《My Secret Boyfriend》13


"S-Sirius, R-Remus. my old friends.." Peter stammered. (Y/n) noticed he was a short man. ugly, definitely, but very short.

suddenly, Peter tried to make a run for it. Sirius and Remus grabbed onto him, pulling him back. the teenagers noticed Peter indeed had a finger missing.

"Harry! look at you.. y-you look just like your father. like James. we were the best of friends, he and i.."

"shut up!" Sirius yelled.

"i didn't mean to! the Dark Lord, you have no idea what weapons he possesses. ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. what would you have done?!" Peter asked, his big nose twitching.

"died! died rather than betray my friends! and you should have realized, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you.." Sirius trailed off.

"we would." Lupin finished.

"no... please.. you can't.." Peter frantically looked around the room, his eyes landing on the twins who were standing in the corner.

"(Y/n)! Ron! haven't i been a a good friend? a good pet? you won't let them kill me, will you? i was your rat..." Peter tried to nuzzle against (Y/n).

(Y/n) immediately shoved the dirty man off of her.

"stay away from me, you great big oaf." she spat, wiping away his touch on her shoulder.

Pettigrew then turned to Hermione.

"sweet girl.. clever girl. surely you won't let them.."

Lupin and Sirius raised their wands to Peter's face. he trembled in fear.

"no." Harry said suddenly.

"Harry.. this man.." Lupin started.

"i know what he is. but we'll take him to the castle."

"bless you, boy! bless you!" Peter hugged Harry.

"get off! i said we'd take you to the castle. after that, the Dementors can have you."

the group walked out of the Willow, Peter chained to Ron and Lupin. Snape's body floated behind Sirius, (Y/n) and Hermione walking together.


Hermione and (Y/n) were deep into a conversation when they looked over the hillside. a full moon came shining behind the clouds.

"Harry!" the girls alerted, but it was too late. Lupin hadn't drank the potion, and he looked at the bright light.

"run. all of you. now!" Sirius shouted.

Peter transformed back into a rat, scattering away. "no!" Harry yelled.

they all watched in horror as Lupin was a giant werewolf. "professor?" Hermione asked through her shaking voice. Ron clutched onto Hermione and (Y/n) tightly, standing in front of his twin.

"out of the way!" Snape yelled, stepping in front of the kids. (Y/n) was pressed between Ron and Harry, hiding behind Snape's clothes as he grabbed his wand.

a black dog came jumping at Lupin, leading him away from the kids.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted, a yelp of pain coming from the dog. Harry dashed forward, and Hermione tried to run after him but Snape held her back.

"Harry!" (Y/n) called after him.

"we need to get you guys to the hospital wing. i'll go get Potter, you three head up to the castle."

Snape ran off, the two girls helping Ron limp to the giant castle. the dim light surrounded them as they approached, leading him to Madam Pomfrey.

"oh, Merlin! what happened?" she shrieked, setting up a bed for Ron.

"broken leg." the kids said at the same time, the women placing the ginger boy on the bed.

"i have to grab the bone regrowth potion. you two, go lay down." Madam Pomfrey pointed to the other beds.

(Y/n) tiredly slumped down onto the bed, sleep quickly overcoming her body.

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