《The Enchantments(Volume One)》Chapter 0.2: Everyday life in a Core



Italic for thoughts and regular speaking

Bold for increpted speaking and texts


A tall man with long black hair that seemed to swoop around his head in a large pearl colored hair pin turned and met the eyes of his youngest officer on the force. He smiled to himself as he thought about when he had first met the boy, a filthy runt who had stolen from him numerous times and how he had crafted him into a obedient underling. Grinning he patted the boy's head earning him a dazed smile as a folder was thrust into his chest.

"These are the case files you requested from the eastern division. " The boy said panting in front of him with his face drenched in sweat. "I hope these are sufficient enough for you." He blushed realizing his mistake and played with his hands looking away from his superior. "Uhm Captain."

The man couldn't help but chuckle at the panic that grew in the boy's eyes and licked his lips. He hadn't seen this much fear in of his officers since he had just began his time as a captain and was at his cruelest now a days he was more lenient with his men. After all he thought amused at the tremors that went through the boy's body and the way he slowly backed away from to rule in fear is to rule with ultimate power.

He grabbed the boy's shoulder and gave it a squeeze not hard enough to have him burst into tears and scream in pain but not light enough to make him feel safe. "You did well Noel I haven't been able to gain access to anything from the eastern division in months." It was almost like a light bulb went off Noel's head and a large grin came across his face making the man pull away from knowing a full blown panic was avoided.

Noel blushed and casted his gaze off to the side as if the compliment was nothing to him. "It wasn't very hard to hack into their computer's and print out the copies but erm." Biting his lip he put his hands in his pockets and turned to leave. "Thank you for the compliment. "

"No problem now let's take a look at these files." Slowly he opened the folder feeling as if a century old weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It had taken years of research to be able to reach this peak of his investigation into the terrorist organization and now he held the most important info on them in his hands. Peaking his eyes widened at the first thing he could see, a newspaper headline. "Dear gods..."

Noel looked up from his lap at his superior eyes grazing over what had shocked the man and let out a gasp. His face was shrouded in disbelief and his hand shook as he sat unable to speak. "Is that the...the..."


"Neo Tokyo Bombing."

The man shuddered in disgust at the graphic images of torn buildings and melted masses of human flesh and bone that had exploded against the small mainframe of a new group of cyborg's in development. It had been the greatest disaster the new world had ever known and still seven years later people still never sat door in the city to rebuild, the pain of the loss of life fresh in their minds. Clenching his hands into fists he breathed in a ragged breath and flipped to the next page in the large document.

Large bodies of text covered the thin sheet of colored paper having been glued onto it sloppily. Cut out titles of newspaper headlines, images of burning buildings, destroyed police stations surrounded by husks of dead androids, the charred corpses of children from schools created by Lycan rescuers. All of this was caused by this group that the public tried to ignore but the shadow sat over their every move. He felt the urge to crumble the piece of paper and chuck it out of the room but he knew he had to continue.

Looking up Noel he saw the boy pale at the image of the dead lycan shifter children's bodies and cursed. The young man was a lycan himself something that was easy to tell by the pair of furry black ears on his head and the fangs hanging over his lips. They shared a look and he flipped to the next page, then the next, then the next.

'Witch murdered at Midnight'

'Strange murderer strikes again at Vampire Brothel'

'Hundreds found dead at interspecies freedom rally'

'Androids: Humans or Monsters?'

'Newborn lycan smothered to death by anti Shifter daycare worker.'

'Psychic hanged by local bishop for claims of being in league with demons. All suspects left free of charge.'

"How didn't anyone piece this together," The man was startled by the younger male's broken voice looking up to see tears in his eyes. They pooled in them unable to fall as the boy spoke his voice small. "All those people died. I didn't know. We let them die! Why did we cover this up I can't-"

"We did what we thought was right Noel." He said softly.

The younger man's eyes hardened and he gasped covering his hands with his mouth. Sighing the captain put a hand on his shoulder only for it to be slapped away. "You have to understand Noel we needed proof to expose them to the public. That's our duty as officer's of the law, all of the people matter more than a few hundred. "

"You're a monster."

Noel shuttered and grabbed the folder out of the captain's hands and began to do something that shocked the man into silence. He held the papers to his chest and let out a weak sob his eyes filled with tears and pain. He knew he shouldn't have let the boy see the papers but he thought that maybe he could handle it in this line of work.


Clutching the papers in his hands claws sprung forth from the man's skin and pierce them ripping them into shreds. The pieces fell to his feet as he shook and began to back away from his superior. Pain and disbelief covered his face as he fell against a nearby wall and cried in weak sobs. The captain stood still not knowing what he could say or do to fix this.

"My parents were killed at a protest by these monsters and you say you did what was right. I watched them burn alive I stole from you to be able to eat for the night and you forced me to join these monsters. You're no better than those murderers. You covered it all up and claim you want the world to know the truth." Noel said his back turned as he took in a weak breath and began to walk away. Reaching up he ripped off his badge and threw it to the ground. "I quit."

"Noel you don't mean that."

He started to argue only for the man to run out the hallway and throw his gun down along the way. The weapon tumbled to the ground and the old man felt his body go cold. Numbness filled his body as he realized what he had done, the danger he had now put his most loyal officer in and the blood staining his hands. Slowly he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black rectangle a touch pad or mini phone.

Pushing in the large button in the middle he put the phone to his ear listening to the beeping noise as it connected him to the caller. Chills went down his spine and he couldn't help but feel a hollowness left but Noel's weapon and pushed it away with his foot slamming it against the wall with a loud cracking sound. This only made the hollowness in his body feel worse and he turned away from it.

The beeping noise ended and he was greeted with a familiar voice disguised by it's owner. "Hello Captain."

His mouth tasted sour and he felt the urge to spit. "Cut this polite crap Vera tell me if you got the kids yet."

"What's the matter your little boy toy grew some balls and finally left you? Wouldn't say I'm surprised since you helped nearly drive his kind extinct." He growled tightening his grip on the phone and had stop himself from cursing the woman. He didn't have time for games but she was the wrong person to piss off.

"Noel will come back. He needs to take his medication and I'm the only one that will give to him and I doubt he'll risk turning into what he was before." He knew Noel needed him and that helped settle the hollowness in the pit of his stomach.

A cold laugh filled the room as the room echoed the conversation throughout the halls making it sound as of the whole room was joking the Captain's delusions. "I highly doubt that. Men like him the ones with trauma and extreme daddy issues are just my type."

The captain's eyes widened and his blood went cold at the thought of Noel being in this woman's no monsters grasp. Forced to do whatever she said or become a mindless junkie. He wouldn't allow it to happen not even if he died. Knuckles turning white the man pressed the receiver against his ear and growled darkly.

"I swear to the gods Vera if you send your lackies after him and make him like your damn brother I will end you." His heart beated fast at the thought of it.

The phone was silent for a moment before Vera spoke again and he had no doubt that if it wasn't incepted it would be full of some sort of sick amusement. "I'd like to see you try, I have been craving a new head to mount in my bedroom. Anyway you asked about our dear children?"

"They aren't our children Vera their pawns in the fucking Academy's game. A witch? Fine. Two shifters? What the hell they need to breed them for warriors. But a fucking necromancer, psychic and cyborg is fucking trouble. We need them." He pressed ignoring he threat for what was more important at the moment.

"Don't worry about them Captain I already have my men ready to capture the witch, cyborg and a shifter. I'm surprised you didn't tell me the witch was a ancient. " She said laughing to herself.

He shrugged having been completely obvious to the fact and continued to press her for more information. "I didn't know. Thought all the ancients where dead or weak. You've got them cornered I presume?"

"Yes they all appear to be close to one another. Even two of them are relatives...this will be fun to use against them. Goodbye for now Captain and also-" He cut her off wanting to her more of what she saying he voice filled with static.

"And what Vera?" He said clutching the phone as he hurried down the hallway into the police office's main hall not wanting to be caught wandering by own of his colleagues.

"If I where you I wouldn't leave my blinds open. Goodbye. "

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