《My Secret Boyfriend》19


(Y/n) sat in the Great Hall next to Ginny and Lavender, pushing her curtain bangs out of her face. Molly had decided it was time (Y/n) had a haircut, styling her daughter's hair how she wanted the day before school started.

Dumbledore introduced the Triwizard Tournament, sparking interest in many of the students.

"but, there will be an age limit. no one under the age of seventeen shall enter." Barty Crouch stated.

"that's rubbish!" Fred and George shouted, causing the headmaster to shoot a glare their way.

"are you gonna enter, Ron?" (Y/n) asked her twin as they walked into the entrance hall.

"maybe. if Fred and George can conjure up an age potion." Ron shrugged, but a small smile was plastered on his face.

the next day (Y/n) stumbled down the ladder of Divination, heading to the Great Hall for lunch.

Draco was there, reading aloud the Daily Prophet, his lips in a smirk as Ron and Harry stood angrily across from him.

"get stuffed, Malfoy. come on, Ron.." Harry said.

"oh yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren't you, Potter? so tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?"

(Y/n) felt her stomach drop at the mention of her mum. she marched her way up to the three, causing Draco's smirk to slightly drop when his eyes met the ginger's.

"you know your mother, Malfoy?" Harry asked in a scowl. (Y/n) and Hermione grabbed onto Ron's robes to stop him from tackling Malfoy.

"that expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

Draco's face went red with anger.

"don't you dare insult my mother, Potter."


"keep your fat mouth shut then." Harry snapped.

a loud bang was heard, causing everyone to jump slightly. one more bang was heard, then the voice of Mad-Eye Moody was echoing through the entrance hall.

"oh no you don't laddie!" he shouted, limping over. Draco had been turned into a white ferret, running around on the floor.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing?" shrieked McGonagall as she came rushing over.

"teaching." Moody answered shortly, raising Draco into the air. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"is that a student?" McGonagall asked.

"technically it's a ferret."

McGonagall flicked her wand, Draco replacing the ferret. his hair was disheveled, his face remained red with anger.

"my father will hear about this!"

"is that a threat?" Moody asked. Draco backed down in fear, standing next to (Y/n).

"Moody! we give out detentions, we don't use Transfigurations!" McGonagall scolded.

"oh trust me, he's getting detention too. come on, Malfoy." Moody snarled, grabbing Draco's scruff and dragging him to his office.

Ron was laughing, Hermione giggling next to him. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, but couldn't fight off the smile that curved onto her lips.

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