《My Secret Boyfriend》9


it was now Christmas day, and (Y/N) sat in the Gryffindor common room with the other students who decided to stay for the holidays.

"mum made me another sweater. maroon.. as always." Ron sighed, causing (Y/N) to grin.

"she made me a maroon one too." (Y/N) said, pulling out the knitted sweater that had her name letter on the front.

"mum knitted us a green one." said Fred and George. "how lovely." Ginny replied, coming out in a blue sweater.

"wait, Harry. what's that?" Ron asked, pointing to the stick shaped broom near Harry's presents.

"i have no clue." he shrugged, ripping open the wrapping paper.

"a Firebolt!" the Weasleys gasped, rushing over to the inspect the fantastic broom in Harry's hand. Harry stood there, in shock, looking at the broom in his grip.

"who's it from?" Ron asked excitedly.

"it doesn't say." Harry shrugged.

Hermione walked over, Crookshanks in her arms. "you should get it inspected for hexes." she stated.

"what? no way! with this broom we'll definitely beat Ravenclaw." Ron said defensively.

"he's right, Hermione." (Y/N) said quietly, gazing at the shiny wood in awe. Hermione rolled her eyes, walking back over to the tables with her homework and books placed on top.

Crookshanks hopped off Hermione's lap, and made a break for Ron and Scabbers.

"get him out of here!" Ron shouted, trying to hold Crookshanks back as Scabbers ran into his pocket.

over the month, Hermione and Ron had stopped talking completely. Ron had thought Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, while Hermione thought Scabbers had ran away.

"it really is the stupidest fight ever, huh?" Harry mumbled to (Y/N), causing the redhead to nod her head in agreement.

it was the morning of the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw Quidditch match, and Harry was walking with (Y/N) and the rest of the Quidditch team to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry had his Firebolt in hand, ready to show off his gift.


students gathered around the Firebolt, multiple questions coming at the Quidditch team. "Penelope and i have a bet going on. ten galleons, we each swear our house is going to win." Percy announced as Penelope glanced at the Firebolt in awe.

"so please win, i don't have ten galleons." Percy mumbled into Harry's ear, walking off with Penelope.

"well, does this broom have protections on it? don't want you to fall off from the dementors again." Draco said smugly.

"does your Nimbus Two-Thousand and One have an extra arm on it?" (Y/N) asked, raising her eyebrow and glaring at the youngest Malfoy.

"maybe then you'll catch the Snitch." Harry played onto (Y/N)'s comeback. Draco rolled his eyes, walking away with Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry high-fived (Y/N), wide grins on their faces.

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