《Pipe Dream || Timothée Chalamet》27


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my whole heart

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stop using Timmy

literally ew

please get married


i call being the flower girl



"I have a surprise for you, I'll pick you up at 7" I smile as I read Timmy's text out loud to Ashley and Eden.

"Ohhh what do you think it is?" Eden asks as she takes a sip from her coffee.

"I don't know" I blush like a little girl.

"Do you think you love him?" Ashley speaks up causing my eyes to widen at the thought.

I softly chew at my bottom lip trying to hide the smile creeping onto my lips. "I don't know, I think I really do" I respond, earning a grin from both girls. "I feel like it's too soon"

They both shake their heads. "Love doesn't have a time limit" Eden gushes as Ashley groans.

"Your so cheesy" Ashley laughs causing Eden to scoff at her.

"I just love love" She defends as we all laugh.


I take in my surroundings as I look up at the beautiful boy next to me. "Where are we going Timmy?" I ask, not recognizing anything around me.

"Shhh we're almost there" he laughs, wrapping his arm around me as we walk.

After a few minutes of peaceful walking we arrive at a docked ferry. I furrow my eyebrows at the sight as Timothée takes me hand in his and walks us onto the boat.

"So I know that you've haven't gotten around to doing anything touristy things because of school and stuff so we're going to see Miss Lady Liberty" he grins at me as my eyes go wide.

"Like the Statue of Liberty?" I clarify.

He laughs with nod as his grin grows wider. "Yep like they Statue of Liberty"


I let out an excited squeal as the ferry takes off. After a few minutes on the water the statue comes into view and my smile only grows.

After only a few more minutes we dock at the platform and get off the ferry, everyones eyes are wide at the enormous statue in front of us.

"Timmy it's beautiful" I smile harder than I've ever smiled before.

I grip onto Timothée's are as a cold gust of air blows against my face. He notices my reaction to the chilling temperature and wraps his arms around my body. I wrap my arms around him as well as we stand in an embrace staring at the piece of art in front of us.

"Do you like your surprise?" He smiles down at me.

I turn my eyes to focus up at him and return his smile. "I love it" I breathe out as I stand on my tippy toes to press a kiss onto his lips. After we pull apart I press my lips against his cold ear. "I love you" I whisper without thinking twice.

My heart speeds up and my cheeks flush as the realization hits. I just told Timothée Chalamet that I love him.

He smiles back at me as he lowers his lips to my ear. Nothing can prepare me for his next words.

"I love you too"


"Goodnight angel" I smile at the most beautiful human standing right in front of me.

"Goodnight Timmy" she grins up at me as our lips connect for only a few short seconds.

She slips into her room and once I hear the door lock I make my way to the elevators.

Once I reach the ground my mind is doing backflips as I take off towards my apartment.

I run all the way to my building, my mind racing with so many thoughts. I'm in love with Adeline. I've been in love with her. And she loves me back. But I'm cheating on her. I'm breaking her trust. I'm taking advantage of her.


The second my body reaches my apartment I break down. Tears flow down from my eyes as I pace back and forth across my living room.

Before I do anything stupid I sit down on my couch and dial the number for the only person I know I can trust.


After only a few rings he picks up the call. "Hello?" He answers and my heart slows at the sound of his voice.

"Armie" I cry into the phone as my breathing picks up. "I fucked up"

"Timmy what are you talking about? What's going on?" He asks, concern dripping from his voice.

Just as I begin to speak, Berlioz comes and sits in my lap, causing my heart to shatter even more. "I'm so fucking in love with Adeline" I sob. "She said she loved me today and I said it back and now I'm realizing how insanely in love I am"

"Timothée I'm sorry, but why are you crying over that?" He asks, confusion taking over the concern.

"Because Armie, I'm cheating on her" I burst, more tears falling from my eyes and onto the precious animal in my lap that only reminds me of how precious Adeline is. "With Lily" I try to speak but my voice cracks.

The line goes silent and I can only picture how disappointed he must look and feel right now. Disappointed in me.

"Timothée I need you to listen to me very good" he begins to speak in a calmly manner. "You need to find Adeline, if not tonight then tomorrow, and you need to tell her this"

I shake my head even though he can't see me. "I can't do it" I choke out. "I can't break her heart"

"If you didn't want to break her heart you wouldn't be sleeping with Lily" he says, now sounding more angry. "It's better she hears it from you than from someone else"

I take in his words and try to slow my brain. "And if you have any plans on trying to fix this mess that you created, you need to tell Lily to stay the fuck out of your life" his tone sounds more harsh than I've ever heard it.

The line goes silent again as we both process the situation at hand. "How did this happen Timmy?" He asks solemnly.

"I don't know" I squeak, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I love you bud, do you know that?" His voice is now soothing and calm.

"I know, I love you too" I begin to cry again.

"Everything is going to work out" he tries to empathize. "Maybe not now, but eventually"

"I hope so" I sniffle, letting my fingers run across the soft coat of the small cat that was now sleeping in my lap. "I really love her"

"I know"

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