《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 29: The Overpass


Y/N Pov.

The train had just come to an abrupt stop, and when it does we all get out to see what the reason was for us stopping. Then I ended up hearing Kenny.

Kenny: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!

Ben: Maybe we could walk?

Y/n: That's freaking stupid, Ben.

Kenny: I agree with the Kid.

Ben: I'm just sayin'...

Chuck: Hmm. I dunno; I ain't got much experience with y'all's fortitude but we could probably deal with that. We got a goddamn train.

Kenny: That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel; something that's going to explode.

Chuck: YOU gotta get ahold of yourself. This a crew here.

Kenny: This ain't shit.

Chuck: This-

?: Yo, you keep screaming like that and you're gonna get your face chewed off.

??: Are you guys gonna be trouble? Because we could've just kept walking.

From what it looks like a man and a woman are on the bridge, though I can't tell if they're alone.

Lee: No, we're friendly. Put your hand down, Ken.

??: That's what everybody says.

Lee: We know.

As they went back and forth I was talking to Clem and she just held my hand.

Clem: Do you think they're bad?

Y/n: Could be but they haven't fired at us Yet, so I'm leaning more towards no. But if anything happens I'll protect you.

Clem: Okay, but remember that I wanna protect you too!

I chuckled at her bold statement.

Y/n: Alright, We'll protect each other.

She smiled and then the ones on the bridge were continuing their talk with Lee.

?: Let's give these guys a break.

??: We'll see.

?: You guys got a problem with your train?

Kenny: Yeah, you're standing right in front of it.

?: Dude, it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look.


Kenny: Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape.

Lee grabs onto the ladder.

Lee: If I come up there, you better not be murderers or thieves.

??: I guess you'll have to find out.

Lee started to Climb and as he got about mid-way Clem looked at me with a mischievous look in her eye.

I noticed...

Y/n: What are you thinking Clem?

Clem: I say we follow him, you know just in case.

Y/n: Oh alright, but don't do anything dumb.

Clem: (Playfully) Oh, when have I ever?

Y/n: You go up first, that way if you slip I can catch you.

Clem: Okay.

She goes up first and then I go up next to make sure she doesn't fall.

3rd Pov.

?: A group of guys is what we need.

??: They're what you think we need. We're doing fine.

?: For now. What about when...?

??: Stop it.

Lee reached the top of the overpass and so did Clem and Y/n but they weren't noticed right off the bat.

?: Hey, dude, I'm Omid.

Lee: Lee

??: Christa. What's the deal with the train?

Lee: We're Driving.

Omid: OH MAN!

Lee: I'm not gonna bullshit you. Our group is a little fucked right now. We had a bite victim and then his mom took her life and before that, just...

Christa: It's Okay.

Then from behind Lee, Y/n and Clem show up.

Omid: Oh, shit! Goddamn, you guys have kids!

Lee then took notice of the two.

Lee: What are you two doing up here?

Y/n: Clem wanted to go so I went with her.

Clem: Yeah!

Omid: Do you know how long it's been since I've seen kids? Shit! What are your names?

Clem: Clementine.

Y/n: The names Y/n.

Lee:(Jokingly) Oh, so he gets to swear?

Clem just smiles and grips onto Y/n's hand who laughs.


Omid: Well, this is great. See, things are looking up.

Christa: You're not their dad. He down there?

Y/n looked down for a second at the mention of his dad. Then Clem tightens the grip on his hand for reassurance.

Lee: It's that obvious?

Christa: To me.

Lee: And, no, he's not down there.

Christa: Hmm. What's your story?

Lee: I came across Clementine and Y/n alone the first day all of this happened. I was actually incarcerated.

Omid: Sick, do you have any prison tats?

Lee: I didn't make it that far.

Omid looked at Y/n and Clem.

Omid: So are you two brother and sister?

Y/n: Nope, I came across Clementine a few hours before Lee found us and before meeting Clem I had to shoot my dad because he had gotten bit in the neck by one of those monsters.

That shocked Omid and Christa, they didn't expect a kid so young to have to do something like that.

Omid: Geez kid, I'm sorry to hear that.

Christa: Yeah, I'm sorry.

Y/n: It's okay, it was dad's last wish to not become a walker so I granted it. I then swore to protect Clem with my life and to never leave her side.

Clem smiles because she remembers the promise that was made.

Omid and Christa smile at the kid because even though he had lost so much he still smiled.

Christa turned to Lee.

Christa: And everybody down there, they're cool?

Lee: Kenny lost his wife and kid.

Omid: Man. How long ago?

Lee What time is it?

Omid: I don't know. Uh, four?

Lee: Maybe two hours ago.

Christa: Goddamn...

Omid: We're sorry for anything that's happened to you guys. That train is awesome, though.

Christa: That tank is your real problem. We'll help you with it, but if we see anything we don't like, we're moving on down the road. Alone.

Lee: We'd appreciate the help.

Omid: You can't just blast through it, I guess.

Christa: If you could get it down, the rest would probably be pretty easy.

Lee: We'll start there.

Christa: We'll come down and settle in, and see if we can help.

Omid: Let's go talk to your people, man!

Christa: Omid...

Omid: What?

Lee opens Federal Rescue Services truck and searches it, finding a roll of tape.

Lee: That's about the only useful thing in here.

Everyone goes down the ladder to join the rest of the group.

Lee: Guys, this is Omid and Christa.

Chuck,Carley, Ben, and Kenny look at them and say nothing.

Omid: Not big on welcomes...

Y/n: Well, we've had a rough day...

Clem: That's an understatement

Carley: Hello there.

Omid/Christa: Hello.

Lee: Like I said, it's been a bit of a day.

Omid: We just wanted to say hi and say that your train is pretty cool.

Christa: But we're not looking for charity.

Omid: We COULD help you guys, though.

Christa: Maybe.

Omid: So, yeah...hi, uh, again.

Chuck: Y'all want some candy?

(A/n): Boom another chapter, I hope you enjoy reading it even though it isn't eventful but I decided to be nice and give you another chapter in the same day. OH and last time I checked I was number 1 On #Clementine so that's another reason for the extra chapter. But Yeah, thanks for all the support and I Honestly didn't expect my story to take off so well but it's all thanks to you readers.

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