《My Secret Boyfriend》18


(Y/n) arrived at the Hogwarts Express, waving goodbye to her mum, Charlie, and Bill. she sat back in the blue cushions, sighing tiredly.

Hermione and (Y/n) chatted away as boys came and gone, talking to Harry and Ron about the Quidditch World Cup.

Neville Longbottom entered the compartment, Ron gushing over Viktor Krum and showing him his figurine.

"we saw him right up close as well.. we we're in the top box-"

"for the first and last time in your life, Weasley."

Draco entered the compartment with Crabbe and Goyle, his face turned up in a scowl as he overheard Ron.

(Y/n) jumped slightly when she heard his voice. she glared up at the blond, her (e/c) eyes narrowed as she took in his appearance. he was dressed in the same black on black suit from the World Cup, his soft hair dangling over his eyebrows.

"don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy." Harry shot back.

"Weasley, what is that?" Draco pointed next to Pigwidegeon's cage where the sleeve of Ron's dress robes hung out. the old lace was very obvious as Draco grabbed it.

"look at this!" he laughed.

"Weasley, you weren't thinking about wearing these- were you? i mean, they were very fashionable in about eighteen ninety.."

"eat dung, Malfoy!" Ron shot, grabbing the clothes from him. his face was as red as his dress robes, his shaggy hair falling over his face.

"so.. going to enter, Weasley? going to try and bring a bit of glory to the family name? there's money involved as well, you know.. you'd also be able to afford some decent robes if you won.."

"what are you talking about?" Ron asked.

"are you going to enter?" Malfoy repeated.

"i suppose you will, Potter? you never miss a chance to show off, do you?"


"either explain what you're going on about or go away, Malfoy." Hermione said sharply.

"don't tell me you don't know? you've got a father and a brother at the Ministry and you don't even know? my god, my father told me about it ages ago.. heard it from Cornelius Fudge. but then, Father's always associated with the top people at the Ministry.. maybe your father's too junior to know about it, Weasley. yes, they probably don't talk about important stuff in front of him.."

Draco trailed off, his smirk never leaving his face. Crabbe and Goyle snickered loudly, causing Ron's face to flush in anger.

"you look good, (Y/n)." Draco winked at the redhead, causing her to blush madly.

he exited the compartment, the two big Slytherins following after him. Ron stood up, slamming the door shut so hard the glass shattered.

"Ron!" (Y/n) and Hermione scolded. Hermione pulled out her wand, muttering, "Reparo!" causing the glass shards to reconnect.

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