《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 27: Gun training.


3rd Pov.

Lee and Carley walk over to both the Sleeping Clem and Y/n. They slowly wake them up by shaking them. Lee shakes Y/n and Carley shakes Clem.

Lee: Get up, Bud

Carley: Come Clementine, time to get up.

They both wake slowly, rubbing their eyes, when they notice how they were cuddled up to one another. They both go red in the face and start stuttering.

Clem: I-I'm s-sorry it wa-was an accident!

Y/n: I-It's O-Okay!

This made both Carley and Lee laugh at the sight.

Y/n: (Thoughts) She was so comfortable...

Clem: (Thoughts) He was so warm, it made me feel so safe...

Lee notices that they were both still red so he decided to speak.

Lee: Hey, Clem.

Clementine: Did you talk to him?

Y/n: Yeah, did you? I still got half a mind to go talk some sense into that old man.

Lee: (sits down) I did, he had some, uh...he explained himself and made some good points. Look, we're not going to let anything bad happen to either of you. But there are some precautions we have to take.

Clementine: Okay, yeah, that makes sense.

Y/n: Yeah, I guess

Lee: Don't worry, kids.

Clementine: Okay. What should we do?

Lee: Well, we're gonna figure out a plan for when we get to Savannah, teach you how to protect yourself, and, uh, tidy you up a little so you can't get grabbed so easily.

Clementine: I'd like that.

Y/n: Yeah, me to.

Lee: Good.

Carley: This will help us keep you both safe.

Y/n: Good.

Clem: Yep.

Lee: Be careful around Ben, the both of you.

Y/n: Don't gotta tell me twice.

Clementine: I like Ben.

Y/n: (Playfully) Aw, what about me Clem?

Clem: (Playfully)Of course you're my number one you dork.

Lee: I know he's your friend. He's just young. And doesn't make the best choices.


Clementine: We're young

Lee: You're both smart. Just listen to me, okay? And be careful.

Lee then heads out to go look for the stuff needed for Clem and Y/n. While doing this, Y/n see's Chuck's guitar in the Corner and decides to pick it up.

Clem: Isn't that Chucks Guitar?

Y/n: Yeah, but I don't think he'd mind me playing a bit.

Y/n then starts to strum some basic melodies for Clem and she hums a bit while listening.

Clem: Oooo, Can you play a song?

Y/n: Sure but after we get everything we need to get done out of the way, Okay?

Clem: Okay!

Lee came back with everything he needed to help prepare both Clem and Y/n, more so Clem because it was easily noticeable he knew how to take care of himself, at least weapon and fighting wise.

Lee: (stands up) You need to know how to protect yourself, Y/n already knows so he's gonna help me teach you.

Clementine: Like hiding or running away? Got it.

Y/n: Actually more Like fighting.

Lee: (takes out gun) And with one of these. First, don't be afraid of it. It's just a thing. Take it. (cocks gun) But know where your finger is all the time. And don't put it on the trigger unless you want to hurt somebody.

Clementine: (takes gun) Okay. Okay.

Lee: See, it's not scary.

Clementine: It's heavy.

Lee: You'll get stronger. To aim, you look right down the top, through that notch. Line up the sight at the end with your target.

Clementine: Is there anything else I should know?

Y/n: Remember to always aim for the head if it's a walker but if it's something or someone alive then anywhere on the body should be good. My dad always said two in the chest one in the head.


Clem: Oh, Okay!

Lee: Squeeze the trigger, steadily, okay? Don't give it a quick yank or pull.

Clementine: Steady. I can do that.

Lee: Every time. It'll be tough, but just remember to do that and you'll hit what you're aiming at.

Clementine: Okay. I'm ready.

Y/n sets up the bottles and moves out of the way, you know, to not get shot.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter but I'm going to do something special and give you another one tonight, thanks for reading.

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