《The Enchantments(Volume One)》It's Over


Hey Mary here.

I don't typically do these things but here it is.

This is officially abandoned, cancelled, incomplete, whatever you want to call it.

So yeah. I've been focusing more on my fanfiction these days then original fiction.

It's to much of a chore.

However, Nanowrimo is coming up and some familiar characters are coming back.

So thanks for a year of sticking with my BS and uh see ya later.

oh yeah five hundred fucking characters must be typedh

might as well talk about this trainwreck.

i wanna revoot but it's not worth it.

I'm only fifteen which us not a excuse

but i wanna sit back and relax with a random story

soo I'm gonna write ooooone about stuff

weeb alert. Sigh. It's its gonna be great but whatever.

expect the unexpected. ⚪⭕⚪⚪⭕⚪⚪⭕⚪⭕⭕⚪⭕

emojis work here? We'll just have to see i guess! Anyway uh hopefully you stay around or something....i write yaoi lolz

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