In Serial

The Enchantments(Volume One)

8 123 23
Author: Type:Male

In the city of Sector Seventeen magic and science work hand and hand to change it from the ground up. Creatures thought to be made up from nightmares and fairy tales are all real as any human. Living. Breathing. Dying.

Born a human but now confined in a body made from the newest tech and ancient incantations Suki can't help but see the irony in the world's advancements. Discrimination against the inhuman kind is at large and no one seems to care. As a student of a prestigious military she's forced to look the other way when these things happen.

However when met face to face with these attacks will Suki and her two companions a semi psychotic shifter cousin and a witch with tricks up her sleeve be able to stand tall and fight for what's right?

(Updates Every two weeks)

(the author would like to note that she is renaming all chapters currently to fit the new arc names and is rewriting first three chapters.)

EDIT: Indefinite Hiatus

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