In Serial

Dawn of the Nexus (Kingdom building LitRPG)

8 104 36
Author: Type:Male

Meet Peter ‘Horn’ Kowalsky – The champion! The prodigy! The winner of the ToN master league in 2032!

Peter played games his whole life, finally reaching the top. In the final tournament in a worldwide RTS-RPG blockbuster, he won the Global event. His victory secured him a spot in the pre-release of a new game, Dawn of the Nexus. THE VRMMORPG-RTS masterpiece that the whole world was waiting for.

Join him on his journey into a new unexplored world, a realm which the pre-release players will build up from scratch. Leading his clan of dwarven warriors and crafters, he has limited time to prepare before the wave of players will change everything.

He'll need trusted champions and allies, as the danger and competition will be close by. It will be the actual test of his determination, cunning, and planning skills and a lot of sweat and virtual blood. Will he find himself in the new world? Will he again reach the top? Will it even be worth it?



If you're a fan of:

- Base building

- Clan & Army management

- Battles, both small and large

- Looting and crafting

And if you dislike:


- The chosen one cliché

- Grand quest to save the universe

Then you'll find yourself at home. I hope you'll enjoy the read!

Updates thrice-weekly: Mon – Wed – Fri

PS. The true base-building won't start for a while. It will become the main focus of the story, but the introduction into a new world will take a while. Bits and pieces of it will appear from the beginning, but most of the gritty stuff won't come for the first twenty, thirty chapters.

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