《Disappearance》Chapter 1


Making my bed I hear keys at the door causing me to look over as it opens and Ike walks in.

"You ready for your session today". He asked as we walked out of my room.

"Yeah I only have about a few more before I'm done". I said smiling as we walked out of the ward.

"You came a long way these last few months of me watching you". He said opening the van door for me.

"Trying to get better for my daughter". I said as he helped me inside.

Closing the door he gets in the drivers side and starts the van up as I put my seat belt on.

"Are you excited about getting released". He asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah a fresh start is what I need". I said and he nodded.

The rest of the ride was quiet as music played on the radio.

Getting out of the hospital van I thank the man that watches my ward before closing the door and walking into the building.

"Hello who are you here to see". The receptionist asked.

"I have a 3 o'clock with Leanna". I said looking around the foyer.

"Sure take a seat right outside her office". She said pointing over to the seats.

"Thank you". I said giving her a small smile before walking away and taking a seat.

Sitting outside the office I wait for the therapist to call me back as I rub my stomach. I didn't think I would be where I was today but here I am.

The door to the office opened up and I see a girl walk out with my therapist Leanna behind her. They talked for a little bit before she looked over and gestured for me to come to her.


Standing up I make my way inside of the office taking a seat on the couch.

"So how have you been". She asked taking a seat in the chair In front of me.

"I've been doing good I found an cheap apartment to stay in, the hospital is releasing me Friday".I said with a small smile on my face.

"Have you had any urges". She asked writing in her notepad.

"Not for a few months it's an on and off again type of thing". I said rubbing my hands up and down my legs and she watched me before writing.

"And the babies father where is he". She asked causing me to sigh.

"He's somewhere around here doing something ". I said twisting my mouth to the side with a shrug.

"What do you think you can offer the baby you have no income, no clothing, food, or furniture for the baby do you ever think about giving her up". She said causing me to scrunch up my face.

"I can offer her love". I said and she laughed a little.

"That's not enough". She said shaking her head before she started writing on that notepad again.

"Can I ask you something". I ask causing her to look up at me.

"Sure go ahead". She said putting her pen down.

"How do I get to that point where I can be better for my daughter I mean the hospital still has me on watch thinking I will harm her". I said rolling my eyes.

"That's a question you would have to ask yourself". She said staring at me.

"I can't really do anything about my emotions it's a medical disorder but I guess the only thing I can do is try to stay in a happy mood so I don't get those urges". I said and she nodded.


"I'm going to give you some homework". She said sitting up.

"I want you to go home and think about things that make you happy and then put them into action". She said writing something on a piece of paper and handing it to me.

The timer went off letting me know our time was up. Standing up I make my way out of the office and the people were already waiting to take me back to the hospital.

"How was it". Ike asked helping me into the van.

"It was okay". I said shrugging my shoulders and he nods before closing the door and getting in the drivers seat.

Laying my head back I close my eyes...

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