《Dawn of the Nexus (Kingdom building LitRPG)》Chapter 11 - R&D - Rewards & Developments


2 days, 8 hours, 14 minutes, 53 seconds

The countdown continued. After the wake, everyone returned to the main cavern. Unused Essence was donated back to the clan, which allowed Horn to replenish some of the losses, and added a few new workers as they now had new resources to exploit. Ingrid helped him create a somewhat working supply chain, it wasn’t perfect and was relatively short, but she claimed it would work. It came basically to food gathering and preserving, creating a steady supply of lumber for crafting and heating, and creating necessary tools and basic equipment for his dwarves.

These things became more urgent as he had to start thinking about the end game here in the tutorial. The timer was getting shorter and shorter, and he didn’t feel ready to venture into the open world yet.

Looking at the summary of his clan, he was both proud and ashamed. If he had just waited another day, the fight might have been entirely different.

Basic workers:















Basic crafter:











Barrel maker


Advanced crafter/worker:





Basic fighter:

Warrior melee


Warrior ranged


Advanced fighter:







But what’s done was done. Finishing summons, Horn just kept his standing orders of gathering supplies and farming the dungeon. With the added source of food from the forest, the supply situation started to look better. On top of edible plants, his gatherers identified some herbs possibly having some use in alchemy, which was just the added benefit. He didn’t have any alchemist to take advantage of that, but all in time.

Soon after, his lumberjacks left with orders to start butchering the forest. Every plank would soon matter when the clan would prepare for the tutorial’s finish. Of course, that created an issue with tools, but the last remaining blacksmith could handle that.

Finally, he managed to resummon warriors and some special troops, to continue farming the dungeon and leveling up the newly summoned dwarfs.

Checking the dungeon status, he noticed that only twenty runs were remaining. The tempo increased with four squads doing two to three delves a day. They would finish it before the end of the tutorial, which should yield him another eighty to a hundred thousand Essence. Enough to summon quite a few dwarves, that’s if he managed to limit spending a lot of it on materials out of the store. Thankfully, the issue of limited weapons, armor, and tools was in the past. The windfall from the battle was over a hundred hand weapons, out of which quite a few could be used as tools or smelted down into metal to be reforged. Metal armor was still out of the question, but he took one step at a time.

After finishing the basic maintenance of the clan, he decided to take his champions for a treasure hunt to discuss the next steps. He included Sigrid, their scholar, into the party and added two fighters and their newly summoned pathfinder as security and scout.

They assembled and started traveling on mounts through the forest following the shaman’s map. While Horn began the conversation by asking, “We’re almost done with this place, I’d like to hear more about the Nexus. What should we expect there?”

“Oh pumpkin, it's amazing - wide plains, green hills, and high mountains. The water is clear, and the grass is greener.” Ingrid replied with a straight face before bursting into laughter and adding, “The place is enormous. I’ve visited four kingdoms in my time, each spanning hundreds of miles. From deserts, through swamps, plains into the hills, mountains, and of course, everything is connected by the Underdark, which is a world in its own.”


“I concur. The world is wide and contains many mysteries. It’s impossible to predict where we’ll come up, nor what we’ll meet.” Sigrid added,

“Fair point, but then how do you think we should prepare?”

“Boars! A lot of boars, for transport, for fighting, we have to be mobile to find a good place to settle. Then builders and crafters to settle and build a glorious city!” Ingrid started her rant again,

“Military, we don’t know what to expect. A small goblin tribe cost us almost everything. The Nexus is a dangerous place, full of monsters and hostile sentients. If we’re being brought back, our enemies probably will also appear. We need overwhelming force to secure our land.” Goran said.

“As expected, you don’t disappoint in your visions, my dear champions. What do you think, Sigrid?” Horn asked,

The scholar took a moment before replying, “My chieftain, the logic says we need the best of both worlds. Mobility will be important to avoid danger and to move swiftly towards the destination you want. Crafters and workers are needed to build and prosper. The military will be as important to secure your hold on the land. Supplies need to be robust not to waste time and lives to set up a basic camp and to avoid hunger in the first days. Finally, knowledge is probably the most important asset to think about the future.”

“You see! That’s an answer. Both of you,” Horn said, nodding to Ingrid and Goran, “should think about that. She didn’t do anything but connect your visions and build on top of that.”

Ingrid just snorted but didn’t retort. Goran said, “Yes, Chieftain,” but Sigrid had probably the worst reaction. She saw the gaze of the champions on her and blushed before hiding her head under the hood.

“Oh, don’t be gloom. I respect your opinions. You are just - Well, very focused in your mindsets.” Horn said,

The champions didn’t reply. Sighing, Horn continued, “Very well, then let's start talking details. Maybe that’ll cheer you up…

He quickly recounted the remaining time, the windfall from the latest challenge, the possible Essence count, and what they could get for it. Ingrid started,

“Well, pumpkin, what we need is a good start. So we need farmers, hunters, gathers, builders, shepherds, and basic craftsmen. In a good land, a single hunter can feed five to ten mouths. A farmer can feed four times that, but his crops need time to mature. We, the high dwarfs, are specialists in growing both on and below the ground, and I’d say we should split our efforts in both directions to have a secure source of food. Gatherers can feed maybe five people if the area is fertile, and shepherds depend on the animals and their quantity. You’ll need livestock, chickens, piglets, sheep, and cows if you want to start them. Maybe yaks or lamas depending on the climate. Then we’ll need lumber, stone, and brick to build a city. We’ll need miners for minerals and smiths to process them. Owning a city isn’t an easy task and establishing one is even more difficult. One thing I can tell you is that I doubt you’ll have this fancy shop of yours available in the wild. Never heard about such thing earlier.”

Goran took over, “Probably the sanest thing that came out of her mouth, but I agree. Military need supporting structure. We need clothes, armor, arms, food, a place to rest and to train. What she didn’t mention was defensive structures, walls, towers, siege engines. I doubt we’ll have to lay siege anytime soon, but who knows. I say for every fifty clanmates, we should have at least ten fighters. We need shield bearers, melee specialists, crossbowmen, scouts, and engineers. We need adepts and officers to lead them. We need mounts for them or at least a cavalry section. You’ve seen it in action. There are a few things as glorious in life as charging into the mass of greenskin filth and smashing them to a pulp!” Goran almost shouted the last words.


Horn just nodded. They made sense. The scale of it was terrifying yet exciting. The first half a year would be most difficult before the players arrive, then he expected the life would become much easier with hundreds or thousands of newcomers and at the same time a more challenging one when they’ll start making their moves. He saw Sigrid opening her mouth before closing it again and asked, “Do you have something to add, Sigrid? This is brainstorming, and I need all advice I can get.”

“Chieftain, I only wish for you not to forget about the science and the magical arts. They go hand in hand and can solve many problems. A nature mage can speed the harvest. The earth mage can build a stone wall straight out of the ground. A good blueprint can improve the efficiency of the building and make it last. Research can open completely new ways of development, new tools techniques!” She threw out of her almost in a single breath.

“Sounds great, and tell me, I remember something about technologies, but please explain. How do they work?”

“Everyone has some knowledge, but it is usually incomplete, either passed from parents to children or just scribbled as notes or blueprints. Technology is a systematic approach to the subject, deep research, which can improve many if not all categories. It can find new resources or a new process to enhance them. For example, without knowing how to mix mortar properly, you wouldn’t be able to build a lasting wall.”

“So, in summary, we want them, and we want them bad?”

Sigrid chuckled, “Yes, chieftain.”

“So if I understand it all correctly, we’re completely unprepared to venture into the world, and our chances of preparing are close to nothing?”

“Yes, Chieftain,”

“I concur with your observations,”

“Aye, pumpkin!”

His three advisors said in unison.

“Well fuck me…”

Soon after, they arrived at the goblin village. A group of his dwarfs was already there, scavenging anything worthwhile. They took a slight detour approaching the white tower, but the gates were still closed. Horn didn’t pay much attention to it in the middle of the battle, but there seemed to be no gate at all. It was just a solid wall mimicking a closed stone entrance. He glanced at Sigrid, wondering if there’d be any input from her side, but she seemed totally not interested in the building. Shrugging, he called for them to continue.

Finding the shaman’s cache turned out to be a trivial task. The strange tree was visible from the village in the distance, and somewhere in the middle, there was the peculiar outcropping of rocks. Digging for half an hour uncovered a sturdy chest.

Inside he found only several items, and they didn’t even take half the space. There was a tube with some scrolls inside, which he instantly handled to Sigrid to identify, a heart-shaped black sapphire medallion on a silver chain that gave a strange prompt.

Shadow Heart – Epic – Masterwork – min. 15 mind – ?? – made by Jonas Underwood.

No one knew what it was, so it went into the bag. Next was a heavy bag with some kind of powder inside. The powder had the consistency of flour but was sparkling like glitter. It had a slightly violet hue, and his Lore said:

Arcane powder – scarce – average – a component in multiple crafts.

Sigrid instantly jumped with joy, saying, “This will allow us to copy magical scrolls and books, it's also an important component in enchanting and rune smithing, but we’d need to ask experts on that.”

Nodding, Horn put it away, then he crouched and grabbed the final item. It was a slightly shining crystal, and it looked crudely cut into a tear shape and shone with deep crimson light. Picking it up, Horn felt a pleasant warmth spreading through his hand. As he took it out of the chest, all of his companions gasped. Checking the item, he was surprised with highly detailed information.

Ascension stone – Mythical – Divine – An artifact of an old era, created by Gods for their champions. Enables to elevate one’s soul to a champion status granting the possibility of rebirth. For those already with the champion status, it can be traded for an advanced class without the need to complete the trials. For those who own a soul well, it allows to summon a new uncommon champion or exchange it for fifty thousand Essence. Consumed upon using.

Before he could say anything, there was a chime in his head. He raised his hand, stopping his comrades, who were already opening their mouths.

Quest updated: First steps II

You have found goblin’s leader treasure. You now possess an ascension crystal. Remember: with great power comes great responsibility. You’ve completed a hidden objective! Reward: 5 specialist summons at no cost and no requirements.

Current status of hidden objectives: 1/?

“Well, that was a motherload,” He summarized happily,

“Chieftain! The stone, it’s a treasure worthy of a King! Grant it to me! I could become a stalwart defender able to protect you and the clan!” Goran started. Greed was visible in his working eye.

“Pump- Chieftain, ignore that fool. Such a treasure cannot be wasted on a meathead. If we use it on Thumper, he will become a true king of war beasts. He’ll crush your enemies into the dust! No one would stand in your way. Think about that!” Ingrid spoke excitedly.

Horn sighed. Either they weren’t as intelligent as he earlier thought, or the stone was a huge deal for them. He saw crystal’s power. It was a fantastic treasure, but to act like teenagers? He was surprised that Sigrid didn’t say anything, he saw a gleam in her eye, or maybe she was playing it smarter. She had the most to gain out of such artifact.

Nevertheless, he had to cut it off here, “Listen, the stone stays with me. Neither of you will get it. At least for now. I’ll decide on the best use of it later.”

“Chieftain I prote-“ Goran began,

“Pumpkin, don’t be stu-!” Ingrid said at the same time,

“ENOUGH! The topic is closed. Behave yourself.” Horn roared.

Muttering, they dropped the matter.

The return trip was uneventful. They were all deep in thought - Horn was planning their exodus, while the rest just wondered about the treasure their Chief found.

Upon returning to the main cavern, Horn hopped into the flurry of activity. The beginning of the plan had already formed, and the time was running out. Looking over reward summons, he wanted them all, well, maybe most of them - Enchanters, Runesmiths, Mages of all kinds, Scribes, Steam Engineers, Shipwrights, and even an Air Ship Captain. Then there were dozens of special warrior types, a few known from the previous game like Dragonfang heavy infantry, Musketeers, or even Wyvern riders. His imagination ran wild, but he forced himself to focus on achievable. The new units came empty-handed, and there was no chance in hell he’d be able to equip them or give them the workspace required. He had an idea, a risky one, but he was a bit of a gambler.

A few minutes later, five new dwarfs surrounded him. An alchemist, an enchanter, a runesmith, a scribe, and a jeweler. Nodding to himself, he just shot a short command, “Report to Ingrid in crafting challenge.”

These crafter plus the ones he already had, a smith, a tailor, a leatherworker, a barrel maker, and a carpenter, and two basic crafters he also summoned, a bowyer and a cobbler, were representing every craft station in crafting challenge. Ingrid reported earlier that their crafters were already capable of making the required items, but he told her to hold completing a challenge. Now he had a hunch that completing the challenge by presenting one of each craft available would yield him another hidden bonus.

Done with that, he decided to finish his own character maintenance. He had a level to achieve and notifications to go through. First, he took a count of skill gains from the last day.

Your skill: Riding (exotic beasts) reached level 2.

Riding (Exotic beasts) level 2 – Passive – Gives a basic understanding of handling exotic land mounts. The more unique creatures might require a higher level of skill. While riding a beast, you gain minor bonus damage to all attacks.

Your skill: Radiance blast reached level 2.

Radiance blast level 2 – 10 mana, instant cast, 1-minute cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Blast the nearby enemies (5 feet range) with a blast of divine energy, damaging and pushing them back. Enemies further away can be disoriented and blinded. Friendly targets within the range are healed for a small amount.

Your skill: Cure wounds reached level 3.

Cure Wounds level 3 – 5 mana, 2-second cast, 10 seconds cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Heals basic wounds, heals additional amount equal to base within next 60 seconds. Slightly increase natural health regeneration for 10 minutes. The spell can be cast on a visible target within 20 feet.

Your skill: Lore reached level 2.

Lore level 2 – Passive – Mind – Gives deep understanding of his surroundings based on one’s knowledge. Grants knowledge of entity race and estimated level. Allows identifying items, scrolls, and potions up to rare rarity.

The improvements were very welcome, especially the Cure wounds. Finally, he would be able to heal from a distance. Radiance blast increased ranged and added heal effect was also amazing, the increase on Riding wasn’t as exciting, but each small bonus added up. Lore improvement just meant a bit more info and fewer question marks. Done with notifications, he leveled up, the familiar energy spread through him,

You’ve reached level 7. You gain: +1 Endurance, +1 Ability, +1 Spirit, +1 Might/Endurance/Presence (choose one within 1 hour or it will be randomly assigned), +1 Free attribute point.

Congratulations, you’ve learned skills: Shield of faith level 1

Shield of faith level 1 – 20 mana – 5-second cast – 10-minute cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Create a stationary dome absorbing a large amount of damage for 5 minutes or until destroyed.

The free point went immediately into Mind as he saw more and more item requirements for it. Also, he got a few more spells, and from his understanding, Mind affected their strength, and finally, his mana reserves started to look useful, so he could finally start spreading his points around a bit.

The new ability sounded just like what Shaman cast in his final moments. Being on the receiving end of the shield, Horn smiled. Speaking of the shaman, Horn’s leatherworker just delivered to him an adjusted coat that the goblin once wore. It was fitted to his size and slightly cut to serve as a cloak rather than full clothing. It lost a few of its bonuses, but that was fine with Horn.

White fur cloak – Scarce – Well made – min. 10 mind. 8 endurance – 4 armor – protects the wearer from cold weather, grants water magic resistance of 10%, increases maximum mana by 10 points, increases Mind by 1.

As he began walking towards the puzzle challenge, he took one last look at his status and smiled.

Name: Horn Skysmith

Race: High dwarf

Allegiance: Lightforge Clan

Level: 7 (948/700) /0/0

Current class: Battle Adept

Previous classes: -

Health [Regeneration]: 67 / 67 [32/h]

Stamina [Regeneration]: 64 / 64 [29/h]

Mana [Regeneration]: 64/64 (79/79) [29/h]

Attributes: [0 free points]

Might: 17

Reflex: 12

Mind: 11 (12)

Endurance: 23

Spirit: 23

Ability: 16

Presence: 10

Skills [0 free skill slot]: Combat proficiency level 2, Cure Wounds level 3, Radiance blast level 2, Blessed weapons level 1. Riding (Exotic beasts) level 2, Inner Fire level 1, Lore level 2, Battle Caster level 1, Flame Strike level 1, Leadership level 2, Shield of faith level 1

Traits: Chieftain, Dwarven Endurance, Low Magical affinity, Magical Resistance (Minor), Low light vision

Titles: Outnumbered specialist, Slayer I, Dungeoneer I, Dungeon Master I,

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