《My Secret Boyfriend》21


(Y/n) sat in the Great Hall bouncing her leg nervously, sitting in between Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.

Dumbledore was waiting for all the students to arrive so he can pick the champions. Draco walked in cooly with Crabbe and Goyle, looking around the giant room in search for the Slytherins.

his eyes wandered down to (Y/n)'s, a small smirk curving on his lips when he noticed her staring at him.

(Y/n) watched as he lead Crabbe and Goyle next to the Durmstrang students as the doors to the Great Hall closed swiftly.

"sit down, please. and now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" Dumbledore announced to everyone, walking around the cup with blue flames.

the flames instantly turned red as a piece of paper shot out of it, landing perfectly in the Headmaster's hand.

"the Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" he said, everyone clapping loudly for the Quidditch Seeker. another name came flying out of the cup, Dumbledore grabbing it quickly.

"the champion from Beauxbatons.. Fleur Delacour!"

"the Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore finished proudly.

the Hufflepuffs roared in cheers as Cedric walked down the isle with a bright grin on his face. he made eye contact with (Y/n) who gave him a wide smile and a thumbs up.

"excellent! we now have our three champions! but in the end only one will go down in history. only one will hoist this chalice of champions, the vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!" the Headmaster showed the bright blue trophy.

suddenly, the blue flames once again turned red as another piece of paper came flying out.

"Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" Dumbledore asked in shock, looking around the room.

Harry stood in astonishment, his knees buckling slightly.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called.

"go on, Harry." Hermione said.


"Harry for goodness sakes." (Y/n) groaned, pushing the brunette boy onto his feet and towards the isle.

he nervously walked down in front of the students, everyone watching in shock. (Y/n) could feel the anger spewing from Ron as he glared at Harry.

"he's a cheat! he's not even seventeen yet!" Draco called out angrily.

"you're all dismissed." Snape said coldly before turning to follow the other professors into the next room.

students filed out of the room in shock, rage and jealousy. "Weasley!" a voice called out from behind (Y/n), causing her to stop in her tracks and shift off to the side.

"Malfoy?" she asked, looking at the blond boy who came jogging over. without answering, he grabbed onto her wrist and dragged her to a nearby broom closet.

"what the bloody hell do you want?" she asked annoyed, yanking her wrist from him as he locked the door.

"how did Potter get his name in the Goblet?" he questioned, his voice in a whisper.

"i don't know." she rolled her eyes, feeling his warm breath hit her face. mint.

"why are you standing so close?" she asked smugly.

"we're in a tight broom closet, (Y/n)-"

"that you dragged us into." she cut him off, raising her eyebrows at him in the slightly dim closet.

"shut up." he snarled.

"why? can't take it knowing you're wrong?" she smirked, his pale eyes staring sharply into hers.

"shut up." he repeated through gritted teeth. she immediately felt him take a step closer to her.

"can't take it knowing Potter's in the spotlight and not you?"

"i said shut the fuck up." he growled, slamming his lips onto hers.

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