《My Secret Boyfriend》16


(Y/n) tiredly walked with her family (plus Harry and Hermione), the moon still out. they were on their way to the Portkey for the Quidditch World Cup, dressed like muggles to not alert the non-wizards.

"Arthur! it's about time son." Amos said, a wide smile on his face.

"Sorry Amos. some of us had a sleepy start. this is Amos Diggory, everyone, he works at the Ministry with me. and this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am i right?" Arthur asked.

"yes sir." Cedric replied. the tall Hufflepuff looked at all the redheads, a smile on his face when he saw (Y/n). "hi, Ced." she grinned, pulling him into a hug.

"are these all your kids?" Amos asked.

"no, no. just the redheads. this is Fred, George, Ginny, (Y/n), Ron, and his two friends Hermione and Harry."

"Harry Potter?" Amos repeated, shock in his voice. Amos and Harry shook hands, the other kids standing in silence.

"there's the Portkey." Arthur stated as they all walked up the hill.

"shall we? don't want to be late." Amos replied.

after Arthur explained what a Portkey was to Harry, they all touched the boot. they immediately started spinning, and it was about as quick as lightening before they slammed into the ground.

"ow.." (Y/n) groaned. she had fallen on her bag, her jean button digging into her stomach.

"here.." Cedric held out his hand. (Y/n) felt her face grow warm as she placed her hand in his. he helped her up, picking up her bag for her.

"thank you." she mumbled, adverting his gaze.

"no problem." he laughed, starting to walk with her. (Y/n) glanced at Hermione who gave her a thumbs up and a bright smile. the redhead rolled her eyes playfully, her cheeks heating up more.


"so uh, are you cheering for Ireland?" she asked, looking up at the Hufflepuff Seeker.

"'course." he grinned, their arms slightly touching. "good." she affirmed, her cheeks starting to hurt from smiling.

"i think she fancies Pretty Boy Diggory." Fred and George said (not so quietly) from behind them.

"oy! you bloody twats- i can hear you!" she turned around and yelled, causing George to slightly flinch.

it wasn't that she fancied Cedric- it was the fact that who wouldn't blush and get all smiley around an older, taller boy (who was sorta attractive). (a/n: guys pls the sorta was sarcasm lmao 😭😭)

the next morning the lot got up very early, slipping off their pajamas and into their clothing. (Y/n) grinned widely when she saw the stadium, walking in between Fred and George. Percy, Charlie, and Bill had joined them the night they arrived.

"100,000 seats." Arthur stated, smiling brightly as he lead his children over to the entrance. he handed the witch the Ministry tickets, and she gave him directions.

the stairs were filled with purple carpet, each step taking them closer and closer to the Top Box.

they found their seats, clutching their ominoculars excitedly. "we can see everything up here!" Ginny squealed happily, jumping up and down.

"Dobby?" Harry asked, causing Hermione, Ron, and (Y/n) to turn to where he was looking. an elf sat in the seat, shaking nervously. it's big, brown eyes were filled with fear.

"i am not Dobby, sir. i am Winky, but Winky does know Dobby, sir. Winky is very good friends with Dobby." the house elf said.

(Y/n) turned her head back to the field, which seemed to be so far from where they were sat. she saw a flash of blond hair come sliding into the seats behind them, her eyes going wide.


Lucius Malfoy was talking to Cornelius Fudge, Bagman, and Arthur. well, Arthur and Lucius weren't exactly talking, more like glaring. the last time the two had spoken, they had gotten into a fist fight at Flourish and Blotts.

"hello, Weasley." Draco raised his eyebrows. he noticed her red hair had grew, and she was wearing a green turtleneck.

"Malfoy." she replied flatly, taking in his appearance. a black on black suit, his hair falling in front of his face.

"you don't look as horrendous when you did a few months ago." she teased evilly, turning her attention back to the crowd. Draco felt his lips curl into a smirk.

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