《The Enchantments(Volume One)》Everyday Life in a Core 0.3


"Suki Yukimura." Her eyes moved around the room avoiding the scrutinizing look the man gave her almost as if he where examining her like a lab experiment. "Or do you say it as Yukimura Suki? You Japanese always have a funny way of saying your names."

The cyborg stood there for a moment not knowing if the man was serious or not. In his hand he held a small pistol like gun that gleamed a soft blue against the diner's lights against her temple and in the other what appeared to be some sort of sword of some kind. She frowned at the size of the sword as it looked to be to thin to cut anything bad enough to cause any type of injury but also to big to be able to swing around properly. That being said she began to wonder if it could be some sort of decoy meant to scare her into try and go fight him off and get herself killed.

Suki shook her head and held on to the remaining strap of her book bag tightly the other having falling off her shoulder when she had been slammed into the wall. This whole robbery seemed odd as she had been the only taken captive and the cashiers appeared a lot calmer than you'd expect someone with their life in danger would be. In fact now as she looked around the whole dinner and noticed the other customers who sat watching the ordeal, they looked calmer than normal also. Her grip fell as she felt her hand begin to hurt and she turned back to look at her attacker with no doubt in her mind that this robbery was a front for something bigger.

"It's said Yukimura Suki though you should only call me Yukimura." She said flatly no longer to hide her displeasure with the gun being pushed right against her skin causing some of the other customers to gasp in exaggerated horror and disgust. From the side of her eye she could see Ivan barely able to contain himself his hands creating large creases in the table they had both sat at moments before. His body seemed to be shaking in mid shift and she could only hope he could contain it a little bit longer.

If Ivan did end up shifting before she could distract the man long enough for her to somehow incapacitate him...she shuttered at the thought of her cousin loosing the little control he had and falling to the ground as a lifeless husk. Her thoughts where a twisted mess as she thought of the possibility of the man catching onto her and scratched her elbow her attention returning back to him. The gun was still pointer at her but he didn't seem to care about it anymore allowing his grip to loosen a bit.


'Could I knock it out of his hand?' Suki had to admit the thought of running at the man full forced and using her superior strength to kick the gun to the ground was tempting but equally flawed. There could be more than one person working with him and as soon as she tried to make her move he could shoot a bullet straight into her skull. She may not be able to feel pain that easily anymore though being shot wasn't something she wanted to experience again.

Something cold wrapped around her arms and she grunted pulling back from the white gloves. "Hey pay attention to what I'm saying Yukimura or else I'm going to put this here bullet straight through that little robotic skull of yours. "Her frown deepened at the man's poor excuse for threat and tried to move farther away from him only to have her arms grabbed again.

"Fine what do you want asshole because I'd rather get shot in the head than be force to listen to your mindless ramblings about proper etiquette!" Suki hissed just as he arupted in laughter tears filling his slitted eyes. The urge to grab the gun and shoot herself grew as she watched him her knuckles tightening into a small fist.

A hand shot out and wrapped itself around her throat choking her. The cyborg twisted pulling on it in hopes that she could breath but this only made him tighten it. Pain began to build up behind her eyes as she kicked her heels into the wall feeling the air in her lungs decrease which each tortuous breath. Blackness began to seep into her eyes and she heard her cousin bones snap. Panicking she began to kick at the man's legs fearing not only for her life but Ivan's as she heard him begin to shift within seconds of her attack. She let go off his hand and swung her fist at his jaw knocking him backward from the force allowing her to breath properly.

Suki had to hold onto the wall to keep herself from collapsing as black dots danced around her vision. Her hands shook as she fought of the urge to vomit and fell to her knees. Everything in her body burned and ached from the abuse, her limbs twitching painfully with breath she took. A eerie silence had filled the room sending chills down her spine and slowly she looked back up at the man.


Blood dripped down his jaw which now sat in a mess of blood and saliva. But that wasn't the first thing she noticed, the large gash in the side of his face that was previously covered by the bandana around his mouth practically screamed danger to her and she began to pull herself off the ground. The eyes of the remaining customers where all pointed at her along with the diner's staff. They where all blank and emotionless almost as of nothing was there.

Her heart stopped at the thought and she unwound her hands from the wall stretching them out. Tremors still went down her legs but they weren't from fear but anger. Her teeth where clenched as she breathed in wet heavy breaths and wiped at her mouth with the bottom of her sleeve. The knowledge that she had been somewhat right in her thoughts that this wasn't just a one man job didn't soothe her as she began to realize the true horror of the situation.

"Your controlling their minds aren't you? That's why no one tried to run when you pulled the gun out on me..." Suki trailed off as the coughed up blood onto his shoes and held out a finger to shush her like she where a annoying child.

"Well your partially correct I am controlling them but why haven't you fallen under my control? Or that puppy behind me that you call your cousin." Her eye widened at the comment and he started to talk before she could ask him a question. "No I can't read minds little girl but I do know about you."

"What about me." Her eyes darkened as she began to worry fearing that this man was not only superior in fighting skills but in his knowledge about herself.

Ever since she had awoken in the cold husk of a metal body she had made sure to not to give out any information about herself or Ivan that could get them killed or used again. But now as she stood there her throat raw from being squeezed by the man's meaty fist's and her body buzzing with growing nausea, she wondered if somehow she hadn't paid enough attention, gotten to comfortable in her life as a students at a military academy and allowed someone untrustworthy to slip into her mind.

Nails scraped against the back of her wrist as she watched the man shift his body to the side lifting his sword up onto his shoulder. The blade now gave off a menacing aura to her along with the splattered across his lips. Time seemed to go by slower than before and she felt herself shift her gaze back towards her cousin. Once she laid her eyes on his hunched over form her throat closed. Raw panic began to fill her mind as she watched him naw on what previously had been his fingernails now long bone in the form of claws, with tiny hairs on the side that screamed animal at her.

Suki bite her lip and struggled with the urge to push past the man and grab onto her cousin's shoulders and pull his body into her own calming him before he could transform completely. This desire began to fizzle out as she realized that the panic in her mind would only make him more enraged his fierce protectiveness reaching drastic levels in his canine like mindset. Looking down at her feet she let put a soft sigh of defeat.

"Tell me why your after us? Who sent you? What do they want from us and how do they know about my...puppy?" She spat out the last word in disgust not wanting to risk him finding out the two's relationship with one another if he didn't already.

The man looked at her as if she where joking before bursting out into laughter. Suki raised a eyebrow but kept her mouth shut the two cousins meeting eyes one annoyed while the other enraged. She looked back down as the sound of teeth elongating grew louder mixing with the man's laughter and the empty silence of the diner. A chill went down her spine and she put her hands in her pockets her teeth chattering.

"You crack me up. A little fire cracker you are anyway have you ever heard of a man named Captain Richardson? " Ivan gasped and Suki shuttered. "Thought so~"

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