《Disappearance》Chapter 3


With the baby coming soon I thought I should get in contact with her father to see what he's wants to do after she's born. He usually hangs in front of the grocery market with his little friends so I'm hoping to run into him today.

Since I already took a shower I just slid my flip flops on and grabbed my keys walking out the front door. Locking it I make my way out of the apartment and down the street.

Walking up the street from the grocery market I see Jahreem exactly where I expected him to be.

"Jahreem can I talk to you". I ask walking up and standing in front of him.

"Wassup". He asked looking down at me.

"I finally got a place and I'm doing better". I said smiling up at him.

"That's good have you thought about what we talked about". He asked and I nodded my head.

"I decided I was going to keep the baby". I said fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm not ready for no kid right now but good luck with that". He said causing his friends to laugh and slap hands with him.

"You think that's cute showing out for bum niggas that don't got a job standing on corners and shit". I ask with my face scrunched up and they all stop laughing.

"Yo bitch you don't know what the fuck you talking about". One of them said trying to walk up on me.

"See now hold the fuck up don't be walking up on her like that you know what I'm on". Jahreem said getting in the boys face.

"Y'all chill out". Another boy said stepping in between the two.

"Look let's go". Jahreem said grabbing my hand and leading me into the market.

"Why you coming up talking shit". He asked and I shrugged my shoulder.


"I know, you do that shit cause you know I'm not gone let nobody disrespect you". He said as we both laughed.

"I wasn't even talking to him he just always want to act like billy bad ass y'all ain't gone get nowhere trying to impress each other". I said placing some watermelon slices in the basket he picked up.

"Look about what I said back there I'm as ready as I can get and I been there for every appointment and shit so if that don't show you I want this I don't know what will". He said rubbing my stomach as I looked at what type of meat I wanted.

"I know you was just talking out the side of your neck but you need to stop that". I said picking the thin sliced turkey meat.

"I am but how long you been out". He asked as we walked up to the register.

"I got out yesterday". I said paying for my things.

"So the urges went away". He asked as we walked out of the store and down the street.

"For the most part but I still get that voice inside my head that tells me to end it all". I said and I could see him look over at me from my peripheral vision as I looked at the ground.

"They gave you some medicine to take". He asked and I shook my head.

"The medicine they wanted to prescribe me with could harm the baby so I'm controlling it the best way I can". I said as we walked into my apartment.

"This straight what the baby room looking like". He asked and I sat the bags on the counter before stowing him to the baby room.

"We need to get this done ASAP she almost here". He said and I nodded.


"Look I get paid this Thursday so we gone go ahead and decorate this room". He said as we walked out of the room.

"You got a tv in yo room". He asked and I nodded guiding him to the back.

Taking off our shoes we get in bed and cut the tv on.

"You think she gone think I'm a good father". He asked looking down at me as I laid on his chest.

"If you do right by her then of course she will". I said giving him a small smile.

"Oh trust she gone be annoyed with my ass like why this nigga always around". He said causing us both to laugh.

"She'll get used to it". I said and he shook his head.

"I'm gone be clingy as fuck". He said nodding his head with a smile as he rubbed my stomach.

"When you don't be trying to show out for yo niggas you really a sweetheart". I said and he smacked his lips.

"Just got to make them niggas think I don't give a fuck about nothing so they don't test me". He said and I nodded even though I don't completely agree with it.

"I mean people gone text you everyday but this subway so have it your way". I said with a shrug and he slaps my butt as we laughed.

"Shut up and watch the movie". He said as he got a little more comfortable.

"I can't wait till you get here". He whispered still rubbing my stomach.

We might not have much but she's going to be loved...

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