《True Love [BxB] (Unedited)》Chapter 12


Jungkook POV

I walked down the dark narrow pathway, not having any idea where I was, but somehow knowing which way I had to go.

Did that sound insane?

I walked, hearing the dead leaves crack beneath my feet in the process. There was not a single sound to be heard on this clear night. Not even a breeze nor the sound of the leaves rustling.

It was almost as if, everything around me was dead.

I looked ahead in effort to find any form of light to guide my steps, but even then, somehow it felt as though I knew where I was going.

I continued to walk until I came to a clearing. I narrowed my eyes and looked around trying to figure out where I was, when it hit me, causing me to gasp out loud and widen my eyes.

I shook my head trying to rid myself of the unwanted images that flooded my mind like a broken damn, but it all seemed futile when I saw him leaning in front of me, drenched in water from the rain.

"You're not real. You're not real." I repeated and held my hands against my ears.

I opened my eyes and looked up to find that the scene in front of me had changed.

Instead of looking at Jimin, I was now looking at a pale faced Taehyung, who started back at me.

I looked at him, not knowing if I should walk towards him or leave him there, but somehow, my body knew what it wanted and I found myself walking towards him. I extended hand and touched his shoulder, gasping out loud when I felt how cold his body was.

I looked back at him wide eyed, only to find him looking straight ahead as if I wasn't even there. I followed his gaze and widened my eyes further when I saw him staring at a body drenched in blood and I did not have to look twice to know who that body belonged to.

I turned back to Taehyung and tried to avert his gaze from the gruesome scene by placing my hands on the sides of his face and forcing him to look at me.

"You did that." He said and looked at me with absolutely no emotion at all.

"I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt him. I swear" I replied and felt my voice slowly cracking in the process.

"But you did. Because that's who you are." He replied and removed my hands from his face and stepped back.

I shook my head, not wanting to hear what he was going to say, but it was too late. I already knew what he thought of me, what everyone thought of me, and when he uttered those next words, I had no idea why it felt like my entire body had lost its life force and I tried to hold back my own emotions as he uttered,


"You're a monster."

I walked backwards, shaking my head as he looked at me. I walked back until I tripped over something and found myself falling, but instead of falling on to the ground like I expected, I found myself falling into an endless pool of black.

I tried to grab for something, anything at all, to ground me, but it was like everything and everyone had turned their backs on me, and left me ..

All alone.

I gasped and chocked as I opened my eyes, breathing unevenly. I looked around expecting to find myself in that same endless black pit, but I released a sigh of relief when I found myself in my bed.

It was just another nightmare..

I tried to calm myself before anyone came in and noticed, but I narrowed my eyes when I felt a pair of warm arms engulfing me. I slowly turned my head and widened my eyes when I was met with the sight of a sleeping Taehyung.

Every logical sense in my body was telling me get up and move, but somehow for some reason, I felt so comfortable in his arms. Comfort I hadn't felt in a long time and such a comfort I thought I would never feel again.

I felt safe.

I lifted my hand slowly, trying my best not to wake him up and placed it on the side of his face. I ran my thumb across his cheek and over his bottom lip.

He honestly looked so beautiful.

I didn't trust myself to look at him properly when he was awake, out of the fear that he might see me, but here, while he was asleep, I could look at him all I wanted.

It was hard to believe that a human being could be so beautiful, so much so, that at times, I actually doubted whether he was real.

Taehyung wasn't just beautiful on the outside, he was beautiful on the inside as well.

He was pure and innocent.

He had never seen the brutality of this life and I hated that my father had chosen him for it. If it were up to me, I would have fired him and allowed him to live the normal life he deserved.

He had been patient even when I yelled at him for no reason. He would follow me around even when his shifts were over, just to see if I needed anything. He would apologize for the things I knew were my fault. He would constantly ask me whether I was okay even when I told him not to speak to me.

It was as though he was some sort of guardian angel sent to me.


Maybe I was being selfish, but I hated the thought of him being away from me even when it was a few seconds. I hated that he spent all his free time with Seokjin and I hated that he knew things about him that I did not, but I knew asking him and getting to know him would only end with him getting hurt because of me, and I couldn't let that happen.

Not again.

I sighed and leaned in, my face centimeters away from his, so much so, I could actually feel his breath against my face. I held my face close to his and closed my eyes for a few seconds, imagining what it would feel like to taste his lips, before I pulled away and laid back on his chest. I traced my finger along his collar bone and whispered,

"What are you doing to me?"

I looked up at him and felt my heart beat a thousand times faster when I saw him stirring in his sleep. I had no idea what to do and ended up doing the first thing that came to my mind and pretended I was asleep.

I listened as he yawned and stretched his arm out grabbing his watch.

"Shit!" He cursed silently and slowly pulled his arm out from under me causing me to immediately feel the loss of his warmth his arms provided.

I felt him fumble around the room for his things for a few seconds before he walked to my side. I could feel my heart beating erratically and I could only hope that I laid still and didn't give myself away.

I felt him place his hand on my forehead and sigh out of relief before he pulled it away.

"Looks like the fever's broken. I had no idea that meds would work." He said to himself before he slowly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

I immediately let out a breath I had no idea I was holding and felt my muscles begin to relax and after I had held myself so stiff.

I looked around the room, my gaze falling on the wall clock and saw that it had read twelve thirty in the afternoon, making me chuckle as I had never slept that long in my entire life before.

Did I just laugh ??

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, feeling so sweaty and in desperate need of a shower. I looked up when I heard the door open and narrowed my eyes when I saw one of the other servants entering with a tray.

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked as I watched him unpack the tray of breakfast.

"He's in his room. He should be here shortly sir." He replied as he emptied some kind of sachet into the glass of juice, before he picked up the glass and brought it to me.

"Take that away from me." I said and turned my head away from him.

"Your ill Sir, it's just the medicine. Mr. Jeon said you couldn't take capsules." He replied making me turn and face him with a glare.

"I said take it away now!" I said in a lightly loud voice causing him to nod and take the glass away.

"I'll uh, send Taehyung in" he said and left without any further words.

I waited for a few moments before Taehyung came stumbling into the room looking like absolute shit. If I had to be honest, it looked like he had just woken up.

His hair was in a mess and he still looked like he was asleep. Somehow, that made me want to smile for no reason at all.

"Uh sorry." He said and scratched the back of his head as he walked towards the tray and picked it up. He placed it on my lap and sat down on the sofa near my bed.

"Oh yeah, you weren't feeling well yesterday so I got you something for the fever." He said as he took out a box of capsules from his pocket.

I watched him with narrow eyes as he opened the box and pulled out the strip. He broke open two capsules and emptied them into a glass of water.

"It'll taste gross as first but it does wonders. At least for me does it." He said as he picked up the glass.

"Oh and Jin said you can't drink pills?" He asked as he handed me the glass. I took it and looked at it for a few seconds.

"I could never keep them down since I was kid" I said as I looked at the glass.I had never ever taken any form of medication from anyone before. Not since I had been poisoned a few years ago.

I looked up at him once more, taking in all his beautiful features and tried not to smile at that. I lifted the glass to my lips and drank the entire glass for one reason alone.

I trusted him.

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