《My Secret Boyfriend》14


over the next few days, students were packing to go home. (Y/n) had decided to stay behind with Ron while Harry and Hermione went back in time to save Sirius, knowing she would probably mess something up.

she walked the halls one last time before the students were going to be taken to the Hogwarts Express, sighing as she stared out at the Great Lake. of course she enjoyed being home at the Burrow, but Hogwarts made her feel safe.

"taking in the luxury before going back to your one bedroom home?" a smug voice asked from next to her. she jumped slightly, being met with the pale face of Draco Malfoy.

"do you have anyone else to bother? or do you just take pride in harassing me?" (Y/n) shot back, her finger tracing the stone wall.

Draco went bright pink. (Y/n) grinned.

"if i didn't know any better, Malfoy, i'd say you fancy me." her grin never left her face.

Draco's face flushed deeper. "fancy you? who would fancy a Weasley?" he shot back, rolling his eyes.

"loads of people. haven't you met my brothers?" (Y/n) asked, turning to stare at the blond.

"your git of a brother? Percy, isn't it? well i'd say no one fancies him." Draco replied, his pale eyes wandering over (Y/n)'s face.

(Y/n) let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "believe it or not, Malfoy, but Percy has a girlfriend. i guess ladies dig the redheads." she joked, causing Draco to crack a smile.

"see you in a few months, Malfoy."

"you too, Weasley."

the two parted peacefully (for the first time ever), small smiles on their face.

"was Malfoy giving you trouble?" Ron asked, his lips in a scowl.

"no, Ronald." (Y/n) sighed, sitting in the compartment with her brother, Hermione, and Harry.


"good. i hate that bloody twat." Ron rolled his eyes.

"so Harry, are you excited for the Quidditch World Cup?" (Y/n) changed the subject, her eyes placed on the brunette.

the four quickly fell into a conversation, while an hour later a small owl flew in. it was no bigger than (Y/n)'s palm, and it was carrying a letter.

they watched eagerly as Harry skimmed over the parchment, his jaw dropping. "well, what's it say?" Hermione asked.

Harry read the letter aloud.

"i told you Sirius got you the Firebolt." Hermione grinned, leaning back into the seat.

"oh, Sirius also is leaving this owl for you two. says he feels sorry for what happened about Pete- well, Scabbers." Harry stated, folding the letter up and placing it in his pocket. (Y/n) and Ron's face lit up.

they arrived at King Cross station, walking out of the platform. "is that your uncle?" Hermione asked, pointing to a short man that was very wide. he had a huge mustache, and looked very angry compared to Molly and Arthur who were smiling brightly at their children.

"unfortunately yes." Harry sighed, giving his friends a hug.

"see you, Harry." (Y/n) smiled at him, walking over to her other siblings and parents.

"hey, mum and dad." the girl smiled, being embraced tightly by the ginger parents.

Ron walked over, and the eight Weasleys made their way away from the station and back to the Burrow safely.

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