《Disappearance》Chapter 2


I woke up around 5 this morning to pack the rest of my things. I had a good amount of things from staying here for a few months.

As I was zipping you one of my suitcases the locks on the door could be heard turning before it opened.

"I knew you were up early you want to come down and eat". Ike asked standing in the doorway.

"Yeah I could eat". I said following him out of the room.

"Marlowe how does it feel to be leaving". Brent asked following us to the dinning area.

"It feels great to know I won't be watched 24/7". I said as we both laughed.

Brent is a 46 year old man that has be here for years who knows when or if they'll let him out. He has these episodes that they deem unsafe. And as for Ike he's like the father I never had.

"You know Pamela is coming to visit me today". He said talking about his deceased wife.

"Brent your wife is dead". One of the workers said as we grabbed our plates and took a seat at a table.

"DON'T YOU...don't you say that".He said slamming his hands on the table causing everyone to look over at us.

"Hey hey it's okay he doesn't know what he's talking about Pamela will be here". I said grabbing his hand giving it a squeeze and he calmed down taking a seat.

"Yeah she'll be here". He mumbled to himself picking up his fork.

"Reese why do you do this every time". Ike asked with a frown on his face.

"What it's fun to see the old man go psycho". He said laughing as he folded his arms.

Shaking my head I just start to eat and make small conversation with Brent.


After finishing my food I make my way back to my room. Taking the suitcase off of my bed I roll it to the door along with the other one before taking a seat on the bed.

"Knock knock your cabs here". Ike said knocking on the door.

Standing up I make my way over to the door and go to grab the suitcases when he shakes his head grabbing them.

"Just get the bag". He said and I nodded picking it up before following him to the front.

Stopping at the desk I sign my name to be released and walk out to the cab that was parked out front. The driver gets out and takes my bag from me helping Ike out my things in the trunk as I got in the car.

"You be safe". Ike said leaning down into the window.

"I will". I said and he talked the top of the hood and the driver pulled off.

I get excited seeing us pull up in front of my new apartment. Getting out of the car he gets my things and closes the trunk.

"I'll carry them just lead the way". He said and I nodded making my way inside the building.

Looking at all the numbers I stop In front of my apartment door and unlock it. The driver sits my things down and I hand him the money Ike gave me to pay him with.

"Thank you have a great day". He said walking away.

I pick up the bag and roll the two suitcases inside before closing the door and looking around.

I had a donated dining and living room set. As for my room Ike made sure it was a new bedroom set. Ike got me what he could for my apartment and I really appreciate him for that.


I make my way to the back and start putting my things away.

I walk out of my room and to the other room that was empty and bare. I wanted to decorate the room myself and I would have to get to it soon with my Babygirl coming.

Looking around the room one more time I walk out and back to my room taking my shoes off before lying down on the bed.

It feels good to be out of that place...

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