《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 13



The morning came faster than both the males would have loved. Jungkook was the first one to wake up all tangled with the Omega.

At first, he was confused as to why there was a heavyweight on his chest and legs. Turned out the Omega was resting his face on his chest all snuggled and tangled with their legs during their sleep.

The alpha concluded that the Omega was cuddly at night and it was indeed true.

Jungkook's POV

I was so confused when I woke up feeling something breathing down my neck, an arm around my waist, and my legs tangled up.

However, the confusion quickly vanished as I remembered that I was sharing a bed with Taehyung. I am one of those people who hate to be touched or rather those who hate to be all cuddly but I loved this moment.

I slowly moved my arm to make it rest on his bare waist. I couldn't help but rub soothing circles on his smooth tiny waist that I have been dying to touch for the past couple of months.

I will be lying if I said I don't find the Omega attractive, he is mostly all I can think about lately. However, as his senior, I don't want to make him nervous. I don't want to disturb him also, so I'm going to wait until he finishes his internship, then only I will make a move.

I don't need people to say that he got the job because he is sleeping with me, I can already tell he is also infatuated with me. I'm hot and I know, but I want him to like me for my behavior, not my looks.

I already picked up a couple of his habits, I'm not sure he picked mine yet. I was lost in my thoughts that I almost missed the shuffling of Taehyung.

Third Person

Taehyung woke up feeling guilty as he realized what he did. He could have gotten away with it if Jungkook was asleep, however, the male was very much awake.


"Good Morning Taehyung". "Good Morning Mr. Jeon". The Omega was biting his lips, he was thinking of running to the bathroom but he knew he can't just do that, he needed to apologize.

"I told you to call me Jungkook, we are not at work right now", the Omega sighed and nodded his head. "I'm sorry, I keep forgetting"."Don't worry about it",

"Mr. I mean Jungkook?", the Omega said sitting up, looking at the alpha. "Yes.?". "Please forgive me for my sleeping habits, it was not intentional, I was just...", he never finished as Jungkook cut him off.

"It's okay, I don't mind. It was nice to be cuddled up all night, it made me feel all refreshed", the alpha said making the Omega sigh in relief and immediately smiled.

"I will go bath first, to prepare for work", Jungkook nodded his head as the Omega went to bath. The alpha woke up, fixed the bed, and made his way to the window.

"I can not believe it's still raining heavily", the alpha sighed. He decided to pick up his phone only to see typhoon alerts. It made sense why it was raining so heavily.

He knew that it meant that they can't go to work. Typhoons were dangerous and he would never allow his employees to put their lives in such great danger.

An email was already sent to all employees about the typhoon. Most people were happy that they don't have to go to work, but they knew they had to work from home.

It was around 20 minutes later when Taehyung walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his chest and another on his hair. Jungkook had to swallow hard, "Please wear this, I will wash your clothes later on".

"But these are casual wear", the Omega said since Jungkook gave him sweatpants. "We can not go to work today, there is a typhoon that resulted in heavy rainfalls and other unfortunate situations. It's not safe to drive".


Taehyung's eyes widen, he immediately grabbed his phone and called his grandparents. Jungkook could see the panic in his eyes. The omega called but no one answered.

Tears started to form in his eyes, Jungkook was quick to move close to him, trying to calm him down. "Hey, calm down, maybe they don't hear the phone because they are sleeping and the rain is making them not hear properly".

Jungkook was just saying random things, "They always pick up my phone, they always do Jungkook", Jungkook couldn't hold it anymore. He brought the Omega in his embrace releasing calming pheromones.

"Shh, don't think of the worst. How about you call your cousin Jennie?", he suggested and the Omega immediately did so, still in the alpha embrace

"Hey Tae, why are you calling so early?". "Jen, I can't get ahold of Ma and Pa", the Omega was crying. Jennie could hear a manly voice calming the Omega down.

"Where are you? I will walk there to check on them", Jennie didn't stay far from Taehyung's place.

"Please be safe, there is a typhoon currently". "Don't worry Bear, I will be fine. Stop stressing, they are probably sleeping. You better tell me where you are once I find them".

Jennie dropped the call and made her way to Taehyung's place. On the other hand, Jungkook was still holding onto the Omega. Taehyung smelled amazing according to the alpha.

"She will call back with good news, relax for me okay", the alpha said making the Omega sit on the bed as he wiped the tears on his face.

"Will you be a good boy for me and stop crying?", he asked the Omega so softly and Taehyung nodded. "That's my pup", Jungkook said and continued wiping the tears from the Omega's eyes until Taehyung calmed down.

Their eyes were on each other, "You have beautiful eyes Taehyung". It slipped out the alpha's mouth, he thought he was thinking about it. The Omegas eyes widen, before he could say anything his phone rang.

It was Jennie, "Hey Jen?". "Baby bear?", the Omegas tears fell again. "Ma, why didn't you answer your phone. I was worried since there is currently a typhoon",

"Oh baby, we were sleeping. You know how your grandfather and I fall asleep easily when it rains. We are fine bear, are you okay?". "I'm fine Ma, you can go back to sleep. Tell Pa I love him".

The grandmother hanged up once they stopped talking. Jennie decided to stay with them until Taehyung come back to put him at ease.

"I believe they are fine?" Jungkook who was still kneeling in front of him said. The Omega nodded, "I overreacted I guess". The Omega was back to being shy.

"You didn't, any normal person would react like you considering the weather situation"."Thank you", the Omega mumbled and hugged Jungkook, who immediately hugged him back with no hesitation.

The alpha was right in between the Omega legs as they hugged. Both forgetting that one of them is half naked.


I hope you enjoyed, my next books are coming up... I'm thinking of having a schedule for all my books. On a certain day, I will update a specific one , what do you think?

On the other side, please pray for South Africans that stay in Durban🥺🥺🥺. It was raining during the weekend that which lead to floods. These floods caused houses to fall, sink, and many more like damage to so many things and a lot of people died. The death toll was 245 I think last time I checked. They are still looking for other bodies😭😭

If there any Durban Army, please stay safe. Borahae💜💜

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