《My Secret Boyfriend》23


the weeks passed by quickly, each day getting closer and closer to the First Task. Hermione, (Y/n), and Harry sat in the library trying to find charms and spells that could help Harry with the task.

"alright, i have to go. thanks girls." Harry sighed, grabbing a book and exiting.

"alright, spill it. what's going on between you and whoever you've been seeing?" Hermione asked quietly, ducking her head down.

"what?" (Y/n) blushed, shocked by the question. every few days a week Draco and her meet back in the broom closet for a quick snog-sesh.

"i'm not stupid, (Y/n). i've noticed your messy hair, swollen lips, blushing face. who is it?" Hermione replied.

"that's like me asking you what's going on between you and Viktor." (Y/n) taunted, closing her book and letting out a yawn.

"i will find out, you know." Hermione smirked, closing her three books and exiting the library.

(Y/n) let out a sigh, her stomach twisting in knots as she exited the room. she knew what she was doing was wrong, she knew her entire family would be upset, so why did she keep coming back?

the next day she rode down in the stage coach to the location of the first task, her Gryffindor scarf tied around her neck along with her black turtleneck.

"i'm so nervous." Hermione said through chattering teeth as she walked with (Y/n) and Ron.

"why? that bloody git signed up for it." Ron huffed, causing the girls to roll their eyes.

"honestly, Ronald. he didn't do it." (Y/n) said, her mitten-clad hands rubbing against each other to try to create warmth.

"whatever." Ron sighed, leaning against the wood as they made it up to the arena.

minutes later Filch fired a canon, Cedric Diggory coming out nervously.


"there he is." (Y/n) said, pointing at his small frame from where they were standing.

the Swedish Short-Snout dragon thrashed around violently as Cedric tried to grab the golden egg. the crowd was going between ooh's and awe's.

at the end, Cedric managed to come out with a burn mark to his shoulder but other than that he was safe.

Fleur came out next, stumbling over the rocks. moments later she successfully grabbed the golden egg with no injury.

Viktor Krum came out third, his bad posture and duck-footed feet not doing him justice as the Chinese Fireball almost nicked him. in the end, he ended up grabbing the egg but he stepped on the real dragon eggs.

Harry finally came out, looking around nervously. "go Harry!" Hermione and (Y/n) yelled in union.

the crowd watched anxiously as Harry fumbled around, hiding behind a rock while the Horntail blew fire.

"your wand, Harry! use your wand!" Hermione shouted.

"Accio Firebolt!" Harry casted. a couple seconds later the broom came flying in, Harry jumping on it steadily and flying into the air.

only, the Horntail had broken free of the chains and was now following after Harry. "well done dragon!" Fred and George yelled excitedly.

"please be okay, please be okay.." (Y/n) crossed her fingers, closing one eye but keeping the other slightly open.

"there!" someone shouted, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers as Harry came flying back into the arena.

Hermione and (Y/n) hugged each other tightly, letting out sighs of relief as Harry grabbed the egg.

"well done, Harry!" Dumbledore grinned.

Harry immediately got swept away into the hospital wing by Madam Pomfrey as Dumbledore announced everyone return to the carriages.

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