《My Secret Boyfriend》15


(Y/n) sat with her father, Fred, George, and Ron as they waited for the clock to strike five pm. they were waiting to pick up Harry for the Quidditch World Cup, the Dursleys giving them permission to take him. (either way Harry was going- the opportunity was too good to miss).

she decided to go get the brunette with her brothers instead of staying here with Hermione, Ginny, her mum, Bill, Charlie, and Percy.

"oh blimey, we're already late." Arthur groaned, grabbing some floo powder. "alright. i'll go first, Fred come second, George third, Ron fourth, (Y/n) fifth. ready?" the four kids nodded.

"4 Privet Drive!" Arthur said, stepping into the fire. "me next!" Fred said excitedly, grabbing his own powder.

George followed after his twin, Ron next, then (Y/n). "4 Privet Drive." the ginger said, grinning at Hermione as she started spinning.

"ouch!" Ron yelled. (Y/n) had fallen right on top of him.

"dad? where are we?" she asked, crammed against the brick wall.

"it appears the Dursleys have a difficult fireplace. no biggy- i'll get this sorted." Arthur explained, pulling out his wand causing the kids to groan in pain.

the fireplace bursted away, the five of them falling on top of each other in the living room. "Harry!" Ron and (Y/n) said at the same time, getting off Fred and George.

(Y/n) wiped the dust off her, hugging the brunette. "hello, i'm Arthur Weasley." her father introduced to the Dursleys.

"this is Fred, George, Ron, and (Y/n)." he gave the short man a warm smile. the Dursleys watched angrily as the redheads scattered across their living room.

"well, where is your trunk, Harry?" Arthur asked.

"it's upstairs in my bedroom." Harry explained, a wide grin on his face.


"we'll get it." Fred and George said, winking at Harry and heading upstairs. Arthur tried fixing the electric fireplace, talking kindly to the Dursleys (who had absolutely no interest on what he was saying).

"what's your name?" Dudley asked. (Y/n) immediately recognized him by what Harry has told her. really, really "big boned", brown hair, and clutching his bottom.

"(Y/n)." she tried to politely answer, but she couldn't help her face turn in disgust.

Fred and George returned pulling Harry's trunk along with them. Fred spilled some candies on the floor, rushing to pick them up.

"well, we best be off." Arthur said sadly, wishing he could stay a little longer and look around at more muggle stuff.

"go on, Fred." their father motioned. Fred wickedly grinned, watching as Dudley ate the candies hungrily. "the Burrow!" he said, disappearing into the fire.

suddenly, Dudley started to throw up, but he was throwing up his own tongue. (Y/n) watched in amusement as George smirked widely at his twin's actions, quickly disappearing into the fire.

"Fred! oh, i'll help! i'm sorry, jokesters, my sons are-" Arthur scrambled over to Dudley, but Petunia and Vernon thrashed the blond around angrily. Vernon started to throw ornaments, almost hitting (Y/n) and Harry.

"ladies first." Harry said quickly, trying to hold back his laughter. (Y/n) brightly smiled at him, saying the Burrow and spinning.

when she returned, Fred and George were in a laughing fit on the floor. clutching their stomachs, Ron was laughing next to them.

"that was bloody brilliant!" (Y/n) complimented, high-fiving the older twins. giggles left her mouth as Charlie and Bill sat there confused.

"Fred! George!" Arthur shouted after Harry arrived. "you're lucky i don't tell your mother about what you did!"

"tell me what?" Molly asked, causing the redheads to jump.

"uh.." Arthur trailed off. (Y/n) quickly scrambled off with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

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