《My Secret Boyfriend》10


(Y/N) walked down to the Quidditch pitch with Hermione, who was still angry at Ron, a bit over stressed with her mountains of homework.

"'Mione, maybe you should just drop a few subjects." (Y/N) suggested.

"i'm fine, (Y/N). promise." she mumbled as they sat down. "if you say so." the redhead sighed, resting her chin in her hand as they waited for the Gryffindor and Slytherin team to come out. Ron came over and sat on the right of (Y/N), not giving a glance to Hermione.

moments later the teams came walking onto the field, brooms in hand. Harry was showing off his Firebolt, glaring at Draco.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and the players zoomed off into the air with Lee Jordan narrating the match, and the occasional scolding by McGonagall.

they watched as the Slytherins fought dirty, knocking people over and throwing things at Harry. Draco was right on Harry's tail, Gryffindor was fifty points up.

Harry was reaching for the Snitch, when Draco grabbed the end of the Firebolt and pulled him back down. Lee Jordan was screaming swear words into the microphone, but no one seemed to care as the other students followed.

"that dirty cheat!" (Y/n) yelled when Draco came zooming by. "Ronald!" (Y/n) gasped when she heard the curses coming from Ron's mouth.

"i'm right, (Y/n)! Harry was about to win the Quidditch Cup!" Ron snapped furiously, watching the game.

Draco went flying for the Snitch, but Harry's Firebolt was faster than Draco's Nimbus Two Thousand and One. Harry quickly caught up, the crowd on the edge of their seat. Harry's small fingers gripped around the gold, causing Madam Hooch to blow her whistle.

Oliver Wood came sprinting down to Harry, tears running down his face as he pulled him into a big hug.


(Y/n) ran down with the crowd of people, giving the team a gigantic hug. Fred and George kissed the top of her head, jumping around happily.

Angelina and Katie pulled the redhead into a bone crushing grip, tears forming in their eyes as McGonagall came rushing over, a handkerchief in her hands as she blew her nose.

"you did it, Potter!" she grinned excitedly, watching as Dumbledore came over with the Cup in his hands.

"party in the Common Room!" Fred and George announced, leading all the Gryffindors to the tower.

the party lasted until two in the morning, McGonagall crashing it and yelling at the students to go to bed.

(Y/n) lay in her bed asleep, Hermione and Ginny sleeping next to her. when suddenly, a heart wrenching scream came out from the boys' dormitory.

they all rushed out of bed, seeing Ron standing in the common room with Harry, more students joining them as McGonagall came rushing in.

"what on Merlin's Earth happened?" she shrieked.

"Sirius Black! Sirius Black was standing over me with a knife!" Ron shouted, his chest rising and falling quickly.

McGonagall shook her head angrily.

"(Y/n), please contain your twin. Mr Weasley, there is no way Sirius Black could have been in this tower. he doesn't know the password."

"go ask Sir Cadogan!" Ron shot back.

McGonagall walked out of the portrait, the students following quickly behind.

"Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man into this tower?"

"why, yes of course!" Sir Cadogan grinned.

McGonagall's face dropped.

"h..how did he know the password?"

"i have no clue, Ma'am. had them all written down." Sir Cadogan answered.

McGonagall turned at the students, her lips in a scowl.

"who wrote down all the passwords?" she said through gritted teeth.

Neville raised a shaky hand.

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