《My Secret Boyfriend》8


(Y/N) decided to stay home for the Holidays with the rest of her siblings. it was now the weekend, the second Hogsmeade trip before the term ends.

she watched the snow fall with Ron and Hermione at the Shrieking Shack, layers of clothing covering their skin. the white snow fell on top of them, coating their hair.

"it's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. did i mention that?" Hermione questioned.

"twice." the twins answered.

"should we move a bit closer?"

"sure." (Y/N) shrugged. the three moved a step forward.

"i think it's fine from here." Ron said.

"perfect." Hermione responded.

"well, well. look who's here. you three shopping for your dream home? seems a bit too grand for you, Weaselbees. don't your family all sleep in one room?"

"shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron snapped.

(Y/N) clenched her jaw.

"now, that's not very friendly. boys, i think it's time we teach Weaselbee to respect his superiors." Malfoy grinned.

without giving it a second thought, (Y/N) walked up to the blond boy and slapped his right cheek. Hermione gasped, and the boys dropped their jaws.

"don't you ever think you're superior to someone, Malfoy." (Y/N) spat, pushing Crabbe and Pike out of the way and storming off.

Hermione was giggling next to Ron, who had a proud smile on his face.

"how dare you laugh, you filthy little mudblood." Draco said fuming.

(Y/N) walked through Hogsmeade angrily, hot tears spilling from her eyes. she bumped into someone, just as she was about to apologize she heard their voices speak.

"what's wrong, little sister?" Fred and George asked concerned, pulling her behind a shop.

"it's Malfoy. i'm just so tired of his behavior." (Y/N) answered, wiping away the tear streaks on her face.

"don't give him the time of day, (Y/N). he doesn't deserve you." Fred said, rubbing her shoulder.

"or your precious time. just ignore him, i reckon that'll piss him off more." George joked, causing (Y/N) to crack a smile.

"thanks." she sighed, pulling her big brothers in for a hug.

"i love you guys."

"we love you too."

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