《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 28: Good advice


3rd Pov.

So as Clem lines up her shot she gets more advice but this time from Carley.

Carley: Good. Don't lock your elbows. (Lee adjusts Clementine's arms) Okay, let's take the first shot. (Lee covers Clem's ears) Squeeze the trigger smoothly and I'll cover your ears. Nice and easy.

Clem: Nice and easy. (fires and misses) EEE!

Lee: You okay?

Clem: My hands hurt. I don't like this.

Y/n: Come on, Clem. You gotta stick with it.

Clem: Do I have to?

Lee: Yeah, you do. (covers ears again)

Lee helps Clem until she eventually shoots a bottle and she's simply overjoyed by it.

Clem: I got it!

Lee: Excellent, good shot!

Y/n gives Clem a hug and she melts into it for a few seconds and then they pull away.

Y/n: Great shot Clem!

Clem: *Blushing* T-Thanks.

Lee sets up more bottles for Clem to practice with. Meanwhile Y/n starts to talk to Carley away from them both and quietly so only Carley and he can hear.

Y/n: You know, she's so different from the girl I met in that tree house the day everything happened.

Carley: I know, she seems more grown up then that little girls all those months back but she still manages to be so full of love and happiness.

Carley notices Y/n staring at her.

Carley: You love her, don't you?

Y/n was snapped out of his haze by her words.

Y/n: *Blushing* I-I U-Uh..(Breathes in) Of course I do, or at least I know I like her more than a best friend probably should. My dad said Love is where you like someone more than as a friend, best friend, or anything like that.

Y/n: He said if you truly love someone you would do anything you could to make them happy and I'd do anything for Clem, even if it meant giving up my life so she could live, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Carley was surprise by the words of the young boy, Y/n's only nine but he's willing to give his life for the girl he loves and she could tell he's telling the truth. He knows about Love better than some adults, she knew he was different from other kids his age, more mature but this is when it truly showed.

Carley: You know, I bet she loves you too.

Y/n: I don't know, what if she only thinks of me as a friend?

Carley's face for a second was like this, due to the denseness of the boy.

She then recomposed herself and looks at the boy like a loving mom and she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Carley: Look kiddo, I can tell you sure as the sun's gonna come up tomorrow that she does.

Carley: (Jokingly) You know for a smart Kid you're kinda Dense when it comes to love.


Y/n: (Chuckles) Oh, Ha Ha. Very funny Carley.

Y/n then gives Carley a hug and at first she was surprised but then she reciprocated it.

Y/n: Thanks for talking with me, Carley.

Carley: No problem, Kiddo.

Then as they let go of their hug, Clem and Lee finish with their gun training and Clem runs to Y/n.

Clem: Did you see how good I did, Did ya?!

She said excitedly which of course Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of Clem.

Y/n: Yes Clem, I did. You were amazing, you may be even better than me.

Clem: Thanks Y/n.

She pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back, it lasts for a couple of seconds, then they let go and turn to Lee. Lee looks a bit uncertain.

Lee: So, you're probably not gonna like this.

Clementine: Oh, no, what happened?

Lee: Nothing. We have to talk about your hair. It's not safe.

Y/n starts to laugh at that, which earns him a death glare from Clem and he immediately shuts up.

Y/n: Hehe...Sorry.

Clem turns back to Lee

Clementine: That's not nice.

Lee: What?

Clementine: Are you saying it smells?

Lee: No.

Clementine: Because it does, kinda.

Y/n: I think it smells fine.

Lee: (shakes head) Do you remember when Andy St. John grabbed it? And Y/n and I got mad?

Clementine: Yeah...

Lee: Well, that could happen again. And if it's a walker, well... We need to trim it.

Clementine: Just a trim, right?

Lee: Carley needs to cut it short enough so that it can't get grabbed.

Clementine: (sighs) Okay.

Clem looks over to see Y/n smirking at the situation.

Clem: Hey, what about Y/n?

Lee: Actually his hair is short enough to not be a problem.

Carley: Don't worry Clem, it'll be okay.

Clem: (Sighs) Alright.

Clementine takes off her hat and Lee starts cutting her hair.

Clem: Do you know how to do this?

Carley: How hard can it be?

Clem: I'm going to look like a boy.

Carley: Shush now.

Y/n: (Playfully) Besides what's wrong with that?

Clem: I'm a girl.

Clem then turns to Lee.

Clem: So you did kill someone, before.

Lee: Yep

Clem: I'm glad you finally told me.

Lee: Me too.

Clem: You and Y/n have killed lots of things now; it doesn't even matter.

Lee: Killing is bad, no matter what.

Clementine: But you both do it now to protect yourself--and to protect me.

Lee: It doesn't make it good.

Clementine: But you have to.

Lee: We do it because it's necessary. And walkers aren't people.

Y/n: Lee's right, I hate having to Kill but I'd do it in a heartbeat to save you or anyone on this train. (Thinks about Ben) Well most on the train.

Carley: Okay, I think I'm about done. I can probably tie these pieces back with something.


Clem: (hands hairties to Carley) Here, I have some hair thingies.

Lee: You do?

Clem: Uh, yeah. Lilly gave them to me for sleeping.

Y/n: Yeah, her hair kept getting in my face when we slept.

Carley: There, all set.

Carley puts Clementine's hair in pigtails and she feels her new hairstyle, then pouts.

Clem: (Thoughts) Y/n probably think it looks stupid...

Clem: Does it look dumb?

Lee: (pats her head) Ha, no. You look cute--and a lot harder to grab.

Carley: I agree with Lee.

Lee gives Carley a little peck on the lips.

Clem was still pouting until Y/n noticed and said something.

Y/n: You look just as adorable as always Clem.

Clem goes red in the face and stops pouting.

Clem: R-Really? Y-You Promise?

Y/n: I promise.

Clem gets happy.

Carley puts Clem's hat on Clem's head.

Lee: I want to talk about Savannah.

Clementine: Us too.

Lee pulls out the map and holds it, Clem, Y/n, Carley, and Lee all sit together and look at the Map.

Lee: And what we're gonna do when we get there. We don't know what to expect--the city could be bad or totally under control. The thing is, you,Y/n,Carly, and I, we're a team, you know? And a team needs a plan. Aside from everyone else, when this train stops, you and I should know exactly what we're doing.

Clementine: A plan. I like it.

Y/n: As do I

Lee: Ha, good.

Lee: I think we should look for your parents.

Clementine: Really?

Y/n: Yeah. You need to know if they're okay. And, well, if they're not, what happened to them.

Clem smiles at Y/n and Lays her head on his shoulder and Carley does the same with Lee.

Clementine: I'm sure they're okay.

Lee: Yeah, it's best to stay positive.

Clementine: That's what dad always says.

Y/n: My dad said to always have faith, even if the outcome looks bleak.

Lee: Let's look at the map. If we can figure out where they were we can start there.

Clementine: Okay, let's.

Lee: (points to map) It looks like we'll come right through town if there's nothing on the tracks to hold us up.

Carley: (points to map) We're gonna want to look for a boat here, I imagine. And from there, we've got all of Savannah to the southwest of us.

Lee: Now, we've got a good chunk of Savannah here. What do you think?

Clementine: They always stay in the same place when they go there. It's, uh...hmm.

Y/n: Hey. Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Have you ever been there?

Clementine: Once.

Lee: Well, think about it--there are a lot of hotels on here, but read this map and maybe it will jog your memory.

Clementine: They've got really tasty desserts. It's called the M...M something...Mar...

Lee: (points to map) Is this it? The Marsh House?

Clementine Yes, that's it.

Carley: So we'll head there.

Clementine: Yes!

Lee: You think we have a good plan?

Clementine: I think it's very good. Can I...tell my parents? You know.

Lee: Sure, go ahead.

Clem was happy because of the trust Lee has with her.

Y/n: So long as we're together that's all that matters.

They all smile, they feel like a big family and they couldn't be happier.

Clem: Hey, what a minute! Y/n you said you'd play a song after we got done.

Lee and Carley look at each other then to Y/n.

Y/n: Oh, alright.

Y/n walks over to Chucks guitar and picks it up.

Lee: So you can play Guitar? Since when?

Carley: Yeah?

Y/n: Well I know how to Play the Guitar and Piano thanks to my mom, she said I was a natural prodigy at it because I picked it up quick.

Y/n: Now I shall play a song, per request of Clem.


A/N: But for the case of the story let's just say in this universe the gorillaz didn't exist so Y/n wrote it, Okay?.

Y/n: I call this song Melancholy Hill.

Y/n tunes the guitar and starts to strum the guitar and he starts. Which Clem, Carley, and Lee were all surprised by how amazing his guitar skills and Voice are.


Up on Melancholy Hill

There's a plastic tree

Are you here with me?

Just looking out on the day

Of another dream

Well you can't get what you want

But you can get me

So let's set out to sea, love

'Cause you are my medicine

When you're close to me

When you're close to me

So call in the submarines

'Round the world we'll go

Does anybody know, love

If we're looking out on the day

Of another dream?

If you can't get what you want

Then come with meUp on Melancholy Hill

Sits a manatee

Just looking out for the day

When you're close to me

When you're close to meWhen you're close to me

Then after Y/n stops playing and he looks towards the group, they were still amazed by him.

Clem: That was amazing!

Lee: You're really good kid.

Carley: If the world didn't end, you'd have a promising career.

Y/n: Thanks but all the credit should go to my mom, I mean she taught me.

After a bit they went quiet.

Lee: Alright. How do you feel?

Clementine: Good. Better. I'm glad we have a plan.

Lee: And you're a good little shot.

Clementine: Thanks.

Lee: I guess we should see how far--


The train squeals to a halt and everyone gets out.

A/n: Boom thanks for reading and as always see ya! But how did you like the chapter?

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