《My Secret Boyfriend》12


(Y/n) scuffled back, her back hitting the wood dresser behind her. Harry drew his wand, not breaking eye contact with Sirius.

"if you want to kill Harry.. you'll have to kill us too!" Hermione yelled.

"no. only one will die tonight." Sirius answered.

"then it'll be you!" Harry tackled Sirius to the floor, his hands furiously around his neck.

"Harry! no!" (Y/n) shouted. the three of them ran forward, trying to break Harry out of his grip. they ended up in a giant pile of thrashing, (Y/n) pulling away with a bruised cheek. Hermione had a cut on her lip, Ron's temple darkened. Harry held his wand to Sirius' face.


"Professor Lupin!" the four gasped, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher running in.

"looking a bit ragged, aren't we, Sirius? finally the skin reflects the madness within." Lupin narrowed his eyes.

"you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?"

the thirteen year olds watched as the men hugged brotherly.

"no! i trusted you! i covered up for you. and all this time you've been his friend! he's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing classes." Hermione yelled.

"how long have you known?" Lupin asked.

"since Professor Snape sent the essay."

"you're the brightest witch of your age i've ever met, Hermione."

"yes, you glow like the sun. and you howl at the moon. enough talk! he dies. now, if you won't do it with me, Remus, i'll do it alone."

"wait, Sirius-"

"i did my waiting! twelve years of it! in Azkaban! trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week!" Sirius shouted.

"all right then, as you wish." Lupin nodded.

"no! you betrayed my parents! you sold them to Voldemort!" Harry stopped the man.


"it's a lie! i never would've betrayed James and Lily!"

"Harry! you've got to listen-"

"did he listen? when my mother was dying? did he hear her screaming?!"

"no! i wasn't there! and i'll regret it for the rest of my life."

"this is a lot of shouting." (Y/n) murmured to Ron, who nodded in agreement. he was clutching his leg in pain with one hand, Scabbers in the other, while sitting in the corner with his twin.

"someone betrayed your parents, Harry. someone in this room right now. someone who, until quite recently, i believed to be dead." Lupin stated.

"he's as good as dead." Sirius spat.

"what're you talking about? there's nobody here." Harry narrowed his eyes.

"oh yes there is.." Sirius turned to Ron.

"come out, come out, Peter. come out, come out and play..." Sirius sung.

"you're mad." (Y/n) and Ron said at the same time. Scabbers twisted violently in Ron's hand.

"Expelliarmus!" everyone's wands flew out of their hands. Snape was standing in the doorway, a small grin on his face.

"ah, vengeance is sweet. how i hoped to i'd be the one to catch you."


"i told Dumbledore you were helping your old friend into the castle. and here's your proof."

"brilliant! and as usual, dead wrong. now, give us our wands back. Remus and i have unfinished business to attend to." Black crept towards Snape, who pointed his own wand at Sirius' neck.

"give me a reason, i beg you." Snape growled.

"don't be a fool, Severus!" Lupin yelled.

"he can't help it. it's a habit by now."

"quiet, Sirius!" Lupin shouted.

"listen to you two. quarreling like an old married couple. the creature and the criminal." Snape raised his brow.


"piss off." Sirius snarled.

"witty as ever i see. tell me, will you be so irrelevant when when i turn you over to the Dementors?" Sirius' face twisted.

"do i detect a flicker of fear? one can only imagine what it must be like to endure the Dementor's Kiss. it's said to be unbearable to witness. but i'll do my best." Snape gestured to the door.

"after you."

Harry suddenly grabbed Lupin's wand, pointing it at Snape.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry said, Snape went flying onto the wooden bed, and a bang was heard as the wood fell to the floor. Snape was out cold, a line of blood rolling down the side of his face.

"you attacked a teacher, Harry!" Hermione said in shock.

"you said Peter before. Peter who?"

"Pettigrew. he was at school with us. we thought he was a friend." Lupin explained.

"no. Pettigrew's dead. he killed him."

"i thought so too. until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the Map."

"the Map was lying then-"

"the Map never lies. Pettigrew's alive. and he's right there." Black pointed at Ron. all eyes shifted to the ginger boy, who's face was pale in fear.

"m-me? it's lunatic."

"no, you idiot. your rat." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Scabbers? Scabbers has been in our family for-" (Y/n) started, but Sirius cut her off.

"twelve years. a curiously long life for a common garden rat. he's missing a toe, isn't he?"

"so what?" Ron furrowed his brows.

"all they could find of Pettigrew was his-"

"finger. dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead. then he transformed into a rat."

Scabbers squirmed harshly in Ron's hand.

"show me." Harry said.

"what are you going to do to him?" Ron asked.

"together." Lupin and Sirius said at the same time. they pulled out their wands, and a flicker of light came flying out.

Scabbers then transformed into a human.

and sure enough, it was Peter Pettigrew.

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