《My Secret Boyfriend》24


(Y/n) ran a hand through her hair as she sat in the common room working on her Potions homework.

"'Mione what time is it?" she asked quickly, her leg bouncing in anticipation.

"five minutes til two, why?" the brunette answered across the room.

"thanks!" (Y/n) called out, closing her homework and speed walking out the portrait hole.

she practically ran down the stairs, eager to meet Draco in the broom closet. it was chilly on a Sunday, the first Sunday of December.

(Y/n)'s life had gone particularly well over the past month. Ron and Harry finally made up, and her and Draco were seemingly starting to like each other.

so when the redhead arrived at the broom closet, she was shocked to see Draco wasn't there yet.

confused, she came to the conclusion that he just hadn't arrived yet. closing the door, the only source of light was from the small window at the very top of the shelves.

ten minutes passed and no sign of the blond. sighing, (Y/n) sat down on the cold stone and began picking at her finger nails.

five minutes later (Y/n) rolled her eyes and stood up, exiting the broom closet. she wiped the dust off her jeans, looking around the entrance hall seeing it deserted.

"that twat." she muttered, stomping away.

"(Y/n)!" a voice called after her.

"what?" she snapped, turning around to be face to face with Draco.

"where are you going?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"to the common room." she answered shortly.

"why? aren't we supposed to, ya know?" he lowered his voice slightly.

"we were. why the bloody hell are you late?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"i was busy." he answered flatly.

she scoffed. "yeah, like i'm busy now. go snog yourself, dirty prick-" as she tried to walk away she felt a hand grip her wrist, pulling her back.


"what did you just call me?" he asked through gritted teeth, his face so close to hers they were breathing on each other.

"Draco please- people are staring." she murmured, looking around slightly to see five people watching confused.

"get your filthy hands off my sister, Malfoy!" Ron yelled, stomping over angrily.

Draco slightly loosened his grip on (Y/n), narrowing his eyes at Ron as he came over with Harry and Hermione- who was looking down at her feet.

"go away, Weaselbee. this has nothing to do with you." Draco said.

"stop. touching. my. sister." Ron said angrily, his face red.

"Ron, please, it's okay-" (Y/n) started, her face flustered as Draco finally let go of her.

"touch her again and i'll kill you, Malfoy." Ron spat, walking away with (Y/n)'s other wrist in his hand.

"Hermione, Harry, can you leave us alone for a moment?" Ron demanded, his chest rising and falling quickly.

Harry and Hermione walked down the other corridor without saying a word, both too shocked at Ron's anger.

"what was going on?" he asked.

"please, Ronald. calm dow-"

"tell me what the bloody hell was going on,


"nothing! it's none of your business!" (Y/n) said, now getting upset with her twin.

"you're hiding something, (Y/n). i will find out, sooner or later." Ron huffed, walking back to find Harry and Hermione.

"fuck." (Y/n) let out, her bottom lip trembling as tears filled her eyes. sitting down on the window, she didn't stop the water droplets from falling down her face.

"are you alright?" a small voice asked.

(Y/n) quickly wiped her tears, letting out a sniffle as she turned her head towards the voice.

"i'm okay, Neville. thank you." she gave him a weak smile, her lip trembling more.


"you can talk to me if you want. secret is safe with me." Neville sat across from the ginger, trying his best to reassure her.

"i'm so conflicted, Neville. i have no idea what to do." she cried out, burying her face in his shoulder. Neville softly rubbed her back, chewing on his lip.

"what does your heart tell you, and what does your head tell you?"

"my heart tells me to go for it. my head tells me, (Y/n) your family will be so disappointed in you! stop!" she explained, her voice shaky.

Neville stayed quiet for a moment, unsure what to say. "honestly, (Y/n). i say go for your heart, your family might be disappointed but if they know you're happy, then that's all that matters."

"thank you, Neville. you're an amazing friend." she gave him a smile, placing a kiss to his scalp as she stood up and walked away.

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