《In Love with A Criminal》Off Limits!


Narrator's POV

Ebony and his lover were taking a nice stroll in the park. This was the first time they had come out since Shadow's bump grew. The pregnant hedgehog's bump was now big enough to be seen, but not too big. Ebony announced something.

"Hey Scourge." His lover looked at him. "Can I take a walk through the garden?" He asked.

"Yeah. You go ahead. I'll catch up to you in a minute." His lover announced.

"Thank you." Ebony headed into the maze garden. He would stop by and smell the flowers. He took his time to look around. Eventually he found Sonic.

"Hey! Shazter!" Sonic waved.

"Oh. Hi Sonic." Smiled the ebon hedgehog. Sonic walked to Shadow. He put a finger to his lip and whistled as he stared at Shadow's belly. Scourge had caught up to his lover.

"I know it's been a while, but man Shadow...you've gained some weight."

"Er-" Shadow had tears teasing his eyes. Scourge grew offended.

He smacked the blue hedgehog to the ground. "Stupid hedgehog. He's pregnant!" Shadow was balling in the background as Scourge continued to hit the blue fur ball.

Sonic receive many blows from Scourge. Shadow held his belly with one hand and rubbed his left eye free with tears as he sniffed. He stared at Scourge.

"That's why it's called Emerald Punch." Growled Scourge. Emerald soon took notice of his lover, who looked peculiar. He dropped Sonic and walked to his lover. He cupped his chin. "Are you okay?" Asked Scourge. His lover nodded his head.

"Ah!" The black hedgehog gasped and held his belly.

"Shadow!" Scourge grabbed his shoulders. Shadow took Scourge's hand and placed it on his belly. Scourge's eyes widen.

"I felt something. Is something wrong with the baby?" Asked the black hedgehog concerned. Scourge soon smirked and made their noses touch.


"I feel something as well. Teeny tiny hedgehog feet." He said in a low tone. Shadow blushed. Shadow nuzzled to Scourge's chest and purred. "You have nothing to worry about Shadow. My strength and power will be used to protect you and our baby for as long as it can."

The passed out Sonic was still lying on the ground as the couple cuddled. Shadow was the first one to notice. "Hey Scourge what about..." He pointed at Scourge's blue twin.

"Right." He walked over to the blue hedgehog, who had woken up. "Hey Blue."

"Oh hey Scourge-" Emerald took Sonic by the shirt.

"If you tell anyone about Shadow's pregnancy, I swear you'll be sorry you ever opened your mouth." Scourge threatened. "Are we clear?"

"Yeah! Yeah, totally! As clear as the sky when it's blue, because the sky is blue and clear now. It's day so the sky is clear, and so am I." He said nervously.

"Good." Scourge let go of him. "Now, walk off and pretend you never saw anything." Scourge commanded.

"Okay." Sonic got up and ran away.

"I don't trust him. Especially with that big mouths of his." Scourge crossed his arms and walked to his lover.

The two lovers walked home. The pregnant hedgei sat down on his comfy couch. "Scourge I'm hungry."

"Well, what would you like?"

"I don't know, I want to eat something sweet."

"How about cinnamon rolls?" Shadow shook his head. "Um, cookies?" Shadow shook his head again. "Cake?"

"Yuck!" The black hedgehog gaged. "Never mind. I lost my appetite. Have the tests for the baby's gender come in yet?" He asked.

"Um...I'm checking." His lover was on his laptop checking his mail. "Not yet." His lover put to thinking. "You know, one thing I don't get straight is...how you ended up pregnant." He looked at Shadow. The black hedgehog was blushing bright red. "You don't have to tell if you don't want to."


"Well...um...I knew I was able to get pregnant. I never told you though because you always bathed me after our 'play time'. That one day you went really hard on me, you forgot to bathe me. Don't you remember? It was the day you came back from Prison Island."

"Oh, don't even remind me... That was so much pleasure, fun... Hm..." The green being looked down at his pants. "Shadow, look what you made me do." A bulge formed at the green hedgehog's pants. "Now I'm horny."

"Scourge you can't. It'd damage the baby." Ebony flattened his ears against this head and held his belly protectively.

"Don't worry baby. I'd never hurt our child." Scourge walked up to his lover and kissed his forehead. Then crouched down to Shadow's belly. "I can't wait to meet you." He kissed the black hedgehog's sweater, where underneath a developing hedgehog had made Shadow's belly it's home.

An alarm went off on Scourge's laptop. He hurried over to it. "It's the letter."

"Let me see!" Shadow tried to get up.

"No, I'll bring it to you." Scourge hurried to his lover. "Now, for the truth." He clicked on the small message box.


You are the parents of a wonderful baby boy!

Enter the code:

For your appointment to a free ultrasound!

Schedule today.

Your bundle of joy is waiting!

"It's a boy! He's a boy!" Jumped Shadow in happiness. He hugged his lover. "He's a wonderful boy!"

"Hm...a son. It'll be interesting, but I can with that. Interesting is what I do." Smiled the green hedgehog. "I'm becoming a father, and you'll be a daddy."

"We gotta think of a name for our little boy. Give me that." Shadow took the laptop from Scourge and typed. "Here, the most popular baby boy names." He handed Scourge the laptop.

"Hm...let's see. How about Mathew?"

"No. How about..." Shadow scanned the page. "Brandon?"

"Nah. Too common. Oh! How about Alex?"

"No way. How about Zack?"

"Too many people are named that already."

The couple continued for hours searching for the perfect baby name. They visited over 30 websites looking for one, when a named popped out at them.

"Derek!" They both said.

"Derek would be the prefect name." Smiled Ebony.

"Yes, I like it. Derek the Hedgehog. It even rolls out of your tongue." Scourge announced.

"So we've agreed?" Asked Shadow.

"I think we have." Scourge smirked before kissing his partner's lips. They soon parted.

"Oh boy! I can't wait to meet you!" Shadow held his belly. "We will be the best parents in the world!" Shadow cheered. Shadow's mood took a turn. "Scourge..." His voice was low.

"Shadow?" Questioned his now worried lover.

"What if the baby doesn't like me?" He asked.

"Shadow of course he's gonna like you. Don't worry. You'll be fine. This baby will brighten our lives and make our dark sides shine. It's gonna be okay." He smiled at his partner.



"I want some chocolate." His lover announced.

"I think you've just discovered your favorite craving, but who knows. This might be a small treat. I'll be right back with it." The green lover kissed Ebony's forehead before leaving to get some chocolate.

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