《My Secret Boyfriend》20


it was now Thursday, the Slytherins and Gryffindors rushing excitedly to Mad-Eye Moody's class.

(Y/n) sat down behind Ron and Harry with Hermione, her leg bouncing in anticipation. Draco found himself in the seat next to (Y/n)'s, sending her a wink.

"leave me alone, Malfoy." she rolled her eyes, but her stomach turned with butterflies.

"Alastor Moody." a voice said, startling the class.

"Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. i'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. any questions? when it comes to the dark arts, i believe in a practical approach so put away your books. but first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

Moody's regular eye stayed on the students as his big one turned around in circles, inspecting each kid thoroughly. Hermione raised her hand.

"three sir." she said.

"and they are so named?" Moody asked.

"because they are unforgivable. use of any one will.."

Moody cut her off. "will earn you to a one way ticket to Azkaban! correct. now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. i say different! you need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to put your chewing gum somewhere else then under your desk Mr Finnigan!"

"aw no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head."

Moody threw the chalk at Seamus, causing Hermione and (Y/n) to flinch.

"so, which curse shall we see first? Mr Weasley!"

"yes.." Ron answered wearily.

"give us a curse."

"well, my dad did tell me about one.. the Imperius Curse."

"ah, yes. your father would know all about that, gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. perhaps this will show you why."


Moody opened the jar, pulling out a spider.

(Y/n) heard Ron gulp as he pushed as far away from the front as possible.

"Imperio." he said to the spider, taking his wand and gliding it across the classroom.

"don't worry. completely harmless." Mad-Eye assured the class. "but if she bites, she's lethal!"

Draco started laughing with Goyle. "what are you laughing at?" Moody glared, dropping the spider on Draco's face.

"get it off me!" he shrieked, yelling at Goyle who froze in horror. (Y/n) cracked a grin.

"talented isn't she? what shall i have her do next? jump out the window? drown herself?"

Hermione and (Y/n) shared an unsettled look.

after class, Draco practically pushed by everyone to get out. "don't you think, he's a bit strange?" the redhead asked Hermione as they walked into the room with the Goblet of Fire.

"definitely." Hermione agreed, the two sitting down on the bench.

they watched as Cedric put his name in, the Hufflepuffs cheering loudly.

"eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? in three years from now we'll be old enough to be chosen." Ron said to Harry.

"yeah well rather you than me." Harry replied. Fred and George came in cheering, Lee Jordan following behind them happily.

"thank you, thank you. well lads we've done it." George exclaimed.

"cooked it up just this morning." Fred added.

"it's not going to work." Hermione said.

"oh yeah? and why's that Granger?" Fred and George were now sitting on either side of the girls.

"you see this? this is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"so?" Fred asked.

"so a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion."

"that's why it's so brilliant, because it's so pathetically dimwitted."

"ready Fred?"

"ready George."

"bottoms up."

they drank the potion, the people around them watching eagerly. jumping inside the age line, they reached up to put their names in when they immediately shot back. the twins have grown white, shaggy beards along with their hair.

"you said.." George started.

"you said.." Fred growled, pouncing on top of George.

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