《My Secret Boyfriend》22


(Y/n) immediately kissed back, her hands placed on his waist to pull him closer as he cupped her face.

their tongues danced together roughly as they kissed passionately. "i hate you." he murmured as he backed her up against the shelves, knocking a couple brooms over.

"i hate you too." she mumbled back, bringing her fingers up to his soft hair.

"don't touch my hair."

"i'll touch whatever the hell i'll want to."

they stared momentarily at each other, eyes narrowed as they looked over the other's face. "Merlin you're so hot." he groaned, his hand coming down to cup her jaw as he placed his lips down on hers once more.

minutes later the two finally pushed away, stumbling out of the broom closet that was in the deserted entrance hall.

"your lips are swollen, babe." she teased.

"mine? you should look at yours." he retorted, a smirk on his face as he shoved his shirt back into his pants.

"fuck you." she shot, but a small grin was plastered on her lips.

"leave her alone, Malfoy." a third voice was heard, causing both the blond and redhead to jump.

"Potter, mind your own bloody business." Draco spat, glancing at (Y/n) before making his way down to the Slytherin dungeon.

"was he giving you trouble?" Harry asked coming over.

"what? no.. no. uh, anyways." she trailed off, walking with the brunette up to the Gryffindor tower.

"so, how did you get your name in the Goblet?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the stairs.

"i didn't. someone else must have, and i have no clue who." he answered, letting out an agitated breath.


"please, (Y/n). believe me." he begged.

"i believe you, Harry. but Ron might not." she replied, looking up at the Fat Lady portrait.


"Balderdash." she said, the Lady opening up as the two crawled through the hole.

"well, goodnight." she nervously replied, her heart thumping as she avoided his gaze and went up to the girls dormitory.

"where have you been?" Hermione asked in a hushed voice.

"um, out taking a stroll along the castle. what are you doing?" she asked quietly, looking at what Hermione was working on.

"oh, a thing i'm doing for the house elves. wanna join S.P.E.W?" she asked grinning.

"i'll think about it." (Y/n) laughed slightly, slipping on her pajamas and falling into bed.

"oh, don't think i didn't notice your swollen lips." the brunette mumbled.

(Y/n) was too tired to respond as she drifted off to sleep. surely Hermione didn't know who she was with?

next morning she made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast with Harry, enjoying the cold Saturday morning.

she sat across from Harry eating her porridge, occasionally making eye contact with Draco. Ron and Hermione sat on the other side of the table, Ron not daring to look at Harry.

"has Ron talked to you?" she asked, her eyes kept on the blond who was sat across the room as they made flirtatious facial expressions at each other.

"he did last night. i think he's really mad though. i have no clue as to why, stupid git." he murmured, playing with his cereal.

"i can try to talk some sense into him?" she suggested, trying not to laugh when Draco choked on his toast.

"no, it's okay. thanks though." Harry sighed, getting up and walking out.

(Y/n) watched him leave, turning her head once more to see a paper swan flying towards her.

grabbing onto it while trying not to draw attention to herself was quite an understatement. she accidentally fell on top of Seamus. "sorry, Sea." she blushed, sitting back down quickly.

she opened the paper up quickly, the words scribbled

meet me in the broom closet after lunch- draco x

she glanced up seeing Draco with his chin in his hand staring at her, smirking slightly to himself. she nodded softly at him, taking the last bite of her porridge and heading out.

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