stopped her.

"It's okay Mrs. Khanna, you go and sleep. I'll carry her inside." Greta smiled at him before leaving for her room.

Sahil looked at Srishti's sleeping figure and then at her hand which was resting on her belly. He bent forward and picked her up in his arms. What surprised him was she didn't wake up instead just whined in her sleep and snuggled close to him.

He carefully placed her on the bed and covered her with the quilt properly before standing up. He remembered how he had mentioned that after she'll get pregnant she'll be staying with him in his room but then he himself arranged a care taker for her.

Shaking his head pushing away those thoughts he turned to leave when a tug on his hand made him freeze on his spot.

He turned around slowly and found Srishti looking at him in her drowsy state. She was half awake as she held his hand and stopped him.

"Thank you." She whispered and he nodded thinking she thanked him for carrying her to her room.

"Thank you for being nice to my kids Mr. Malhotra. You are going to be an amazing father." Her hand dropped and she couldn't fight the sleep anymore. While she slept peacefully he stood there frozen.

Her words rang in his ears as he stared at her. Would she have said the same thing if she was fully conscious?

Of course not. Why would she?

Taking a deep breath he took hurried steps to get out of her room but stopped when he noticed something. He walked back in and tucked her hand beside her before adjusting the quilt and switching off the lights.


Sahil sat up on his bed after his several failed attempts to sleep. Sleep was far away from him and he didn't understand why that one statement affected him so much.

"You are going to be an amazing father."

These words tormented him to no extent.

He turned slightly and went to fetch water from the side table but found the jug empty. Sighing he moved out of his room to get some water.

He found the lights of the kitchen on and Greta present inside already. She looked at him surprised and moved away from the refrigerator immediately as he walked towards it.

"Do you want some water as well?" Sahil questioned without looking at her and she nodded even though he couldn't see her.

Taking out a bottle he handed it to her and got one for himself. He was going to leave when her words stopped him.

"Mr. Malhotra I know I'm no one to say this but what you're feeling is what you will have to understand and accept yourself. Or it'll keep tormenting you your whole life." With that she walked past him leaving him annoyed.

Why was everyone keen on testing his patience today?

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"We don't talk anymore, we don't really anymore, oh we don't talking anymore like we used to..." Aditya's sleepy voice faded as he slept again after singing the song.

"Shut the fuck up and come to my house right now." Sahil ordered and Aditya hummed in his sleep.


Aditya whined loudly because he had woken up instantly seeing his call but he was human and sleepy. He sang the lines hoping he would get irritated and hang up but much to his dismay he didn't.

"Who the fuck calls someone at 3 am? Sahil, let me sleep please." Aditya pleaded but he wasn't having it.

"Aditya now!" He demanded and this time Aditya glared at the phone.

"Fuck you, Malhotra!" He yelled getting up and cut the call ruthlessly. Sahil sighed pocketing back his phone and moving towards his room.

This was going to be a long night.

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