《My Secret Boyfriend》11


the next few months went by in a flash, as it was now exams week. everyday students studied, cried, and quickly became angry with each other due to stress.

it was now the day of Buckbeak's execution. Hermione was a mess, between crying and stress she completely changed into a new person.

(Y/n) watched as the Golden Trio walked down to Hagrid's hut. she sighed, pushing her hair out of her face.

turning around, she walked along the bridge, running her hand along the wood. her hair swayed as she slugged her feet, the black shoes dragging along the floor.

she paused when she saw a glimmer of blond hair walk onto the bridge. the pointed face of the youngest Malfoy stood there with Crabbe and Goyle, his lips in a snarl. he smirked wickedly when he saw (Y/n).

"what a pity that bloody chicken is getting beheaded today, don't you think so, Weaselbee?"

"wish it was you." (Y/n) mumbled, rolling her eyes as she stared at his pale face.

"no need to be so rude." he taunted.

"what do you want, Malfoy?"

"just want to see you suffer. how about we watch the beheading together?" he smirked.

"how about you watch my fist come in contact with your nose? oh, wait, Hermione already did that." (Y/n) snickered, sending Draco a sarcastic smile as she pushed past him.

she walked towards the stone circle, furrowing her brows when she saw Ron fumbling with something. Hermione was yelling at him, and Harry was shushing the two.

she watched as something fell out of her twin's hand, and he quickly ran after it. Scabbers.

rushing down, her (e/c) eyes filled with horror as she saw Ron getting dragged by a black dog under the Whomping Willow.

"Ron!" she shouted, her feet moving as fast as they would carry her.


"(Y/n)? get back!" Harry yelled, dodging a tree trunk as the Willow thrashed violently.

"are you crazy? that dog just took my brother!"

suddenly, the tree stopped moving. they slid down the root, following Crookshanks down the dark tunnel.

"where the bloody hell are we?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"i think we're in the Shrieking Shack." Hermione whispered as they climbed the old wooden stairs.

"Ron?!" the tree of them yelled.

"get out of here! it's a trap!" Ron shouted.

not listening, they ran towards where the voice was coming from. Ron was sat in the corner, clutching his bleeding leg.

"Ron!" Hermione ran over to the ginger.

Harry gasped, causing (Y/n) to turn around quickly. standing by the door was no other than Sirius Black himself.

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