《My Secret Boyfriend》7


(Y/N) made her way down to the Quidditch pitch with Lavender, Ginny, and Parvati. Ginny clung onto the girl, rain and wind rippling past them.

"such a shame us Slytherins can't play today because of my injury." Draco spoke loudly as he saw the girls walking by.

"your fake injury!" (Y/N) piped up, flashing Draco a sarcastic smile. she saw him roll his eyes, causing her lips to curve into a grin as she lead the girls to the stands.

they huddled closely together, Ron, Hermione, Seamus, and Neville joining them.

everyone watched as Gryffindor and Hufflepuff walked onto the field, brooms in hand and Madam Hooch in the middle with the Quaffle in her hand. she blew her whistle, throwing it up in the air. players jumped onto their brooms, flying into the air.

(Y/N) could barely see anything through the storm. she watched, her (e/c) eyes narrowed. her hair whipped through the wind, causing her to push her beanie down further.

"go Harry!" Hermione shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth as the crowd cheered. the students watched as Cedric went for the Snitch, and Harry followed behind.

they went up to the clouds, the crowd roaring for the Seekers. moments later, something came falling from the sky. only it wasn't something, rather someone.

Ginny gasped as Harry came tumbling towards the ground. just as he was about to hit the grass, a light shot at him causing him to fall softly. Madam Hooch and the other Quidditch players came flying down, grabbing onto the boy. Cedric had caught the Snitch, causing Gryffindor to lose.

(Y/N), Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Seamus all ran off the stands and down to the field. Fred and George were carrying Harry, rushing him to the Hospital Wing with the others following closely behind.


they all stood by his bed, muddy, cold, and wet. Harry awoke a few hours later, his green eyes flicking through the group of students at his bed.

"what happened?" he asked tiredly.

"Dementors came onto the field." Fred and George explained.

"and you fell of your broom." Ron added.

"Merlin, Harry. i thought you were dead."

(Y/N) sighed, rubbing Ginny's back as the younger girl wiped her tears.

"yeah, you scared Gin half to death." Hermione stated, patting the youngest girl on the shoulder.

"Dumbledore is furious. he's the one who saved you from hitting the ground too hard." said Hermione. Harry sat up, but Madam Pomfrey came rushing over.

she told the group to leave, and that Harry needed his rest.

"poor, Harry." Neville said, clutching onto his sleeves.

"is he awake? i reckon he was dead." Seamus said from next to Neville.

"he's awake." (Y/N) told the boys, and their faces lit up. "but Madam Pomfrey told us all to get out." said Ron.

"Potter's awake?" Malfoy asked, straightening out his robes.

"no." the group responded, not looking at the blond.

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