《My Secret Boyfriend》17


the Quidditch match began, each player zipping through the air as fast as lightening. (Y/n) felt the wind through her hair as she laughed along with Hermione and Ginny, clapping and cheering loudly.

the Ireland Seeker, Lynch, had slammed against the floor twice due to Krum.

"ew!" Ginny shrieked, a bludger hitting Krum against the nose. Ireland was up by over 100 points, and Krum was flying quickly through the air, his blood spurting behind him.

"Krum has caught the Snitch!" Bagman announced, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. Ireland has won, 160-150.

"why on earth would he do that!?" Ron asked angrily.

"he wanted the match to end on his terms." Harry explained, a wide grin on his face. (Y/n) was smooshed into a giant group hug by Fred and George, being pushed against George and Bill.

the Weasleys (plus Hermione and Harry) pulled away, walking down the stairs and back to their campground.

"there's no one like Krum. he's like a bird the way he rides the wind. he's more than an athlete, he's an artist." Ron stated, Fred and George flapping their arms viciously.

"i think you're in love, Ron." Ginny teased, causing (Y/n) to grin.

"Viktor i love you, Viktor i do!" the twins sang, Harry joining in with the boys.

"boys." Hermione giggled from next to (Y/n).

"sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred announced, talking about the loud noises from outside.

"stop! stop it! it's not the Irish. we need to get out of here, now." Arthur shouted.

they all scrambled outside the tent, (Y/n)'s eyes filled with horror. everything was set on fire, Muggles were being thrown into the air upside down. a lady was hanging from her feet, her knickers on display for everyone to see.


"go into the forest, we'll get this sorted." Arthur instructed. Bill, Charlie, and Percy were already sprinting to help the Ministry.

"come on!" Fred trudged, pushing his siblings towards the thick trees. Ginny clung onto

(Y/n)'s hand tightly as they ran, Ron protectively in front of his sisters and Hermione.

George lead everyone through the forest, Fred behind making sure they stayed together. "we're gonna be alright, okay Gin?" (Y/n) assured, her own chest heaving.

"wait, i lost my wand!" Harry alerted, causing them to stop running. "what, how?" Ron asked, breathing heavily.

"i..i don't know!" Harry replied, looking around quickly. when they looked back up, Fred, Ginny, and George were nowhere to be seen.

"oh bloody hell, we've lost them!" Ron groaned. the four huddled closely together, watching in fright as a giant skull filled the sky.

"get down!" Harry shouted, grabbing onto them and pulling them down to the floor.

"stop! those are my twins." Arthur yelled.

"Ron, (Y/n), Harry, Hermione are you alright?" he asked, helping them up.

"which one of you conjured this?" Barty Crouch asked angrily.

"you can't possibly..."

"do not lie! you have been discovered at the scene of the crime!" Amos said.

"crime?" Harry asked confused.

"Barty, they're just kids." Arthur stated.

"what crime?"

"Harry it's his mark." Hermione explained.

"those people tonight.. in the masks, they're his too aren't they? they're his followers." (Y/n) trailed off nervously, picking her finger nails.

"follow me." Barty instructed.

"there was a man. before. there."

"who, Harry?" Arthur asked.

"dunno. i didn't see his face."

quickly, a small house elf came nervously out of the forest. "Winky?" Barty asked, scrunching his brows as the house elf was holding Harry's wand.

more arguing later, they all agreed that the teenagers couldn't have conjured the Dark Mark, and Winky just found Harry's wand.

they all wandered back to the tent, Fred sitting with Ginny and George. Charlie and Bill were tending to their wounds, Percy fumbling around.

"i suggest everyone gets some rest." Arthur sighed, rubbing his eyelids tiredly. after all it was 3am..

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